MATT WALSH dissects an article written by a Princeton professor who claims that he can prove that there are more than two sexes. The Ivy League professor, Agustín Fuentes, has specialized knowledge in “racism,” “sex/gender” and “chasing monkeys,” according to his biography page. He argued in Scientific American magazine on Monday that biological reproductive cells (gametes) – such as sperm and egg cells – does not delineate whether someone is male or female. (BREITBART)
Non-Binary Trangender

No Gender December?
(The Tucker Video Is Dated 2014)
GAY PATRIOT records the insanity:
In Social Left Utopia, there are no girls, and there are no boys. Identifying with your biological sex is just a white supremacy-patriarchy thing.
- In 2014 a group called Play Unlimited founded No Gender December with the aim to end what they call ‘gender-stereotyped toys’. They believe that with correct parental conditioning you can actually defy biological reality and scientific studies and make boys like girl’s toys and girls like boy toys. Last year they were successful in lobbying major Australian retailers Big W and Target to end having gendered toy categories in their stores.
Yes, there was a group of spoiled, over-privileged twits with nothing better to do with their lives than that……

Two “Self-Lacerating” Stories of Western Suicide
FOX NEWS has a story to catch the listener up on the issue, and one must take not that I stuffed the CNN bit in-between Prager’s commentary.
NEWSBUSTERS discusses the upcoming D.C. policy regarding gender and I.D.
If you like your pronouns, you can keep your pronouns.
Well, you could. But not any longer. Now, you must use whatever pronoun somebody else wants. We are now all supposed to guess who might want to be thought of as another gender. Or, act like idiots and ask gender pronouns of everyone we meet.
Perhaps we need a database, readily accessible from our phones, that lists all the new gender possibilities (a large database) and then you can run down the list every time you meet someone new. “Hello, possibly human person, do you consider yourself a he, she, it, ze, zir, they or some other made up word to express your inner issues?”
Gosh, I wish I was joking. But new pronouns are all the rage. D.C. (which stands for District of Columbia, not the opposite of AC) is now issuing genderless driver’s licenses. CNN reported June 28: “They would become the first people in the United States to choose X as their gender marker instead of male or female on driver’s licenses and identification cards.” X, as we all learned in movies, marks the spot. In this case, the spot that is the most gender insane in the U.S.
Lefty media love this craziness. “On May 31, AP released its 2017 Stylebook. The new Stylebook contains changes on the language used around gender, LGBTQ people and ‘they,’ as a ‘singular, gender-neutral pronoun,’” wrote the Washington Blade.
Citylab gave readers “A Guide to Using Gender-Neutral Pronouns” way back in 2015. “Rule No. 1: Don’t assume you know someone’s gender just by looking at them,” readers were told.
For timeliness, there’s an 8-month-old Canadian baby that has no official gender. Let’s look at the loons from Jezebel to explain how insane this is: “The baby, named Searyl Atli Doty, was born in November in a house rather than a hospital and did not have a medical official inspect their genitals to determine their biological gender. One of the baby’s parents, Kori Doty, a non-binary trans person, wants Searyl to discover their own gender—and not having a specific gender on any of the baby’s records is integral to that discovery.”
“Discover their own gender.” Boy, that’s going to be one well-adjusted kid later in life.
And now, the lefty women’s site Refinery 29 explained, “THE EASIEST WAY TO KNOW IF SOMEONE PREFERS TO BE CALLED ‘HE,’ ‘SHE,’ OR ‘THEY.’” That’ was part of the video feature, “TRANS 102.”
The video is important to watch because governments in New York and Canada are working on making mis-gendering someone a crime. Yep, lefty governments are that demented. And the alt-left can’t even agree on how many genders there are — New York’s 31 or Facebook’s 58? Or some other number bigger than a bread box…..
Dennis Prager reads from GATESTONE’S article, entitled: “Australia: The Madness Continues.” The whole hour was on the West’s suicide, but this section is for all my fellow patriots to the Western ideals down-under. We are at war with trying to conserve simple common sense designations.