Sick! Obama Admin Supported, School Funded Freak! Dan Savage ~ UNPLUGGED! (Graphic Descriptions)

Andrea Mitchell (MSNBC) turns to anti-christian “sex columnist” for input on Catholic issues:

NewsBusters has this GRAPHIC and UNNERVING post about who the public schools allow into our kids minds. Someone whom the Obama administration supports in their blind politically correct egalitarianism:


….Savage’s book, “Savage Love,” collects his column of the same name. On page after page the author and gay rights advocate scoffed at monogamy and recommended and condoned a range of aberrant sexual activities. Savage enthused about bondage, shrugged at child molestation fantasies and incest, and even encouraged a reader to indulge in his fantasy to lie in an empty tub and have a woman defecate on him.Even the introduction to “Savage Love” was riddled with filth. “Mostly I give advice to breeders – eating pussy for boys, sucking dick for girls, buttfucking for everybody – which is an odd job considering I’m one of those boys who doesn’t sleep with girls,” Savage wrote.

The word breeder is an offensive term for heterosexuals, and Savage often tells his readers so. “Once upon a time, ‘breeder’ was an insult – our little derogatory term for you heterosexuals. We whispered ‘breeder’ behind your breeder-backs, and some people are going to call you breeder whether you like it or not,” Savage said. The word breeder is found 80 times throughout the book – a particular irony coming from the most high-profile anti-bullying advocate in the nation.

But to Savage, bullying gays is about the only thing that’s out of bounds. “In my opinion, child molestation fantasies do not make you an evil person,” Savage replied to a reader’s inquiry.

To another, he condoned incest between a mother and son, saying, “But hey, you’re consenting adults. If you wanna bone ma, and she wants to bone you, well, more power to you.

Long before the “50 Shades of Grey” became a popular sensation, Savage hyped BDSM. An entire section in “Savage Love” was dedicated to “Kink.”

“People once thought bondage to be an unspeakable perversion, and anyone interested in bondage was sick. These days, outside my immediate family, it’s hard to find someone who hasn’t done bondage or doesn’t want to give it a try!” Savage wrote.

Savage’s perversion isn’t confined to sex acts. He regularly goaded readers to have affairs touting “If you’re going to cheat, then cheat honest,” and responded “Fuck the sanctity of marriage, what you’re really getting is a heap of social and financial benefits. Marriage is about rights, not monogamy.”

He continued that “Only fools would build marriages with monogamy as their foundation (and only a foolish society would demand such a behavior.)”

His answer to homosexuality was a clear mockery of traditional values. “Men are not straight because they think being gay is “morally wrong,” they’re gay cuz they wanna, gotta, fuck women. What your boyfriend, as a Catholic, was taught to believe about homosexuality (no! no!) is a conflict with what his dick is telling him (yes! yes!).

Drugs and prostitution aren’t off-limits topics for Savage either. “Drugs, alcohol and sex don’t mix? Really? Get out much? Not all substance abuse is abuse,” he wrote. Elsewhere Savage stated that “The human desire for psychoactive drugs is never going away – the war on drugs, however, can and should go away.”

Prostitution? “Every problem moralists and virtuecrats cite as an argument for keeping prostitution illegal – violence, disease, child prostitution – is a problem that is either created or made worse by keeping prostitution illegal,” he said. 

This is the man who is able to reach millions of children via his “It Gets Better” bullying campaign. Although Savage is a zealous bully himself, he is endorsed by President Obama and the White House, and has said, chillingly, that  he will spread his message to children whether their parents want him to or not. Instead of hailing Dan Savage as an anti-bullying hero, the world need only read a sentence from any of his five books to see how foul the real Dan Savage is.

Alan Dershowitz Says 2nd-Degree Murder `Irresponsible` and `unethical`

HotAir h/t:

Dershowitz’s point: There’s nothing in the charging instrument that suggests probable cause to believe Zimmerman had a “depraved mind regardless of human life” when he shot Martin. On the contrary, he notes, the facts as stated are consistent with self-defense. (Tellingly, there’s also no reference to Zimmerman’s injuries.) The prosecution can amend the affidavit to strengthen its case if the judge throws it out, but then you’re left wondering why they didn’t submit a more detailed affidavit in the first place.

Listening to talk radio (Larry Elder who is a lawyer), it can be asked of the judge to add a second charge of manslaughter. Which is a lesser charge and can be argued better in front of a jury. What does this do, it makes the prosecutor look tough in front of her constituents, and it allows the city to not be blamed for the guaranteed violence that will come when this charge is either thrown out or a jury returns a “not guilty” verdict.

Chris Christie’s MSNBC’s “Gay Debate”


It passed the House last week and the Senate tonight, and the governor’s signature is a fait accompli:

The final vote by the state Senate ended a yearlong drama in Annapolis over the legislation, and marked the first time an East Coast state south of the Mason-Dixon line has supported gay nuptials…

Despite one of the largest Democratic majorities in any state legislature, backers of gay marriage in Maryland had to overcome fierce opposition from blocks of African American lawmakers and those with strong Catholic and evangelical views to cobble together coalitions big enough to pass both chambers.

The bill didn’t become viable until two more Democrats were elected to the Senate in 2010, which finally gave them the votes to move the bill out of committee. Next up: The inevitable popular referendum to see whether the law should be blocked. According to Ballotpedia, polls taken in early 2011 and 2012 show roughly 50 percent support for gay marriage in the state versus opposition in the low 40s. Much will depend on turnout, but the true significance of the referendum is that potentially it applies a bit more pressure to the Supreme Court to take this issue up constitutionally. That’s probably a done deal anyway thanks to the Ninth Circuit’s recent ruling on Prop 8, but if Maryland’s gay-marriage opponents win the referendum and gay rights activists sue to have it thrown out, that’ll be two cases in two different states in two different regions involving a question of majority rule pitted directly against minority rights. Hard for the Court to resist.


Christie’s wrong too, though, in claiming that Obama’s trying to have it both ways on gay marriage while he’s standing on principle by resolving to veto the gay-marriage bill when it gets to his desk. Christie’s trying to have it both ways too by consistently talking up the referendum as a way around him. He knows full well that it’s likely to pass if it happens — according to a poll taken a few weeks ago, the public supports gay marriage 54/35 — but he wants to keep his ducks in a row on social issues in case he ends up on the national GOP ticket someday. By supporting a referendum so effusively, he’s basically encouraging New Jerseyites to legalize gay marriage for him so that he doesn’t have to get his hands dirty doing so. Which, of course, makes the scolding from Capehart and others ironic. Christie’s not booting the issue to the public because he wants the majority to crush the minority’s rights, he’s booting it because he expects the majority will affirm the minority’s rights and thereby nullify his politically expedient veto.

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