Ron Kaye, Former L.A. Daily News Editor, Explains L.A.`s Fiscal Waste & Scare Tactics

Video Description:

NBC-LA this morning had a debate on one of the ballot measures to appear March 5th for voting in Los Angeles, “Measure A.” This is a concise soliloquies of the larger debate (here) where Mr. Kaye underlines the main problem in Los Angeles’ fiscal practice for the past 30-years. He points out that “Measure A” will not fix the core issue while also touching on the scare tactics of the city council and Mayor. This micro L.A. level issue is an example of what is ailing California as well as the country. (Posted by: Religio-Political Talk)

Meet a L.A. Nazi (No White Bed Sheets Here) ~ Plus: Group Asks Democrats to Disavow Anti-Semitism in O.W.S.

Via LR

Gateway Pundit has this excellent point/post:

The Emergency Committee for Israel released a video plea today asking democrats to speak out against the anti-Semitism at their national Occupy Wall Street protests.
This video speaks volumes.