Putting Democracy At Risk – Dems v. GOP

You see, it is good if Democrats do it because they — in their elitist knowledge — know what is best for Democracy. When Republicans even suggest the same… they are evil DESTRUCTORS of the same Democracy:

(I love Mika’s headache!)

Maybe the Clinton’s [esp. HIllary] were just so shocked by the outcome that Democracy must be harmed? This surprising outcome on November 8th can be seen in this video purportedly showing the Clinton’s celebrating Hillary’s victory the morning of.

(Take note of Bill Clinton’s “inner school girl” coming out)

Kudos To Morning Joe On The “Bill Clinton Inc.” News Story

This is a must watch two videos and article mentioned herein by HOTAIR:

When MSNBC (even the painful-to-watch Morning Joe) takes a full seventeen minutes to discuss the “sleazy” connections between Bill Clinton and his cronies and their “get rich quick from other people’s money” schemes, it’s worth taking notice.

First take a quick read of Thursday’s Washington Post article titled “Inside ‘Bill Clinton Inc.’: Hacked memo reveals intersection of charity and personal income” which details the latest revelations about America’s favorite, corrupt first family:

The memo, made public Wednesday by the anti-secrecy group WikiLeaks, lays out the aggressive strategy behind lining up the consulting contracts and paid speaking engagements for Bill Clinton that added tens of millions of dollars to the family’s fortune, including during the years that Hillary Clinton led the State Department. It describes how Band helped run what he called “Bill Clinton Inc.,” obtaining “in-kind services for the President and his family — for personal travel, hospitality, vacation and the like.”

Band and his Teneo co-founder, former Hillary Clinton fundraiser Declan Kelly, declined to comment. But Teneo issued a statement saying that “as the memo demonstrates, Teneo worked to encourage clients, where appropriate, to support the Clinton Foundation because of the good work that it does around the world. It also clearly shows that Teneo never received any financial benefit or benefit of any kind from doing so.”

Spokesmen for Bill Clinton and Chelsea Clinton and the foundation declined to comment.

There’s more to it and you really should read the whole thing….

Peaceful Transitions (John and Ken)

THE FEDERALIST notes how the following liberals are outraged at Trump’s statements… but have rejected results or called them into question in the past:

1. Labor Union Leader Roseann Demoro — The national vice president of the AFL-CIO wrote an article for Salon in which she explained how the Democratic Party primary was “rigged from the start.”…

2. NYU Professor Mark Crispin Miller — This New York University professor has taught several courses and authored several books claiming that George W. Bush’s presidential victories in 2000 and again in 2004 were the result of large-scale fraud. After John Kerry lost the 2004 presidential election, Miller told Democracy Now! that the Democratic nominee said the election was stolen from him….

3. Vox’s Ezra Klein — In 2014, Klein wrote a piece explaining that the election process is skewed in favor of incumbent candidates. Once in office, candidates often get to have a say in where the electoral lines are drawn — which means they can gerrymander their way into staying in office….

4. Vox’s Dara Lind — Lind wrote a piece today entitled “A short history of white people rigging elections,” in which she explains how white people intimidated black people by acting violently towards them at the polls….

5. Politico‘s Ben Wofford — In August, Wofford wrote a piece explaining how the election could be hacked in seven minutes. The piece focuses on a professor who bought an $82 voting machine and hacked with it so he could manipulate results….

6. Talking Points Memo’s Josh Marshall — In 2006, Marshall accused the Ohio secretary of State of helping to steal the 2004 election in favor of Bush. Now, he says Trump’s claims of election-rigging are “disgusting.”….

7. Salon’s Farhad Manjoo — “Was the New Hampshire vote stolen?” Manjoo asked of the 2008 New Hampshire primary Clinton unexpectedly won….

8. Sen. Elizabeth Warren — Today, Warren chided Trump on Twitter…. In 2013, however, Warren went on the Senate floor to chastise Republicans for making“naked attempts to nullify the results of the last presidential election. To force us to govern as though President Obama hadn’t won the 2012 election.”….

See more examples:

MSNBC Panel Admits Media Bias in “Cruz Cartoon”

(NewsBusters) There was surprising consensus on today’s Morning Joe concerning the Washington Post cartoon that depicted Ted Cruz as an organ grinder and his youngs girls as monkeys. From Mika Brzezinski to Joe Scarborough to Harold Ford, Jr., there was universal condemnation of Ann Telnaes’ foul image.

Willie Geist said it best: “people look for moments of bias in the media. Here’s one right here. You can’t be selectively offended by cartoons. If that had been a Democrat, or God forbid the President of the United States, they would have lit the house on fire. There would have been wall-to-wall coverage on it.”

An AWESOME National Review Video of Morning Joe!

Television gets it more right than the Obama admin! Hat-Tip to Cyril!

[fbvideo link=”https://www.facebook.com/nationalreview/videos/10156321613335093/” width=”698″ height=”580″ onlyvideo=”0 or 1″]  

Aaand, ISIS is J.V., aaaand ISIS is weak… Clown Shoes is what the Obama admin is. And Bernie and the other Democrats aren’t any better.


  • About 20 minutes earlier, CNN correspondent Jim Acosta confronted Obama over his claim during the press conference that he “had not underestimated ISIS’s abilities.” Acosta pointed out that “this is an organization that you once described as a J.V. team that evolved into a force that has now occupied territory in Iraq and Syria, and is now able to use that safe haven to launch attacks in the other parts of the world.” He then asked, “How is that not underestimating their capabilities and how is that contained, quite frankly?…I guess the question is, and if you’ll forgive the language, is why can’t we take out these bastards?” 

IRS HID PROBE UNTIL AFTER ELECTION ~ Memory Issues of IRS Chief Steven Miller (Paul Ryan Added)

Via Weekly Standard:

Report: IRS Deliberately Chose Not to Fess Up to Scandal Before Election: “[I]f this fact came out in September 2012, in the middle of a presidential election? The terrain would have looked very different.”

Via Gateway Pundit:

IRS Chief Steven Miller told Rep. Dave Reichert at the House Ways and Means Committee hearing this morning that he can’t remember who was responsible at the IRS for targeting conservatives.

Paul Ryan gets Commissioner to admit the words “progressive” (and other liberal keywords/descriptors) was not used.