Friday Fodder

Woah! Crazy Landslide Caught on Video
A powerful landslide near the town of Alta took eight houses into the sea off northern Norway, Wednesday, June 3.
More from RT:

The landslide Wednesday was filmed by local resident Jan Egil Bakkedal who said he ran for his life when he realised what was happening.
One of the houses that was lost belonged to him.
Police said the landslide in the village of Kraakneset was between 650 meters and 800 meters wide (2,145-2,640 feet) and up to 40 meters (132 feet) high.
Several minor landslides followed, and nearby houses were protectively temporarily evacuated.
No injuries were reported.

Some Videos I Find Some Pleasure In (LOL Riots)
.@BaltimorePolice just knocked out a Black woman in downtown.
— Kwame Rose (@kwamerose) May 30, 2020
Fayetteville, NC wild as hell ?
— tyler (@ihateyoutyIer) May 31, 2020
A man trying to board a bus with a stolen ATM machine. I don’t know whether to laugh or cry.
— Tony Ashai (@tonyashai) May 31, 2020

Alarm Clocks (Armstrong & Getty)
These guy always make me laugh. And this “everything you didn’t need to know about alarm clocks” segment from their “best of” from today. I also relate because before my wife’s Fit-Bit, she was a 30-minutes before she needed to get up and hit snooze 6-times on that annoying car-alarm sounding noise. Anyways, enjoy the non-coronavirus/non-political break.

Dad Jokes (Friday Fodder)
Sorry. Had ta’ do it.

A “Firenado” Turns Into a Waterspout

Friday Fodder ~ TGIF
Fly… Be Free.
Evicts Bear Like a Boss!
Mom… help
Please Forgive Me
One Mans Art Is Another’s Trash
The Empty Pickle Jar
Brain Freeze
Scaredy Cats
I prefer to drink from glass myself
Cool… wild parrots and cocktails

Friday Fodder ~ LONG Time Coming
A world with no women drivers (I duck as the wife smacks the back of my head)
“Cat” Burglar
Cool Dog
Ethereal Door Knocker
A goat tree
Dog Rats Out Best Friend
Older brother rats out younger brother
Dance off!
Donuts… Amish style
Sad Dog tries to save friends
Dog has rufthym
One slap too many
Chris P. Bacon
Cat play ping-pong
Rid-em’ Cowboy!
Dolphins having fun — look for the juveniles having the most fun
An improved selfie-stick
HOT[!] Dog!
Looks like me after a tequila shot
First time hearers
CLASSIC Dangerfield
The Ninja strikes again
This woodpecker HATES trees!
5-year old Deep Purple cover
(*Looks down at gut*)
Goats like to have fun too
Blinded by love
Close Call!
Art… wait… or junk?
An odd couple[s]
Spacey nails it

All HISHE Super Café Scenes (Plus Alternate Endings)

Arnold Swartzenegger’s 79,000 Calorie Sandwich (Kevin & Bean)
Kevin & Bean talk to Harley Morenstein from Epic Meal Time about cooking with Arnold Swartzenegger. Funny interview, small portion of video included.
(LA Times) An almost 80,000-calorie sandwich made by Arnold Schwarzenegger? We must be talking about Epic Meal Time, the popular YouTube show with the sole mission of making the most epic meals ever.
The Governator teamed up with the show’s Harley Morenstein to create what they’re calling the steak and egger sandwich. And the best part? They cook parts of the sandwich on Schwarzenegger’s M47 Patton tank.
Yes, it’s an actual tank, with Schwarzenegger’s name written across the side.
“What more do you want, Internet?” asks Morenstein in the video.
The two men layer slices of cheese, a loaf of baked ground meat, bacon and ostrich eggs on two giant buns.
“This section alone will build huge biceps,” says Schwarzenegger, pointing out different areas of the sandwich. “This section here, the calves.”
Before putting on the top bun, Schwarzenegger does some push-ups on top of the sandwich. So we can now add “The Terminator” star’s sweat to the list of growing ingredients.
According to an Epic Meal Time calorie counter in the video, the sandwich contains 78,583 calories and 4,172 grams of fat.
And would you believe us if we told you this monster sandwich is really for the kids? Schwarzenegger and Morenstein are using the sandwich video to promote the charity After-School All-Stars that creates after-school programs for kids. You can donate $10 for a chance to make a meal and video with Schwarzenegger and Morenstein, then ride with the two in his tank.
Cold Improve Friday Fodders (12-13-2013) ~ Last of 2013
Friday Fodder (9-27-2013)
Two Guys Found Chuck Norris Resting In The Ditch
No Fear
What Is This Plumbers Number?
“Get Up” and Dance… Literally
Girls, Pay Attention
Package Delivery
Out for a Cruise
Great Ad For _____??
Dancin Grandma Tries To Woo Younger Guys
Kids Today Just Don’t Listen!
Penguin Up
Faux Sideswipe
Men and Women Defined in One Response
GTA-5 Revenge
Drawing on a Fortune