Brian Mudd Fills In For Mark Levin — Nunes Memo

Brian Mudd fills in for Mark Levin, on the day of the Nunes’ memo release. Brian goes through the incontrovertible facts… which have not (and will not) be shown to be false. Here is Mudd’s TWITTER:

READ THE MEMO (Via Powerline)

Greg Jarrett & Tom Fitton Discuss The Memo

Hannity interviews Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch and Greg Jarrett of Fox News regarding the legalities and criminal activity involved in the Nunes Memo revelations. KEY PLAYERS are named!

✦ Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch | Twitter
✦ Greg Jarrett of Fox News | Twitter

READ THE MEMO (Via Powerline)

Trump Gets No Love – Larry Elder

By the way, for any squishy Leftists reading this…. the “love” Larry Elder mentions is not the emotional kind (like when someone has “puppy love”).  This is the deeper issue of the media and it’s bias guiding American thought. From winning pulitzer prizes for hiding 5-million deaths by starvation in a single year by the USSR, from leading Democrats personally asking the Kremlin for help in defeating Reagan, to bar code reader lies being used to make Republican’s look dumb to negative comments on the economy when a Republican is in office to when a Democrat takes over and the economy doesn’t change one iota but the press calls it wonderful. Or when PBS does a “truthful” hard hitting documentary on bill Clinton and LIES about the economy involved… this is the “love” Larry Elder tweeted on:

Main Stream Media Blames Schumer For Failed Shutdown

Larry Elder goes through an interview where CNN’s Brooke Baldwin presses Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) about what the Democrats got in return for shutting down the government. Even Brooke Baldwin is taken back by the spin. Other clips from CNN show that the onus lays at Schumer’s feet… what I mean by that is when you have lost CNN, you know you are in deep doo-doo.

People On FB Still Pushing White Supremacy – Thank You!

I came across this post on Facebook a friend was involved in. My friend and others were responding to this post (as well as others)… but it got me thinking…

… we should really be thanking people like Jon M. Why? Well, because of the growth in minorities who say they are going to vote for Trump or feel they are better off now than a year ago… despite the ad-hominem attack. People like Jon M. are making more people sick of the lies and labels and more likely to vote GOP. Let me explain with my Facebook response to Jon

FB Response

[media enhanced]

(CAUTION, reading required… I know this is a stretch beyond simple bumper sticker mantras I see above… but facts have been scarce, so I thought I would bring some to the party. You do not have to follow the links… they are meant for people who care to check their positions at the door and do critical thinking.)

This is why blacks and Hispanic/Latino people will vote for Trump more in 2020 (or the GOP) than they already did in 2016. People who have a common sense understanding about border security, jobs, taxes, and want to fix properly what was promised to Reagan and was essentially double crossed on…

… they are now called white supremacists. They are sick of the violent bumper sticker labels.

There isn’t a single thing Trump has done that has endeared him to white supremacy (WS). I have spent some time in jail and know intimately the viewpoints of white-power individuals… not to mention having studied the views of four racist cults in-depth (Christian Identity [defunct for the most part], the KKK [5,000 members], the Nation of Islam [NOI], and the Five-Percenters). Unannounced to the bumper sticker mantras above, almost all KKK’ers are socialist, and vote almost entirely Democrat.

I make that point in two of my posts here:

Radical Groups Support the Democrats (Even the KKK)
Some Trump Sized Mantras
Blacks, Hispanics and Gays are Sexist, Xenophobic, Homophobic, Racist

QUESTION: So, if the majority of KKK’ers who did vote voted for Obama… does that make Obama a white supremacist???

QUESTION: Are the thirteen percent of Muslims voted for Trump, triple the amount that voted Romney, are they are Islamophobic, white supremacists???

QUESTION: Eight percent of blacks voted for Trump, seven percent more than Romney — not to mention the black men and women who didn’t vote for the president at all in a higher percentage. These same men and women previously voted twice for Obama. These persons of color… if I understand my detractors correctly, are white supremacists???

Mind you, I noted months before the election of Obama his racist tendencies in this video: “Obamacon – Twenty Years In A Racist Church” (Mind you, I look like a white supremacist… but that is why I spend the first 6-minutes giving my bio):

…but even Obama’s bigotry wouldn’t fall towards supporting white supremacists.

I also wish to commend my discussion with an older Democrat on my vacation:

Hot-Tub Conversations ~ Discussing Politics on Vacation

BUT, AGAIN, this is why Trump will win again, that is, because people are sick of being called racist for believing the same thing all politicians did a generation ago, what Cesar Chavez (UFW founder) fought for.

QUESTION: Is the co-founder of the United Food Workers Union, Cesar Chavez, a white supremacist???

And the worst name calling has been against black persons who are Republicans and/or are starting to support the GOP via Trump. (You should see the stuff said of Larry Elder that I censor on my YouTube — the nicer ones are “coon” and “Uncle-Tom.” — agains, people don’t actually read so they don’t know that character in Harriet Beecher Stowe telling was the hero.)

HERE is a poll to further my point that people like Jon M. are helping Trump, not hurting him (via BLACKSPHERE):

Not one, but TWO new polls show President Donald Trump’s rising support among black voters. And this news has Leftists panicked.

After all the genned up nonsense about Trump being racist, the president has doubled his support from blacks.

According to the Atlantic among black men, Trump’s “2017 average approval rating significantly exceeds his 2016 vote share,” The article points out that now “23 percent of black men approved of Trump’s performance versus 11 percent of black women.”

On average, Trump’s support among blacks is around 17 percent, versus 8 percent score reported in 2016 exit polls.

At that time, Trump received 13 percent support among black men and 4 percent support among black women.

The poll was based on “a cumulative analysis of 605,172 interviews Survey Monkey conducted with Americans in 2017.”

Doubling Down

A second poll by CBS showed a similar level of black support for Trump, reporting 18 percent of blacks now support President Trump.

Interestingly, only 41 percent were firmly against the president. Thus, 59 percent of blacks are willing to give him a chance.

I honestly can’t imagine how Democrats must feel after evaluating the information in this report. Talk about taking a swift kick to the nether region. Check out Question 2:

That HAD to hurt!

35 percent of blacks believe they are better off under President Trump, while 21 percent say the same. The 43 percent are “hold outs”, stuck in the Afro/Daishiki/Platform Shoes Era.

Could Trump garner 35 percent of the vote in future elections? As Sarah Palin would say, “You betcha!”

(read it all)

QUESTION: are these 35% of black persons white supremacists???

There is a political phrase from the past that fits nicely here:

  • “It’s the economy stupid” 

The street version of that is more to the point:

  • “Money talks, bullshit walks.”

You see, Jon M. is still talking bullshit. Which we should thank him for… because people are walking away from that smelly pile into the GOP.

Obama Admin/DOJ Broke FISA Law

GATEWAY PUNDIT says of the following report:

A Report was released in April of 2017 that received no publicity until recently.

The report was a ruling on the results of an investigation or audit into FISA searches made by Obama’s FBI and DOJ during Obama’s time in office.

The report shows Obama’s FBI and DOJ participated in widespread criminal searches and criminal sharing of data with non authorized entities outside of government.

On April 26, 2017, an unsealed FISA Court Ruling unveiled a number of criminal activities that Barack Obama’s FBI and DOJ participated in during his time in office.  The report to date received little attention.  Now interest is brewing due to the recent actions of Congress and the report that is expected to be released in the upcoming weeks….

Here is the report referenced in GP’s post:

FISA searches can be conducted on any foreign person without issue.  All non-U.S. citizens on the entire planet can be searched 24/7/365 no issues.  FISA searches on foreign people have no restrictions at all.

However, when the FISA search returns data identifying a U.S. citizen, everything changes. Those changes are under the identifying term “702”.  A “702” is an American person.

All U.S. citizens are protected by the fourth amendment against unlawful search and seizure. All searches of U.S. people must have a valid reason.  Title III says any search for a potential criminal investigation must have a judicial warrant.  Additionally, any criminal search of the FISA database must also have a warrant (technically, ‘approval’).

Any FISA searches of foreign subjects, might need FISA Court approval if the returned data includes a U.S. subject (“702”).


non-compliance rate of 85% raises substantial questions about the propriety of using of [Redacted – likely “About”] query FISA data.

(SEE ALL the pertinent released FISA/FBI documents at THE MARKETS WORK)

To wit, Democrat Representative Adam Schiff — leading on the “Russia Collusion” and impeachment thingies — says the public should not view the memo because the American public would not understand its talking points without the accompaniment reports to which the memo refers (GP h-t):

CABRERA: “Why not allow peel to look at it and let Americans make the decision for themselves about whether it’s useful information or not?”

SCHIFF: “Well, because the American people unfortunately don’t have the underlying materials and therefore they can’t see how distorted and misleading this document is. The Republicans are not saying make the underlying materials available to the public. They just want to make this spin available to the public. I think that spin, which is a attack on the FBI, is just designed to attack the FBI and Bob Mueller to circle the wagons for the White House. And that’s a terrible disservice to the people, hard working people at the bureau, but more than that, it’s a disservice to the country.”

Lo-and-behold… Schiff’s wish is gonna be granted — although I doubt that is what he wanted. Ooops.


According to the Washington Examiner‘s Byron York, Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-VA), Oversight Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy (R-SC) and Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-CA) huddled together Saturday to discuss a “never-before-used procedure” for releasing the “shocking” FISA abuse memo. 

Washington Examiner reports:

There’s no doubt Republicans want the public to see the classified memo. To get it out, they are studying a never-before-used procedure whereby House Intelligence Committee members would vote to make the memo public, after which the president would have five days to object.

If the president had no objection, the memo would become public after those five days. If the president did object, the matter would go to the full House, which could vote to overrule the president’s objections and release the memo anyway.

In addition to the procedure, the three lawmakers are plotting how to go about releasing additional intelligence in support of the FISA memo. In a statement to CNN, Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) said he is in favor of the move.

CNN reports:

Republicans appear to be charging ahead with their plan to publicly release the document and potentially some of the underlying intelligence so long as sources and methods are not disclosed. “If we’re going to go through the process anyway of declassifying the memo, are there some of the supporting documents that might not reveal sources and methods but might answer key questions that the memo does raise?” said Rep. Matt Gaetz […] “Chairman Goodlate and Chairman Gowdy and Chairman Nunes each sort of have jurisdiction over elements, and they are meeting and discussing a process now that I think will lead to greater transparency.”


While one may not think these are related…. they are. We are uncovering a massive cover up of illegal activity meant to sway an election:

If Trump Is Racist For Norway Comment… Why Not Obama?

The dumbest thing about all this is Trump made the Norway comments basically just after meeting with the Prime Minister of that country. So “Norway” was merely in the forefront of his mind. Obviously Norway is not a country who’s socialist tendencies and welfare from the West would be appreciated. Listen to:

Also, previously the history of Chuck Schumers racism is noted in this post, Sen. Schumer’s Bigoted, Nay, Racist Past. For some more excerpts and links to original sources, see GATEWAY PUNDITS post on the matter.

Larry Elder deals firstly with Chuck Schumers blatant racism, then he notes how the Democrat press views Trump’s statement about Norway, and he then reads from an ATLANTIC article regarding similar “racist” statements by Obama. Obama’s comments were much worse however, as, they were saying the CULTURE of countries like Norway are superior to that of Middle-East and Northern African nations. HYPOCRISY is the word of the day.

“I wish I had killed more [cops]” – Illegal Alien

(Via DAILY CALLER) President Trump’s re-election campaign released a new ad on Saturday slamming Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and other Democrats as “complicit” in future murders committed by illegal immigrants.

The ad featured Luis Bracamontes, an illegal immigrant on trial for killing two police officers who told a judge he only wished he “had killed more of the mother******s.”….. (See more via CBS)

Sean Hannity Making Clear Democrat Crimes

Hannity brings on Reps. Jim Jordan and Matt Gaetz to discuss FISA (1-18-18)

Sean Hannity (1-19-18) — will start at the 8:25 mark:

Rush Limbaugh Talks About the DOJ/FBI/FISA Memo

The news that was revealing to me was that Christopher Steele didn’t write the dossier much at all. It was turned over to Russian sources who wrote most of it. WOW! Hillary and the DNC literally paid for Kremlin propaganda to use against another campaign/sitting President.It is worse than Watergate because it is using U.S. resources and intelligence agencies to overthrow another political figure. Rush Limbaugh touches on the Intelligence Committee (FBI/FISA) memo that all of Congress has seen now.

The revealing it to all of Congress was a party line vote by-the-way… the Democrats who originally saw it did not want others to see it. And the reason Democrats haven’t leaked the information therein so far is because they KNOW it will harm their efforts against Trump… nor is the anti-Trump media wanting the information, as, they want to protect Democrat efforts. The plot has thickened a while back as well.

Don Lemon Couldn’t Get MLK’s Nephew To Call Trump Racist

  • If he’s racist, “Why did NBC give him a show for a decade on TV, why did Chuck Schumer and all of his colleagues come and beg Donald Trump for money?” — Sarah Sanders

This is hilarious! CNN was doing what they usually do, when there was a little hiccup in their plan. CNN’s Don Lemon spoke with MLK’s nephew, Isaac Newton Farris Jr. on Monday night and lost his mind because Farris refused to call President Trump racist. (H-T GATEWAY PUNDIT)

  • While I like their rants (Paul Watson, Mark Dice, and others) and these commentaries hold much truth in them, I do wish to caution you… he is part of Info Wars/Prison Planet network of yahoos, a crazy conspiracy arm of Alex Jones shite. Also, I bet if I talked to him he would reveal some pretty-crazy conspiratorial beliefs that would naturally undermine and be at-odds-with some of his rants. Just to be clear, I do not endorse these people or orgs.