(Eye Still On The Ball) Congressional Oversight in the Face of Executive Branch and Media Suppression: The Case Study of Crossfire Hurricane. Two people I respect greatly:
Crossfire Hurricane

Steele Dossier Was Exclusively Used (UPDATED)
NEWSBUSTERS notes this about the Steele Dossier:
- While CNN previously insisted that the FISA warrant against Page did not use the infamous and debunked Steele dossier, in a Senate hearing on Wednesday, IG Michael Horowitz confirmed that the warrant was “entirely” reliant on it. The report also showed that FBI investigators knew the dossier was bogus and presented it to the FISA court as a reliable source of information.
They link to this excellent article by THE FEDERALIST:
In an astonishing admission, the Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz conceded to lawmakers Wednesday that the FBI’s FISA applications used to continue surveillance on the 2016 Trump campaign were based entirely on sources for the widely discredited Steele Dossier funded by the Democrats.
“The FISA applications relied entirely on information from the Steele… from the primary sub-source’s reporting to support the allegation that Page was coordinating with the Russian government on 2016 U.S. presidential election activities. However, the FBI did not share this information from department lawyers, and it was therefore omitted from the last two renewal applications,” Horowitz said.
The Democrat-funded Steele Dossier was basis for the grand Russian conspiracy theory peddled by deep-state government officials and the media that lead to a two-and-a-half year special counsel investigation with unlimited resources that ultimately vindicated the president.
The Horowitz report illustrates how the primary sub-source’s information fed to the Steele Dossier undercut the dossier’s own claims….
BTW, for 2-years I was told that the Steele Dossier was only PART of the warrants. NOPE. I was right, others woefully wrong.
Some Additional Stuff
In an article noted by POWERLINE, Tucker Carlson notes how the media is partially responsible for the “cover-up” of facts regarding the spying on an American citizen – via JEWISH WORLD REVIEW:
Thanks to the Department of Justice Inspector General’s report, we now know for certain what has been, for those paying attention, fairly obvious. The Steele dossier played a central role in the genesis of the Russia hoax and was used to justify extensive spying on former naval officer and Annapolis graduate Carter Page.
The top two leaders of the FBI were closely involved in this fiasco. Other powerful people knew what was happening and lied to cover it up. That all was confirmed by the IG report. The report was a disaster for the credibility of top leaders in Barack Obama’s FBI, and it’s also a big problem for the American news media.
For example, in early 2018, Washington Post intelligence and national security correspondent Shane Harris lectured Kim Strassel of The Wall Street Journal about how little she knows about the story.
“Yes,” he wrote, “I am telling you the dossier was not used as the basis for a FISA warrant on Carter Page.” That’s false. And yet, Harris hasn’t apologized or even acknowledged his incompetence.
Or take NBC News’s so-called intelligence correspondent Ken Dilanian. In the summer of 2018, he smugly tweeted, “Trump is wrong about Carter Page, the dossier and the FISA warrant.” But it looks like Trump was right, and he was wrong.
CNN Newsroom anchor and chief national security correspondent Jim Sciutto did admit the Steele dossier might have been used for the warrant. But don’t be impressed. He lectured readers that “the FBI would corroborate information in the dossier on its own before using such intel to justify the FISA warrant.” Of course, that didn’t happen. In fact, the FBI hid information showing the dossier was false. Did Sciutto issue a correction? Of course not. But it does seem a little unfair to focus on Jim Sciutto. He was merely following the lead of almost everyone else at CNN, all of whom were frantically trying to convince us that the dossier was irrelevant:
Evan Perez, CNN senior justice correspondent: “You know, a lot of people will focus on the dossier, a lot of people will focus on a FISA, of Carter Page, and they’ll say they were spying on a campaign. But at the beginning, this is all about what Russia was doing.”
Shimon Prokupecz, CNN crime & justice correspondent: “Now Republicans were trying to claim that the dossier was key to getting the FISA, the surveillance warrant for Carter Page. But the Democrats memo clearly shows it wasn’t key.”
James Clapper, CNN national security analyst: “Even the earlier version of the redacted FISA authorization to me had enough information in it to indicate that the dossier was certainly not used as the primary source.”
Everything you just read turned out to be wrong. Has CNN retracted the comments or apologized? That’s a rhetorical question. Apologies require introspection and integrity. At CNN, they’re doubling down. CNN’s Don Lemon explained that, by definition, everything CNN reported was true….
Back in September of 2017, the EMPTY WHEEL was already noting John Sipher’s defense of the dossier as indefensible: “John Sipher’s Garbage Post Arguing the Steele Dossier Isn’t Garbage” And my post documenting the hard work of MYRDDRAAL showing that almost nothing was confirmed as true or fitting reality is here: “Past CIA Head of Russia Clueless“
CHUCK ROSS add to the media blame by noting that a Washington Post reporter is going back and doing a series on how the Steele Dossier was proffered as fact. In this latest article, Rachel Maddow is under the microscope: “WaPo Columnist Rips Rachel Maddow For Hyping Steele Dossier“
…According to the IG report, the FBI was unable to corroborate any of Steele’s allegations of collusion involving the Trump campaign. Steele’s primary source for the dossier also disputed key allegations in the document. Steele told FBI agents in October 2016 that one of the main sub-sources for the dossier was a “boaster” and “embellisher,” the report further stated.
Wemple laid out a timeline of Maddow’s coverage of the dossier, noting that she tended to hype developments that cut in favor of Steele’s reporting, while ignoring information that undermined the ex-spy.
“When small bits of news arose in favor of the dossier, the franchise MSNBC host pumped air into them,” wrote Wemple. “At least some of her many fans surely came away from her broadcasts thinking the dossier was a serious piece of investigative research, not the flimflam, quick-twitch game of telephone outlined in the Horowitz report.”
“She seemed to be rooting for the document,” he noted.
According to Wemple, Maddow touted reports from other news outlets that claimed parts of the dossier were corroborated. On May 3, 2017, she said on her show that “more and more” aspects of the dossier had been “independently corroborated.”
On Oct. 5, 2017, she said that “a lot” of the claims in the dossier were “dead to rights.” On April 16, 2018, she hyped a story published by McClatchy that the special counsel’s team had received evidence backing up the dossier’s allegation that former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen visited Prague in August 2016 to meet Kremlin operatives. The IG report said that the allegation was “not true.”
Maddow appeared so convinced of the dossier’s accuracy that she aired an hour-long special report on Dec. 8, 2017 hyping Steele’s reporting.
Maddow has only mentioned the Steele dossier once on her show since the release of the IG report. But instead of discussing the report’s critique of Steele, Maddow asserted that the IG debunked a GOP theory that the dossier was the spark for the FBI’s investigation of the Trump campaign.
“She was there for the bunkings, absent for the debunkings — a pattern of misleading and dishonest asymmetry,” says Wemple.
And where is the full-court-press in discussing how Adam Schiff has been shown to be woefully wrong at best, and a liar at worst (THE LID):
….Schiff ‘s also lied when he claimed the Justice Department was truthful with the FISA court about “Steele’s prior relationship with the FBI.”
Page 364 of Horowitz report says the “source characterization statement asserting that Steele’s prior reporting had been “corroborated and used in criminal proceedings,” which overstated the significance of Steele’s past reporting and was not approved by Steele’s FBI handling agent, as required by the Woods Procedures”
Schiff claimed the FBI conducted a “rigorous process” to vet Steele’s allegations, and the Page FISA application explained the FBI’s reasonable basis for finding Steele credible. But Horowitz disagreed on Page 383 and 384 of his report.
We determined that prior to and during the pendency of the FISAs the FBI was unable to corroborate any of the specific substantive allegations against Carter
Page contained in the election reporting and relied on in the FISA applications, and was only able to confirm the accuracy of a limited number of circumstantial facts,\ most of which were in the public domain, such as the dates that Page traveled to Russia, the timing of events, and the occupational positions of individuals referenced in the reports.
In addition to the lack of corroboration, we found that the FBI’s interviews of Steele, the Primary Sub-source, and a second sub-source, and other investigative activity revealed potentially serious problems with Steele’s description of information in his election reports.
None of this was told to the court.
The Steele report also contended that the Russians had evidence that while staying at the Ritz-Carlton in Moscow Trump hired a hooker to give him a “golden shower,” ignoring the fact that the POTUS is something of a germaphobe and would never do that with a stranger. Page 188 of the Horowitz report explains the FBI knew the source who told Steele about the supposed incident was joking:
The Primary Sub-source explained that his/ her information came from “word of mouth and hearsay;” “conversation that [he/she] had with friends over beers; ” and that some of the information, such as allegations about Trump’s sexual activities, were statements he/she heard made in “jest.”
The Primary Sub-source also told WFO Agent 1 that he/she believed that the other sub-sources exaggerated their access to information and the relevance of that information to his/her requests. The Primary Sub-source told WFO Agent 1 that he/she “takes what [sub-sources] tell [him/ her] with ‘a grain of salt.”
The Horowitz report proves that Adam Schiff, the man who is leading the effort to impeach President Trump, lied to America about the FISA report….
All this is a travesty to truth.

FBI Spy Operation On Trump (SPYGATE)
UPDATES will appear above [scroll up] Ace of Spades
Keep in mind this whole story is about BIG government and makes Prager’s maxim stand taller:
- The larger the government, the smaller the individual.
The NEW YORK TIMES offered a major correction to its “official” timeline of when the spy operation started against the Trump Campaign. The NYTs confirms a spy in the Trump campaign, thus, undermining its own attacks on “crazy Trump” and his and other conservative “conspiracy theories” – so called.
Since Sally Yates, the acting Attorney General who was appointed by Obama, signed the first FISA application using the Steele Dossier as evidence to spy on a campaign of an opposing political Party, you bet Obama would have been aware.
One thing the NYT article did admit, and that is that “…No Evidence Exists of Trump-Russia Collusion” (EPOCH TIMES). And there have been many concerted efforts to whitewash the players in this cabal from the article in the New York Times — proving they are helping soften the blow (MOLLIE HEMINGWAY) — click graphic to enlarge:
What is the bottom line of this issue?
- The NYTs reveals FBI used a secret type of subpoena to spy on the Trump campaign, as well as human spies inserted into the campaign – BEFORE Carter-Page, before Papadopoulos, BEFORE Flynn (BREITBART). Meaning, this is a concerted effort by a political party to overturn an election. Lavrentiy Pavlovich Beria, head of Stalin’s secret police, once told Stalin, “Show me the man and I’ll find you the crime.” – Me
All I will do is give a listing of some articles that are noting the NYT column:
- Spinning a Crossfire Hurricane: The Times on the FBI’s Trump Investigation (NATIONAL REVIEW, by Andrew C. Mccarthy | May 17, 2018);
- Crossfire Hurricane: Category Five Political Espionage (AMERICAN SPECTATOR, by George Neumayr | May 18, 2018);
- National Security Letter (WIKIPEDIA)
- 10 Key Takeaways From The New York Times’ Error-Ridden Defense Of FBI Spying On Trump Campaign (THE FEDERALIST, Mollie Hemingway | May 17, 2018);
- NYT Report Confirms Obama Administration’s FBI Spied on Trump Campaign (LEGAL INSURRECTION, by Kemberlee Kaye | May 16, 2018);
- Just WOW: Kimberley Strassel’s thread on NYT ‘Hurricane Crossfire’ piece incredibly DAMNING for Obama DOJ/FBI (TWITCHY May 17, 2018| THREAD READER, May 16, 2018);
- The Origin of The Feces – Corrupt Intelligence Community Now Leaking To Justify Unlawful Election Surveillance: Operation “Crossfire Hurricane” (CONSERVATIVE TREE HOUSE | May 16, 2018);
- The Morning Report (ACE OF SPADES | 5/17/18);
- Trump: Obama FBI ‘Probably’ Had a Spy Inside Presidential Campaign (FREE BEACON, byPaul Crookston | May 17, 2018);
- A “Crossfire Hurricane” Of Partisanship (HOWARD KURTZ | May 17, 2018);
- Operation Crossfire Hurricane + I.G. Report Update (SEAN HANNITY | May 16, 2018)
- Code Name Crossfire Hurricane: The Secret Origins of the Trump Investigation (ABOVE TOP SECRET | May, 16 2018).
Here is another evidence of the New York Times carrying water for this deep state:
This example cam from an article entitled, “The Deep State Is Real, And Much Bigger Than You Know” (TOWNHALL).
- In Politicized Justice, Desperate Times Call for Disparate Measures (NATIONAL REVIEW, Andrew C. Mccarthy | May 19, 2018 )
Stefan Halper has been identified and confirmed as the intelligence informant used by President Obama’s CIA and FBI to engage in contact with low level Trump campaign officials during their efforts to conduct a counterintelligence operation against the candidate. The joint CIA and FBI operation was codenamed “Crossfire Hurricane“.
Rather ironically, five days before the 2016 election intelligence agent provocateur Stefan Halper gave an interview to Sputnik News where he outlined his agenda; in hindsight the aggregate agenda of the Obama administration:
- “I believe [Hillary] Clinton would be best for US-UK relations and for relations with the European Union. Clinton is well-known, deeply experienced and predictable. US-UK relations will remain steady regardless of the winner although Clinton will be less disruptive over time.” — Stefan Halper
- DOJ Frets About Source Outing While Deliberately Outing Source (THE FEDERALIST, Mollie Hemingway | May 18, 2018)
- An Email Referring To ‘Collusion’ Sheds Light On Cambridge Prof’s Interactions With Trump Aide (DAILY CALLER, Chuck Ross | May 20, 2018)
- One Year In, The Russia Investigations Keep Leading Back To The Investigators (THE FEDERALIST, Ben Weingarten | May 17, 2018)
- Perspectives On An “Outing” (POWERLINE, by Paul Mirengoff | MAY 20, 2018)
- Nunes Approaches The Target (POWERLINE, Scott Johnson | May 20, 2018)
- Nunes Approaches The Target (2) (POWERLINE, by Scott Johnson | May 21, 2018)
- Clintonista Mark Penn: Mueller Probe Exposed — and the ‘Deep State’ Is Flailing (BREITBART | 21 May, 2018)
- Who Is Stefan Halper? Meet the ‘FBI Informant’ Inside Trump’s 2016 Campaign (BREITBART, by Joshua Caplan | 21 May, 2018)
- BREAKING: Rosenstein ORDERS probe into Trump spying… (THE RIGHT SCOOP, by Soopermexican | May. 20, 2018)
- The Media See Only One Collusion Story (NATIONAL REVIEW, by John Fund | May 20, 2018)
- Trump Gets FBI, Justice Department To Probe Claims Of Spying On His Campaign (WASHINGTON TIMES | May 21, 2018)
- Devastating 2016 Strzok Text Found: Obama’s WH is Running Trump Investigation (CONSERVATIVE TRIBUNE, by Ben Marquis | May 21, 2018)
- Why Former Clinton Pollster Mark Penn Opposes the Russia Investigation (NATIONAL REVIEW, by Alexandra Desanctis | May 21, 2018)
- At Trump’s Urging, Justice Department Expands Investigation of Investigators (NATIONAL REVIEW, by Andrew C. McCarthy | May 21, 2018)
- As Evidence Piles Up, The Media Ignore The ‘Other’ Trump-Russia Scandal (INVESTORS BUSINESS DAILY | May 21, 2018)
- Spies Like Obama? The Treachery Of “Crossfire Hurricane” Comes Into The Light (FRONTPAGE MAG, by Matthew Vadum | May 21, 2018)
- NY Times Tries to Minimize Reports on FBI Informant (ACCURACY IN MEDIA, by Carrie Sheffield | May 21, 2018)
- Pence: Reports of Politicized FBI ‘Very Troubling’ (NEWSMAX, by Jason Devaney| May 21, 2018)
- Sally Yates: Trump Has Taken His ‘Assault on Rule of Law to a New Level (NEWSMAX, by Brian Freeman | Monday, 21 May 2018)
- Mueller ‘Has No Right’ To Investigate POTUS (ONE NEWS NOW, by Chad Groening | May 21, 2018)
- Outing Of FBI Informant Underscores British Spy Service’S Ties To Shadowy Trump Investigations (WASHINGTON TIMES, by Rowan Scarborough | May 21, 2018)
- House Republicans to call for second special counsel to investigate alleged FISA abuse, Hillary Clinton probe (FOX NEWS, by Samuel Chamberlain | May 21, 2018)
- Grassley requests DOJ documents on Bruce Ohr dealings with Christopher Steele on anti-Trump dossier (FOX NEWS, by Samuel Chamberlain | May 21, 2018)
- Does The Justice Department Have To Tell Congress What Mueller Is Doing? (WASHINGTON EXAMINER, by Byron York | May 21, 2018 — also, SOOPERMEXICAN)
- Diplomat Who Prompted FBI Trump Spying Helped Raise $25M for Clinton Foundation (BREITBART, by Nate Church | 21 May 2018)
- In Politicized Justice, Desperate Times Call for Disparate Measures (NATIONAL REVIEW, by Andrew C. McCarthy | May 19, 2018)
- BREAKING: E-mails Show FBI Brass Discussed Dossier Briefing Details With CNN (THE FEDERALIST, by Sean Davis | May 21, 2018)
- Byron York: When Did Trump-Russia Probe Begin? Investigators Focus On Mystery Months (WASHINGTON EXAMINER, by Byron York | May 21, 2018)
- The Real Origination Story of the Trump-Russia Investigation (NATIONAL REVIEW, by Andrew McCarthy | May 22, 2018)
- FACT CHECK: Cnn Claims There Aren’T 13 Democrats On The Mueller Probe (CHECK YOUR FACT, by David Sivak)
- NYT Columnist Worries Mueller Investigation Actually Helping Trump (DAILY CALLER, by Peter Hasson | May 22, 2018)
- Manafort’s Lawyers Suggest Key Mueller Deputy Is Leaking To Media (DAILY CALLER, by Richard Pollock | May 22, 2018)
- About That “Sensitive Matter” (POWERLINE, by Scott Johnson | May 23, 2018)
- Deep State James Clapper: Embedding Spy Inside Trump Campaign Is “Standard Investigative Practices – Goes On All the Time” (GATEWAY PUNDIT, by Jim Hoft | May 22, 2018)
- CNN Water Boy Don Lemon Calls BS on Trump’s Spying ‘Conspiracy’ – Then James Clapper Tells Him Spying on Trump “A Good Thing” (GATEWAY PUNDIT, by Jim Hoft | May 23, 2018)
- Concealed FISA Docs May Hold Key to Trump Surveillance (SARA CARTER | May 22, 2018)
- Sources: FBI Agents Want Congress To Issue Them Subpoenas So They Can Reveal The Bureau’s Dirt (DAILY CALLER, by Kerry Picket | May 22, 2018)
- Mueller Probe Is ‘Just Plain Wrong’ and ‘Has Got to Be Ended’ (POLIZETTE, by Kathryn Blackhurst | 22 May 2018)
- Of Course, Obama Knew of the Spying on the Trump Campaign (CONSERVATIVE TRIBUNE, by Cillian Zeal | May 26, 2018 )
- The Dummies Guide To The Russia Collusion Hoax: Who, What, Where, When, & Why (ZERO HEDGE, by Tyler Durden | May 26, 2018)
(Meadows: We Need to Know Who Directed Spy Campaign – BREITBART)
- Sorry, But Obama White House, Not Dossier, Was Behind Trump Investigation (INEVESTORS BUSINESS DAILY | May 23, 2018)
- CIA Or CNN? The Media Deep State’S Echo Chamber (FRONTPAGE MAGAZINE, by Daniel Greenfield, May 25, 2018)
- Did the Obama Administration Spy on Trump Using Flimsy Evidence? (NATIONAL REVIEW, by David Harsanyi | May 25, 2018)
- Enough w/Semantics: Let’s See Evidence to Justify Spying (NATIONAL REVIEW, by Andrew McCarthy | May 26, 2018)
- Crossfire Hurricane: Is The Code Name A Reference To Christopher Steele? (HOT AIR, by John Sexton | May 26, 2018)
- It’s Time To Admit The Russia Investigation Was Illegitimate From The Start (THE FEDERALIST, by Margot Cleveland | May 23, 2018)
- Steve Hilton: “Sufficient Reasons To Think” Intel Services Acted To Thwart Trump’s Election (REAL CLEAR POLITICS, by Ian Schwartz | May 23, 2018)
- Michael Hayden Calls BS On James Clapper (POWERLINE, by Paul Mirengoff | May 27, 2018)
- Explicating “Crossfire Hurricane” – One More Thought (POWERLINE, by Scott Johnson | May 27, 2018)
- Giuliani says Mueller probe is ILLEGAL and ILLEGITIMATE, Russian indictments are ‘PHONY’ (RIGHT SCOOP, by Soopermexican | May 27, 2018)
- Rudy Hits Another Home Run: Mueller’s Team is Rigged So Bad Some of His Team Were “at Hillary Clinton’s Funeral!” (GATEWAY PUNDIT, by Joe Hoft, May, 28, 2018)
- Trump Has More Questions for the ’13 Angry Democrats’ (TOWNHALL, by Cortney O’Brien | May 27, 2018)
- Law Professor Insists Mueller ‘Has No Clothes’ (LIFE ZETTE, by Brendan Kirby | May 27, 2018)
- Obama’s spying scandal is starting to look a lot like Watergate (NEW YORK POST, by Michael Barone | May 27, 2018)
- Trump campaign vet: Informant used me to get to Papadopoulos (WASHINGTON EXAMINER, by Byron York | May 28, 2018)
- Fox News Contributor Claims Hillary Clinton ‘Gave’ Russians Money During 2016 Campaign (WASHINGTON EXAMINER, by Mandy Mayfield | May 28, 2018)
- Trey Gowdy’s Defense Of The FBI In “Spygate” (POWERLINE, by Paul Mirengoff | May 30, 2018)
- Not Giddy Over Gowdy (POWERLINE, by Scott Johnson | May 31, 2018)
- Yes, the FBI Was Investigating the Trump Campaign When It Spied (NATIONAL REVIEW, by Andrew McCarthy | May 30, 2018)
- Trey Gowdy Didn’t Even See Documents He Claims Exonerate FBI On Spygate: Reports (THE FEDERALIST, by Mollie Hemingway | May 30, 2018)
- And Now, The McCabe Memos (POWERLINE, by Scott Johnson | May 31, 2018)
- Grassley: Fusion GPS Founder Gave ‘Extremely Misleading’ Testimony About Trump Work (DAILY CALLER, by Chuck Ross | May 29, 2018)
- 3 Reasons Rod Rosenstein’s Special Counsel Appointment Was Illegal (THE FEDERALIST, by Margot Cleveland | May 31, 2018)
- Prosecutors Interview Comey As They Consider Whether To Charge Mccabe (LAREDO MORNING TIMES [WaPo], by Matt Zapotosky | May 31, 2018)
- Rod Rosenstein’S Non-Recusal (POWERLINE, by Paul Mirengoff | May 31, 2018)
- Boom!! Prosecutors Interview Comey, Close To Charging Andrew Mccabe… (RIGHT SCOOP, by Soopermexican | May 31, 2018)
- Rush: Trey Gowdy’s Deeply Troubling Take on Spygate
- McCabe Reportedly Drafted Memo on Comey Firing
- Giuliani: Mueller Should Wrap It Up Before It Affects the Midterms
- Experts Say FBI Violated Own Rulebook by Taking Steps to Recruit Trump Campaign Spy
- White House Official Feels “Duped” by FBI Spy Halper Who Sought Ambassadorship
- Greenfield: A Conspiracy Theory About a Conspiracy Theory
- How an Eric Holder Memo from 2012 Will Guide Mueller Through the Midterms
- Jarrett and Obama Are Behind Spygate
- How the Codename “Crossfire Hurricane” Undermines the FBI’s Russia Story
- York: Trump-Russia – The Bank Shot Investigation
- Law Professor Insists Mueller “Has No Clothes”
- Dems Who Believe Spying on PDT Was “Justified” are “Just Nuts”
- Spying on Trump: Was Obama Behind CIA, FBI Plan to Elect Hillary?
- John Brennan’s Plot to Infiltrate the Trump Campaign
- E-Mails Show Senior FBI Officials Knew of CNN’s Need for a “News Hook” to Report on Dossier
- Dangerous Times for the Constitution and Freedom
- PDT Orders DoJ to Investigate Obama Administration for Surveillance
- E-Mail Referring to “Collusion” Sheds Light on Cambridge Prof’s Interactions with PDT Aide
- The Latest Whopper – The FBI Was, Get This, Actually Trying to Protect Trump
- Hemingway: DoJ Frets About Source Outing While Deliberately Outing Source
- York: Does the DoJ Have to Tell Congress What Mueller is Doing?
- H-A-L-P-E-R Spells Game Up for Obama’s Spies
- Rudy’s Terrible, Horrible, No Good Idea About PDT Sitting for a Mueller Interview to Speed Things Up
- Mollie Hemingway: 10 Key Takeaways from the NY Times’ Error-Ridden Defense of FBI Spying on Trump Campaign
- Mueller Desperate: Now Agrees to Narrow Scope of Questions in Bid to Interview PDT
- “Probably No Doubt” FBI Had Snitch in Trump Campaign
- Crossfire Hurricane: Category Five Political Espionage
- Laurence Tribe Was Against Impeachment – Before He Was For It
- Rush: The Deep State Will Go to Any Lengths to Get Rid of Trump
- Leakers to Slim’s Slimes Confirm FBI Ran Spy Operation Against Trump Campaign – No Judge Needed
- The Protocols of the Elders of Spydom
- Levin Breaks Down the FBI’s Secret “Crossfire Hurricane” Cabal Against PDT
- Rudy to Muller: “We’ve Tortured This President Enough”
- Judiciary Committee Meeting Transcripts on Trump Tower Meeting Confirm it Was a Yuuge Nothing-Burger
- Jerk: Mueller Wants to Flood Russian Collusion Case with 2 Terabytes of Russian Social Media Content Without Translation

Crossfire Hurricane | Rush Limbaugh
Rush touches on the article from the New York Times. He points out that it is a major correction to its ever changing timeline and confirms a spy in the Trump campaign, thus, undermining its own attacks on “crazy Trump” and his conspiracy theories. Which Obama had to have been aware of, since as Levin noted yesterday, that Sally Yates signed the first FISA application. One thing the NYT article did admit, and that is that “…No Evidence Exists of Trump-Russia Collusion”.
What is the bottom line of this issue?
- The NYTs reveals FBI used a secret type of subpoena to spy on the Trump campaign, as well as human spies inserted into the campaign – BEFORE Carter-Page, before Papadopoulos, before Flynn (BREITBART). Meaning, this is a concerted effort by a political party to overturn an election. Lavrentiy Pavlovich Beria, head of Stalin’s secret police, once told Stalin, “Show me the man and I’ll find you the crime.”
All I will do is give a listing of some articles that are noting the NYT column:
- Spinning a Crossfire Hurricane: The Times on the FBI’s Trump Investigation (NATIONAL REVIEW);
- Crossfire Hurricane: Category Five Political Espionage (AMERICAN SPECTATOR);
- National Security Letter (WIKIPEDIA)
- 10 Key Takeaways From The New York Times’ Error-Ridden Defense Of FBI Spying On Trump Campaign (THE FEDERALIST);
- NYT Report Confirms Obama Administration’s FBI Spied on Trump Campaign (LEGAL INSURRECTION);
- Just WOW: Kimberley Strassel’s thread on NYT ‘Hurricane Crossfire’ piece incredibly DAMNING for Obama DOJ/FBI (TWITCHY | Thread Reader);
- The Origin of The Feces – Corrupt Intelligence Community Now Leaking To Justify Unlawful Election Surveillance: Operation “Crossfire Hurricane” (CONSERVATIVE TREE HOUSE);
- The Morning Report 5/17/18 (ACE OF SPADES);
- Trump: Obama FBI ‘Probably’ Had a Spy Inside Presidential Campaign (FREE BEACON);
- A “Crossfire Hurricane” Of Partisanship (HOWARD KURTZ);
- Operation Crossfire Hurricane + I.G. Report Update (SEAN HANNITY)
- Code Name Crossfire Hurricane: The Secret Origins of the Trump Investigation (ABOVE TOP SECRET).

Crossfire Hurricane | Mark Levin
This is the biggest scandal in American History. In this hour long reading/commentary by Mark Levin, we find out that what he and others have been saying is not only COMPLETELY true, but far worse than previously suspected.
All I will do is give a listing of some articles that are noting the NYT column:
- Spinning a Crossfire Hurricane: The Times on the FBI’s Trump Investigation (NATIONAL REVIEW);
- Crossfire Hurricane: Category Five Political Espionage (AMERICAN SPECTATOR);
- Informant Spied on Trump Campaign BEFORE the FBI Officially Began Its Probe (BREITBART)
- National Security Letter (WIKIPEDIA)
- 10 Key Takeaways From The New York Times’ Error-Ridden Defense Of FBI Spying On Trump Campaign (THE FEDERALIST);
- NYT Report Confirms Obama Administration’s FBI Spied on Trump Campaign (LEGAL INSURRECTION);
- Just WOW: Kimberley Strassel’s thread on NYT ‘Hurricane Crossfire’ piece incredibly DAMNING for Obama DOJ/FBI (TWITCHY | Thread Reader);
- The Origin of The Feces – Corrupt Intelligence Community Now Leaking To Justify Unlawful Election Surveillance: Operation “Crossfire Hurricane” (CONSERVATIVE TREE HOUSE);
- The Morning Report 5/17/18 (ACE OF SPADES);
- Trump: Obama FBI ‘Probably’ Had a Spy Inside Presidential Campaign (FREE BEACON);
- A “Crossfire Hurricane” Of Partisanship (HOWARD KURTZ);
- Operation Crossfire Hurricane + I.G. Report Update (SEAN HANNITY)
- Code Name Crossfire Hurricane: The Secret Origins of the Trump Investigation (ABOVE TOP SECRET).