Daily Rushbo ~ CBS`s Bob Schieffer compared President Obama taking on the gun lobby to America defeating the Nazis in World War II
Newspaper Publishes Gun Owners ~ In Response, Reporters Addresses Published (Updated: Former NYPD Commissioner John Miller Interviewed) #grapesodaandcheetos (Updated w/ Ann Coulter)
Updated via The Blaze:
Coulter explains her line of thinking and brought up women who have had abortions:
Why can’t we get a record of women who have had abortions? They get money from Planned Parenthood, they get money from Medicare, from Medicaid. Much of this is…they’re tax subsidies. I think, you know, mothers might want to know what other women on their street might be willing to murder a child.
I do not know what the purpose of publishing gun ownership was? But, I do know that a robber may want to add this info to his “casing” of a neighborhood. In other words, this paper may have endangered the lives of the non-gun owners in this area. Dumb. Via Gateway Pundit:
On Sunday, liberal New York newspaper The Journal News published the names and addresses of legal permit holders in two counties online and in print. (Full Map HERE):
In response Talk of the Sound website posted the names and addresses of the Journal News reporters in the same area. (Full map HERE):
NewsBusters has this update:
Both NBC and CBS covered the outrage Thursday morning over a New York newspaper publishing the names and addresses of gun permit holders in two counties. ABC made no mention of the controversy, however.
“A suburban New York City newspaper is in the middle of a big controversy this morning after it put up online the names and addresses of everyone with a gun permit,” reported CBS This Morning co-host Jeff Glor. “Call it a battle between the First and Second Amendments,” said NBC News correspondent Katy Tur on the Today show.
Both the Today show and CBS This Morning aired full segments on the controversy. CBS even interviewed a Syracuse University journalism professor and a former NYPD deputy commissioner about the story, and both frowned upon the paper’s decision to publish the details.
“In this case, I think that the newspaper has gone a little bit too far in terms of publishing information that actually stigmatizes people,” Syracuse professor Hub Brown told CBS. “I think it’s a bit disingenuous of the Journal News to say that they were just giving information out here. They were taking a position on guns.”
Former NYPD Commissioner John Miller offered the law enforcement perspective. “Well the police chiefs look at this and say, look, 40 percent of the people who are holding these gun permits are either active or retired law enforcement. And these are people who have put people in jail for a long time, these are people who could be targets,” he said.
Can someone say LAWSUITS!?
Huffington Post has this excellent blurb about another aspect these “journolists” (activists) actions may have caused:
Blogger Christopher Fountain retaliated against a New York newspaper, which recently published the addresses of local gun owners, by publishing the addresses and phone numbers of the newspaper’s staff.
The Journal News published the names and addresses of legal gun owners in Westchester and Rockland counties. The paper has been criticized for allegedly putting people in danger.
On Monday, Fountain began publishing the names, addresses and contact information of the newspaper’s publisher and editor, and staff members who worked on the gun owners’ map. Readers came up with information for other staff members, and Fountain listed those employees as well.
The blogger explained why he did it, speaking on CNN Thursday. “Somehow, [The Journal News was] conflating legal gun owners with some crazed, tormented devil up in Newtown and putting the two together,” he alleged. “And I was offended by that and I wondered how they’d like it if their addresses were published.”
Journal News publisher Janet Hanson has defended the newspaper’s gun map, saying that the information was “important” in the aftermath of the Newtown shooting.
Fountain disagreed on Thursday, and argued that she could have published the number of gun permits in the counties instead. “But the fact that they put the addresses — I’ve received emails from abused women who were under protective order and in hiding, and they’re terribly afraid that now their names and addresses are all over the Internet and accessible through that map,” he said.
CBS edits key part out important part of Romney/Ryan interview
Via Doug Ross:
Stephanie Cutter on `State TV,` Not Asked a Single Question About Lying In Regards to the Super-Pac Ad
This is with thanks to Reggie Dunlop. Stephanie Cutter, the person who was caught lying about knowing anything about the connection between the Obama camp and the Super-Pac ad connecting Romney with the death of a woman. She cancelled multiple Sunday news talk shows on the major networks… except she managed to get one. Now, do you think a real reporter would have asked a few tough questions about her lying?
In similar fashion to STATE RUN TV, not a single negative question was asked. As Politifreak points out via a short article by Breitbart/Ron Futrell, CBS and Nancy Cordes in Full Fraud Mode:
….Nancy Cordes shows up to fill-in on “Face The Nation” Sunday and she gets the first shot at Stephanie Cutter, Deputy Director for the Obama Campaign. Perhaps you’ve heard the story about how Stef got caught lying last week about collusion between the Obama campaign and the Priorities USA SuperPAC. The networks have basically ignored this story, but it’s been mentioned on the web a few times.
What a great opportunity for a reporter. The facts are all out there; the rest is easy. You connect with your inner Edward R. Murrow, and you ask Cutter why she lied about not knowing details of the Joe Soptic, the man who said Romney killed his wife of cancer. There has never been better evidence showing illegal collusion between a campaign and a SuperPAC. Roll the tape, ask the questions. A reporter’s dream.
Darn. Nancy must’ve forgotten to ask that question. Perhaps she ran out of time. It’s been a crazy week, and there are a lot of things in her head.
Maybe Cordes planned on asking Cutter about the collusion issue but the computer got the sound bites mixed up. It could happen. Maybe CBS hired that editor that got fired at NBC for botching the Zimmerman tape to perpetuate a racist template and he/she messed this up. It could happen.
Maybe this was a gaffe.
Or maybe, just maybe, Cordes is another liberal Obama hack. Nancy chose not to ask the question because Cutter has been busted and they didn’t want to make their Dear Leader look bad on network TV. Perhaps Cordes even cut a deal with Cutter agreeing not to ask the “elephant in the room” question if she came on the show.
Go figure.
We know Cordes’ political beliefs; as Larry O’Connor exposed, she tweets Obama talking points. Maybe, just maybe that has something to do with why Cutter was given a total pass.
The Obama Campaign has to be laughing about how easy it is to “work” the Activist Old Media. It’s no work at all. It’s organic.
Would a reporter not ask Bill Clinton about Monica right after he was caught lying… and cancelled all his appearances? I realize that I get my news from biased sources (as do most), but isn’t there one down the middle person to report the “haps,” truthfully?
Professor Tim Grosclose Interviewed by Dennis Prager from Papa Giorgio on Vimeo.
ABC, CBS, MSNBC, NBC and NPR Ignore Death Threats to Wisconsin Republicans
ABC CBS NBC only label Tea Party and Conservatives as extremists (media bias)
Politicians Part of the Countrywide Problem
This person seems to have a VHS or crappy Tv they are recording from??

Islamic Crossings At Our Mexican Border
For continuing conversation on this topic, visit HotAir’s post of this story.
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