Parisian police are now checking vaccine passports of anyone they see at a restaurant.#BraveNewWorld
— Marina Medvin ?? (@MarinaMedvin) August 9, 2021
I was challenged by a FB acquaintance to support my claim as follows:
- What is funny is that during Bush’s presidency and especially Trump’s the Left screamed at the top of their political lungs that Republicans were going to ask people for papers, and have re-education camps. Papers for vaccinations and equity, diversity, and CRT [mandatory] workshops for workers, children, and the like.
But before I get to my response, the following video [via a family member in Idaho] is part of it, just belated to my response… via FREEDOMSTANDS USA (Facebook, Instagram, RUMBLE!)
Flip Flop Biden on vaccine mandates, stop mandates in Idaho.
Here is my response… updated with some media and the like. I only focused on one part, but plan on another post documenting the Left charging Republicans with wanting re-education camps and wanting to see “papers,” like in Communist and Fascist nations of the past (the 20th century). Enjoy:
MIKE B. –– who is this left the meme references and how many people is that
ME (RPT) — The Democrats leadership in California and New York (LA City and New York City) are or have contemplated/passed this. The Democrat leadership in the White House. Many corporations and public (government} schools accepting the newer race/class/gender view of relations/history.
MIKE B. — show me the quotes. This sounds like right wing blather
Here is my extended response:
This took a very long time as I am right-handed, and I cannot use my right hand for a couple of weeks. I mat do a post later next month with this and the re-education camps of CRT, Equity and Diversity in leftist corporations and government schools… and the times the Left said Trump and Pence were going to put gays in reeducation camps and now a call to put Trump supporters through reeducation…. but here is one topic:
Jimmy Kimmel
- “We now have controversies where we never had them before,” the late-night host said, referring to current right-wing freakout over the so-called “vaccine passports” that the Biden administration is currently developing in conjunction with various private entities. “If you have a vaccine passport,” Kimmel explained, you will be able to do things like travel or go to concerts and sporting events. “But unfortunately many Republicans aren’t on board with that.” And he began with Ron DeSantis, “the terrible governor of Florida,” who declared his opposition to the idea of requiring vaccinations to enter crowded spaces. (VIDEO)
- “Now we need to go to community-by-community, neighborhood-by-neighborhood, and oftentimes, door-to-door — literally knocking on doors — to get help to the remaining people” who need to be vaccinated – BIDEN
- The Homeland Security chief said the U.S. was focused on “making sure that any passport that we provide for vaccinations is accessible to all and that no one is disenfranchised” if one is required. Vaccine passports being developed by the European Union and other countries and private groups are so far digitally-based, raising concerns that they could potentially disenfranchise groups like those who don’t have smartphones. (FORBES)
Biden Administration Helping Develop Standards To Prove Vaccination
The Biden administration is working on creating a set of standards for people to prove they’ve been vaccinated against Covid-19, according to an administration official.
The official said they’re currently working with a range of companies on the standards, including non-profits and tech companies, adding that they are likely still weeks away from being finalized, the official said.
Multiple government agencies are engaged in conversations and planning, coordinated by the White House, as this kind of system will play a role in multiple aspects of life, including potentially the workforce, another senior administration official told CNN.
White House press secretary Jen Psaki said Monday there will be no federal mandate requiring every American to obtain a vaccination credential and there will be no centralized universal federal vaccinations database.
She also said the White House expects the private sector to drive “a determination or development of a vaccine passport, or whatever you want to call it.”
President Joe Biden has predicted that life in the US could be back to normal by Christmas, and as more Americans are vaccinated each day, these vaccine credentials – commonly called “vaccine passports” – could be key to a return to normalcy by the end of the year….
Rumble — Cannot grocery shop without vaccine proof. While I do not think this is the mark… however… with the world wide possibility of a vaccine “passport” and the fear the Left instills through the media and other venues on the willing [and more secular] population – I can say this is an archetype that is world events align, will be soon. With the speed of change in our nation, the worldwide tracking, censoring, and the proclivity of people to want to be safe rather than have liberty – I see it as being sooner than later.
- …to buy or to sell. Antichrist’s mark will allow people to engage in daily commerce, including the purchase of food and other necessities. Without the identifying mark, individuals will be cut off from the necessities of life. number of his name. The beast (Antichrist) will have a name inherent in a numbering system. It is not clear from the text exactly what this name and number system will be or what its significance will be.
John F. MacArthur Jr., The MacArthur Study Bible: New American Standard Bible. (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 2006), Re 13:17.
- The purpose, (so that; Gk. hina) of the mark is that no-one should engage in trade without it. Could (dynētai) is stronger than ‘hinder’ or the like. It points to a total prohibition, which would make it impossible for people without the mark to buy even necessities like food. It is thus impossible for those who oppose the beast even to live.
Leon Morris, Revelation: An Introduction and Commentary, vol. 20, Tyndale New Testament Commentaries (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1987), 167.
- “Anti-vaxxers are a scourge and a strong argument for re-education camps, the immediate seizure of their property, and putting their children into protective custody” – many time guest on CNN, RICK WILSON (anti-Trumper)
- Los Angeles city officials are considering whether to require proof of vaccination against COVID-19 in order to participate in public indoor activities, including visiting gyms and dining at restaurants. City council President Nury Martinez (D) and Councilmember Mitch O’Farrell (D) unveiled legislation on Wednesday seeking to put in place an ordinance that would “require eligible individuals to have received at least one dose of vaccination to enter indoor spaces.” The motion lists among the covered indoor locations restaurants, bars, retail stores, fitness centers, spas and venues like stadiums and movie theaters. (THE HILL)
- The survey of 1,649 U.S. adults, which was conducted from April 6 to April 8, found that a significant majority of Democrats (61 percent) would favor certain businesses requiring verification of vaccination from customers — while a near-identical share of Republicans (62 percent) would oppose such a requirement. (YAHOO NEWS)
- New York City will become the first major U.S. city to require proof of COVID-19 vaccination at restaurants, gyms and other businesses, Mayor Bill de Blasio said on Tuesday (YAHOO NEWS)
- A couple of Los Angeles City Council members have decided not to be outdone by New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio’s recent vaccine passport mandate. On Wednesday, they announced they were introducing their own. L.A. City Council President Nury Martinez and Councilman Mitch O’Farrell have introduced a motion instructing the city attorney to draft an ordinance requiring people in Los Angeles to provide proof of at least one vaccine dose in order to enter any indoor spaces “including but not limited to restaurants, bars, retail establishments, fitness centers, spas, and entertainment centers such as stadiums, concert venues, and movie theaters.” (REASON)
- North Carolina also created a state-certified COVID-19 vaccination card recently, while the state of Hawaii has maintained a vaccine passport program for nearly a month now. … other states like Connecticut are also talking about a vaccine passport program. … However, several states with Republican governors — including Arkansas, Florida, Georgia and Iowa — have outright banned the use of a vaccine passport. (MARKET PLACE)
- North Dakota Senator Kevin Cramer is pushing for legislation to force states that are requiring COVID-19 vaccine passports to also mandate voter identification. …. Cramer’s North Dakota is among the 20 states who have already vowed not to introduce a statewide vaccine proof requirement. (NY POST)
California Rolls Out Digital Vaccine Verification — But Don’t Call It A Passport
Don’t call it a vaccine passport, but California now offers something that’s awfully close.
The state’s Departments of Public Health and Technology unveiled a website Friday that lets users who verify their identities get digital copies of their Covid-19 vaccination record.
Called the Digital Covid-19 Vaccine Record portal, the site is meant as a digital backup to the paper cards from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that Americans receive when they get a Covid-19 vaccination, said Amy Tong, the state’s chief information officer.
It “provides Californians a way to view and save their own vaccine record,” Tong said on a press call. “Instead of having a card, if they want to have a digital version of the same CDC card, this is your opportunity to do so.”
Residents can take a screen grab of their record on the site if they want to avoid carrying around a CDC card, she said.
Most important in this post is this, WHERE CAN I GET Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin? AMERICA’S FRONTLINE DOCTORS has a consultation sign up HERE! See also FLCCC ALLIANCE (Click Pic)