To Be A Terrorist, Or Not To Be – That Is The Question

NewsBusters give a bit of history on this:

Fox & Friends invited me on air today to discuss how The Washington Post could run a small obituary on left-wing domestic terrorist Dwight Armstrong and describe in the headline only as a “Vietnam War protester.”…

Every other newspaper obit I found had the B-word (“bombing” or “bomber”) in the headline. In the New York Times, Margalit Fox had a strong opening:

Dwight Armstrong, one of four young men who in 1970 bombed a building on the University of Wisconsin campus in Madison, killing one person and injuring several others — a political protest that, gone violently wrong, endures in the national memory as an act of domestic terrorism — died on June 20 in Madison….

Democrats & Independants Are Like Brownshirts – Sen. McCaskill Aid

(Video h/t)


More than four in 10 self-described members of the Tea Party also identify as either Independents or Democrats, according to a recently released, comprehensive survey…. (CBS)

Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) Skeptical of Supreme Court Justice Nominee, Elena Kagan

Libertarian Republican h/t:

LR asks this:

Exit question – Does, “I’ve learned that we make progress by listening to each other across every apparent political or ideological divide…”

Substitute, ‘I do solemnly swear to faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all the duties incumbent upon me as associate justice of the Supreme Court of the United States under the Constitution and laws of the Unites States, so help me God?’

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer Discusses Obama’s Push To Protect Arizona… with Signs!?

Earlier this month, Governor Jan Brewer sat in the Oval Office with President Barack Obama to discuss the critical issue of border security. The Governor personally related to the President the concerns of millions of Arizonans over the lack of security on Arizona’s southern border. During their visit, President Obama committed to present details, within two weeks of their meeting, regarding his plans to commit National Guard troops to the Arizona border and commit to spend $500 million in additional funds on border security.

Governor Brewer remains eager to receive the specific details of President Obama’s border security plans. She continues to extend an invitation to the President to visit with families living along the southwestern border and see the situation firsthand.