Miracle? More Like Coincidence

(Geese On The Mall Normally)

I love some of what Glenn Beck goes after, but, having said that — he seems at times a bit into messianism. I don’t mean as “into the Messiah,” Jesus. I mean that within LDS theology you have people like Beck who believe they will be exalted to be a god of their own planet.In fact, this exaltation can come early… as in the case of Jesus, who was exalted first in heaven BEFORE coming to earth. So his saying Geese flying over water is a miracle, I doubt seriously his understanding of what a miracle is.

C.S. Lewis says that a miracle is something that comes totally out of the blue. If for thousands of years a woman can become pregnant only by sexual intercourse with a man, then if she were to become pregnant without a man, it would be a miracle. [12][13][14]

I am hard pressed to classify this as a miracle. Even if God ordained this flight of geese at this time, it is still not “miraculous” in the sense of natural law being temporarily paused. Geese fly in these formations all the time down this small body of water. However, IF the Mormon god exists [Heavenly Father], then some geese flying in formation is one of the grandest miracles I would think he could perform. So in Glenn Beck’s eyes… yup, this is a miracle. But for people who think God created even the space-time continuum (Mormons do not), this is pittance.

The Pearls Disagree With Placing Mosque At That Site

This is important and is a h/t to Marooned In Marin. Important because we hear all the time that this Imam eulagized Danial Pearl. Well, that fact has nothing to do with this debate, as Daniel’s father points out:

Judea Pearl, father of Daniel Pearl, the Wall Street Journal reporter who was kidnapped and beheaded (on video) by Khalid Shiekh Mohammed in 2002, has penned a piece against the Ground Zero Victory Mosque in the Jerusalem Post.


I have been trying hard to find an explanation for the intense controversy surrounding the Cordoba Initiative, whereby 71 percent of Americans object to the proposed project of building a mosque next to Ground Zero.

I cannot agree with the theory that such broad resistance represents Islamophobic sentiments, nor that it is a product of a “rightwing” smear campaign against one imam or another.

Americans are neither bigots nor gullible.

…A more realistic explanation is that most Americans do not buy the 19 fanatics story, but view the the 9/11 assault as a product of an anti- American ideology that, for good and bad reasons, has found a fertile breeding ground in the hearts and minds of many Muslim youngsters who see their Muslim identity inextricably tied with this anti-American ideology.

THE GROUND Zero mosque is being equated with that ideology. Public objection to the mosque thus represents a vote of no confidence in mainstream American Muslim leadership which, on the one hand, refuses to acknowledge the alarming dimension that anti-Americanism has taken in their community and, paradoxically, blames America for its creation.

The American Muslim leadership has had nine years to build up trust by taking proactive steps against the spread of anti-American terror-breeding ideologies, here and abroad….

…(read more)…

Investigative Report on Mosque in Orlando Florida-Terror Ties

Free Republic h/t:

The al-Rahman mosque in Orlando, FL, a Muslim Brotherhood owned and operated property, is caught funding terrorism via George Galloway, self-admitted Hamas fundraiser, and Imam Mahdi Bray, public Hamas supporter.

More info, follow this exceprt:

For further analysis of American mosques funding HAMAS, please read the full article in World Net Daily where former HAMAS terrorist Mosab Hassan Yousef discuses the money trail, which is the essence of our investigative report.

Money continues to flow in the other direction, as well, Yousef said. He noted the FBI documented that the Holy Land Foundation sent $12.4 million from the U.S. to Hamas committees. But based on his 10 years of experience as a spy for the Israeli internal security service Shin Bet, he believes many times that amount has been smuggled to Hamas in cash. As an example, Yousef cited the case of a Palestinian terror operative he met in prison who was arrested transporting $100,000 after Shin Bet provided information to law enforcement authorities. “I guarantee you that there still people who collect money in mosques that go directly to Hamas in cash,” Yousef said. “And this is a problem that the government doesn’t have control over. Obama doesn’t have control over this money.”

Read Entire Article / World Net Daily >>


And The Swamp Draining Continues

This comes with a HotAir h/t:

As if Democrats didn’t have enough troubles on the ethics front with two trials coming up in the House.  Charlie Rangel and Maxine Waters have company after the Dallas Morning News reported that Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson gave scholarships from a charitable fund to four relatives and the two children of her aide.  The scholarships violated an anti-nepotism rule that keeps Congressional Black Caucus members from using such charitable funds as payoffs and featherbedding accounts:

Longtime Dallas congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson has awarded thousands of dollars in college scholarships to four relatives and a top aide’s two children since 2005, using foundation funds set aside for black lawmakers’ causes.

The recipients were ineligible under anti-nepotism rules of the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, which provided the money. And all of the awards violated a foundation requirement that scholarship winners live or study in a caucus member’s district.

Johnson, a Democrat, denied any favoritism when asked about the scholarships last week. Two days later, she acknowledged in a statement released by her office that she had violated the rules but said she had done so “unknowingly” and would work with the foundation to “rectify the financial situation.”

Oh, please.  That doesn’t pass the smell test.  Under what system would it ever be acceptable for someone to award scholarship funds from charitable accounts to their own family members?  Common sense would tell most people that a line had been crossed, even if it wasn’t explicitly spelled out under the CBC’s own rules — which it was.

...(read more)…

She can be added to this long list of Democratic scandals:

William Jefferson Clinton was barred from practicing law in his home state after being impeached. He was not tried as prescribed in the Constitution.

It is true that the letter “W” was removed from White House typewriters and computer keyboards during Clinton’s last days in office. While it may be true that the letter “W” was scratched into the famous desk in the Oval Office, it was reported that incoming president George Bush said that it looked to him like an “M”.

Neil Goldschmidt – Democrat – Oregon governor. Admitted to having an illegal sexual relationship with a 14-year-old teenager while he was serving as Mayor of Portland.

Barney Frank – Democrat – U.S. Representative from Massachusetts. Admitted to having paid Stephen L. Gobie, a male prostitute, for sex and subsequently hiring Gobie as his personal assistant. Gobie used the congressman’s Washington apartment for prostitution.

Jerry Springer – Democrat – Resigned from Cincinnati City Council in 1974 after admitting to paying a prostitute with a personal check, which was found in a police raid on a massage parlor.

Melvin Jay Reynolds – U.S. Representative from Illinois from 1993 to 1995. Convicted on sexual misconduct and obstruction of justice charges and sentenced to five years in prison.

Former New Jersey Governor James McGreevey resigned his office and publically admitted his relationship with his croney/lover Golan Cipel who resigned from a $100,000/yr job created by McGreevey.

Edward Kennedy – Democrat – U. S. Senator from Massachusetts. Pleaded guilty to leaving the scene of an accident, after his car plunged off a bridge on Chappaquiddick Island killing passenger Mary Jo Kopechne.

DNC – The Federal Election Commission imposed $719,000 in fines against participants in the 1996 Democratic Party fundraising scandals involving contributions from China, Korea and other foreign sources. The Federal Election commission said it decided to drop cases against contributors of more than $3 million in illegal DNC contributions because the respondents left the country or the corporations are defunct.

Sandy Berger – Democrat – National Security Advisor during the Clinton Administration. Berger became the focus of a criminal investigation after removing highly classified terrorism documents and handwritten notes from the National Archives during preparations for the Sept. 11 commission hearings.

Robert Torricelli – Democrat – Withdrew from the 2002 Senate race with less than 30 days before the election because of controversy over personal gifts he took from a major campaign donor and questions about campaign donations from 1996.

Sowande Ajumoke Omokunde – Democrat – the son of newly elected U.S. Rep. Gwen Moore, was booked on charges of criminal damage to property for allegedly slashing tires on 20 vans and cars rented by the Republican Party for use in Election Day voter turnout efforts.

Daniel David Rostenkowski – Democrat – U.S. Representative from Illinois. Indicted on 17 felony charges- pleaded guilty to two counts of misuse of public funds and sentenced to seventeen months in federal prison.

Charles Coles Diggs, Jr. – Democrat – U.S. Representative from Michigan from 1955 to 1980. Convicted on eleven counts of mail fraud and filing false payroll forms- sentenced to three years in prison.

George Rogers – Democrat – Massachusetts State House of Representatives from 1965 to 1970. Member of Massachusetts State Senate from 1975 to 1978. Convicted of bribery in 1978 and sentenced to two years in prison.

Don Siegelman – Democrat Governor Alabama – indicted in a bid-rigging scheme involving a maternity-care program. The charges accused Siegelman and his former chief of staff of helping Tuscaloosa physician Phillip Bobo rig bids. Siegelman was accused of moving $550,000 from the state education budget to the State Fire College in Tuscaloosa so Bobo could use the money to pay off a competitor for a state contract for maternity care.

John Murtha, Jr. – Democrat – U.S. Representative from Pennsylvania. Implicated in the Abscam sting, in which FBI agents impersonating Arab businessmen offered bribes to political figures; Murtha was cited as an unindicted co-conspirator.

Gerry Eastman Studds – Democrat – U.S. Representative from Massachusetts. The first openly gay member of Congress. Censured by the House of Representatives for having sexual relations with a teenage House page.

James C. Green – Democrat – North Carolina State House of Representatives. Charged with accepting a bribe from an undercover FBI agent, but was acquitted. Convicted of tax evasion in 1997.

Frederick Richmond – Democrat – U.S. Representative from New York. Arrested in Washington, D.C., in 1978 for soliciting sex from a minor and from an undercover police officer – pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor. Also – charged with tax evasion, marijuana possession, and improper payments to a federal employee – pleaded guilty.

Raymond Lederer – Democrat – U.S. Representative from Pennsylvania. Implicated in the Abscam sting – convicted of bribery and sentenced to three years in prison and fined $20,000.

Harrison Arlington Williams, Jr. – Democrat – U.S. Senator from New Jersey. Implicated in the Abscam sting. Allegedly accepted an 18% interest in a titanium mine. Convicted of nine counts of bribery, conspiracy, receiving an unlawful gratuity, conflict of interest, and interstate travel in aid of racketeering. Sentenced to three years in prison and fined $50,000.

Frank Thompson, Jr. – Democrat – U.S. Representative from New Jersey. Implicated in the Abscam sting, convicted on bribery and conspiracy charges. Sentenced to three years in prison.

Michael Joseph Myers – Democrat – U.S. Representative from Pennsylvania. Implicated in the Abscam sting – convicted of bribery and conspiracy; sentenced to three years in prison and fined $20,000; expelled from the House of Representatives.

John Michael Murphy – Democrat – U.S. Representative from New York. Implicated in the Abscam sting. Convicted of conspiracy, conflict of interest, and accepting an illegal gratuity. Sentenced to three years in prison and fined $20,000.

John Wilson Jenrette, Jr – Democrat – U.S. Representative from South Carolina. Implicated in the Abscam sting. Convicted on bribery and conspiracy charges and sentenced to prison.

Alcee Lamar Hastings – Democrat – U.S. Representative from Florida. Impeached and removed from office as federal judge in 1989 over bribery charges.

Marion Barry – Democrat – mayor of Washington, D.C. Convicted of cocaine possession after being caught on videotape smoking crack cocaine. Sentenced to six months in prison.

Mario Biaggi – Democrat – U.S. Representative from New York. Indicted on federal charges that he had accepted bribes in return for influence on federal contracts.Convicted of obstructing justice and accepting illegal gratuities. Tried in 1988 on federal racketeering charges and convicted on 15 felony counts.

Lee Alexander – Democrat – Mayor of Syracuse, N.Y. Was indicted over a $1.5 million kickback scandal. Pleaded guilty to racketeering and tax evasion charges. Served six years in prison.

Bill Campbell – Democrat – Mayor of Atlanta. Indicted and charged with fraud over claims he accepted improper payments from contractors seeking city contracts.

Frank Ballance – Democrat – Congressman North Carolina. Pleaded guilty to one charge of conspiracy to commit mail fraud and money laundering related to mishandling of money by his charitable foundation.

Hazel O’Leary – Democrat – Secretary of Energy during the Clinton Administration – O’leary took trips all over the world as Secretary with as many 50 staff members and at times rented a plane, which was used by Madonna during her concert tours.

Mary Rose Oakar – Democrat – U.S. Representative from Ohio from 1977 to 1993.

Pleaded guilty to two misdemeanor charges of funneling $16,000 through fake donors.

David Giles – Democrat – candidate for U.S. Representative from Washington. Convicted in June 2000 of child rape.

Gary Siplin – Democrat state senator Florida- found guilty of third-degree grand theft of $5,000 or more, a felony, and using services of employees for his candidacy.

Edward Mezvinsky – Democrat – U.S. Representative from Iowa. Indicted on 56 federal fraud charges.

Lena Swanson – Democrat – Member of Washington State Senate. Pleaded guilty to charges of soliciting unlawful payments from veterans and former prisoners of war.

Abraham J. Hirschfeld – Democrat – candidate in Democratic primary for U.S. Senator from New York in 1974 and 1976. Offered Paula Jones $1 million to drop her sexual harassment lawsuit against President Bill Clinton. Convicted in 2000 of trying to hire a hit man to kill his business partner.

Henry Cisneros – Democrat – U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development from 1993 to 1997. Pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor charge of lying to the FBI.

James A. Traficant Jr. – Member of House of Representatives from Ohio. Expelled from Congress after being convicted of corruption charges. Sentenced today to eight years in prison for accepting bribes and kickbacks.

John Doug Hays – Democrat – member of Kentucky State Senate. Found guilty of mail fraud for submitting false campaign reports stemming from an unsuccessful run for judge. He was sentenced to six months in prison to be followed by six months of home confinement and three years of probation.

Henry J. Cianfrani – Democrat – Pennsylvania State Senate. Convicted on federal charges of racketeering and mail fraud for padding his Senate payroll. Sentenced to five years in federal prison.

David Hall – Democrat – Governor of Oklahoma. Indicted on extortion and conspiracy charges. Convicted and sentenced to three years in prison.

John A. Celona – Democrat – A former state senator was charged with the three counts of mail fraud. Federal prosecutors accused him of defrauding the state and collecting hundreds of thousands of dollars from CVS Corp. and others while serving in the legislature. Celona has agreed to plead guilty to taking money from the CVS pharmacy chain and other companies that had interest in legislation. Under the deal, Celona agreed to cooperate with investigators. He faces up to five years in federal prison on each of the three counts and a $250,000 fine

Allan Turner Howe – Democrat – U.S. Representative from Utah. Arrested for soliciting a policewoman posing as a prostitute.

Jerry Cosentino – Democrat – Illinois State Treasurer. Pleaded guilty to bank fraud – fined $5,000 and sentenced to nine months home confinement.

Joseph Waggonner Jr. – Democrat – U.S. Representative from Louisiana. Arrested in Washington, D.C. for soliciting a policewoman posing as a prostitute

Albert G. Bustamante – Democrat – U.S. Representative from Texas. Convicted in 1993 on racketeering and bribery charges and sentenced to prison.

Lawrence Jack Smith – Democrat – U.S. Representative from Florida. Sentenced to three months in federal prison for tax evasion.

David Lee Walters – Democrat – Governor of Oklahoma. Pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor election law violation.

James Guy Tucker, Jr. – Democrat – Governor of Arkansas. Resigned in July 1996 after conviction on federal fraud charges as part of the Whitewater investigation.

Walter Rayford Tucker – Democrat – Mayor of Compton, California from 1991 to 1992; U.S. Representative from California from 1993 to 1995. Sentenced to 27 months in prison for extortion and tax evasion.

William McCuen – Democrat – Secretary of State of Arkansas. Admitted accepting kickbacks from two supporters he gave jobs, and not paying taxes on the money. Admitted to conspiring with a political consultant to split $53,560 embezzled from the state in a sham transaction. He was indicted on corruption charges. Pleaded guilty to felony counts tax evasion and accepting a kickback. Sentenced to 17 years in prison.

Walter Fauntroy – Democrat – Delegate to U.S. Congress from the District of Columbia. Charged in federal court with making false statements on financial disclosure forms. Pleaded guilty to one felony count and sentenced to probation.

Carroll Hubbard, Jr. – Democrat – Kentucky State Senate from 1968 to 1975 and U.S. Representative from Kentucky from 1975 to 1993. Pleaded guilty to conspiring to defraud the Federal Elections Commission and to theft of government property; sentenced to

Joseph Kolter – Democrat – member of Pennsylvania State House of Representatives from 1969 to 1982 and U.S. Representative from Pennsylvania from 1983 to 1993. Indicted by a Federal grand jury on five felony charges of embezzlement at the U.S. House post office. Pleaded guilty.

Webster Hubbell – Democrat – Chief Justice of Arkansas State Supreme Court in 1983. Pleaded guilty to federal mail fraud and tax evasion charges – sentenced to 21 months in prison.

Nicholas Mavroules – Democrat – U.S. Representative from Massachusetts from 1979 to 1993. Pleaded guilty to charges of tax fraud and accepting gratuities while in office.

Carl Christopher Perkins – Democrat – Kentucky State House of Representatives from 1981 to 1984 and U.S. Representative from Kentucky from 1985 to 1993. Pleaded guilty to bank fraud in connection with the House banking scandal. Perkins wrote overdrafts totaling about $300,000. Pleaded guilty to charges of filing false statements with the

Federal Election Commission and false financial disclosure reports. Sentenced to 21 months in prison.

Richard Hanna – Democrat – U.S. Representative from California from 1963 to 1974. Received payments of about $200,000 from a Korean businessman in what became known as the “Koreagate” influence buying scandal. Pleaded guilty and sentenced to federal prison.

Angelo Errichetti – Democrat – New Jersey State Senator was sentenced to six years in prison and fined $40,000 for his involvement in Abscam.

Daniel Baugh Brewster – Democrat – U.S. Senator from Maryland. Indicted on charges of accepting illegal gratuity while in Senate.

Thomas Joseph Dodd – Democrat – U.S. Senator from Connecticut. Censured by the Senate for financial improprieties, having diverted $116,000 in campaign and testimonial funds to his own use.

Edward Fretwell Prichard, Jr. – Democrat – Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Kentucky. Convicted of vote fraud in federal court in connection with ballot-box stuffing. Served five months in prison.

Guy Hamilton Jones, Sr. – Democrat -Arkansas State Senate. Convicted on federal tax charges and expelled from the Arkansas Senate.

Daniel Flood – Democrat – U.S. Representative from Pennsylvania from 1945 to 1947, 1949 to 1953 and 1955 to 1980. Pleaded guilty to a conspiracy charge involving payoffs and sentenced to probation.

Otto Kerner, Jr – Democrat – Governor of Illinois from 1961 to 1968. While serving as Governor, he and another official made a gain of over $300,000 in a stock deal. Convicted on 17 counts of bribery, conspiracy, perjury, and related charges. Sentenced to three years in federal prison and fined $50,000.

George Crockett, Jr. – Democrat – U.S. Representative from Michigan. Served four months in federal prison for contempt of court following his defense of a Communist leader on trial for advocating the overthrow of the government.

Cornelius Edward Gallagher – Democrat – U.S. Representative from New Jersey from 1959 to 1973. Indicted on federal charges of income tax evasion, conspiracy, and perjury.

Mark B. Jimenez – Democrat fundraiser – sentenced to 27 months in prison on charges of tax evasion and conspiracy to defraud the United States and commit election financing offenses.

Bobby Lee Rush – Democrat – U.S. Representative from Illinois. As a Black Panther, spent six months in prison on a weapons charge.

Bolley ”Bo” Johnson – Democrat – Former Florida House Speaker – received a two-year term for tax evasion.

Roger L. Green – Democrat – Brooklyn Democrat Assemblyman. Pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor for accepting travel reimbursement for trips he did not pay for and was sentenced to fines and probation.

Gloria Davis – Democrat – Bronx assemblywoman. Pleaded guilty to second-degree bribe-taking.

Jim Johnson former chief of Fannie Mae, Obama advisor, and longtime Democratic Party power broker, and one of the Countrywide Six.

Franklin Delano Raines, the former chairman and chief executive officer of Fannie Mae who served as White House budget director under President Bill Clinton, and one of the Countrywide Six.

Donna Shalala, former Secretary of Health and Human Services, who in 1993, the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, along with several other groups, filed a lawsuit against Donna Shalala over closed-door meetings related to the HillaryCare socialized health care plan, and since leaving the administration was embroiled in scandals at the University of Florida due to her extravagant lifestyle at the University’s expense. She was also one of the Countrywide Six.

Richard Holbrooke, former U.N. ambassador and assistant Secretary of State, who as U.N. Ambassador ignored whistleblower reports about the infamous Oil-for-Food scandals, and joined the Countrywide Six.

Senator Christopher Dodd – D. Connecticut, who oversees the U.S. mortgage industry as chairman of the Senate Banking Committee, also a member of the Countrywide Six.

Gaylord Kent Conrad – D. North Dakota, the chairman of the Senate Budget Committee and one of the first politicians to support Obama over Hillary. Plus, he was a member of the Countrywide Six.

ROD BLAGOJEVICH, Governor of Illinois, stated that the Senate seat “is a f’ing valuable thing, you just don’t give it away for nothing.” He had a good friend, too.

Tony Rezko “assisted Blagojevich in setting up the state’s first Democratic administration in twenty years. Rezko was able to have business associates appointed onto several state boards. Rezko and several others were indicted on federal charges in October 2006, for using their connections to the state boards to demand kickbacks from businesses that wanted to do business with the state. While the others pleaded guilty to the charges, Rezko pleaded not guilty and was found guilty of 16 of the 24 charges filed against him.” (Wiki)

A federal grand jury is investigating how a company that advised Jefferson County, Alabama, on bond deals that threaten to cause the biggest municipal bankruptcy in U.S. history, did similar work in New Mexico after making contributions to Governor Bill Richardson’s political action committees.

In East St. Louis, Ill, A federal jury… convicted the chairman of the city’s Democratic Party and four others of scheming to buy votes with cash, cigarettes and liquor last November. Prosecutors relied largely on secretly recorded audiotapes in which they say the accused could be heard talking about paying $5 per vote to get key Democrats elected. Charles Powell Jr., 61, the city’s Democratic Party chairman, was found guilty along with the city’s former director of regulatory affairs and three others. (AP)

Clarence Norman Jr., the leader of one of the largest Democratic Party organizations in the nation, was found guilty yesterday of soliciting illegal campaign contributions.


Beck vs Sharpton

Swift Arrow h/t

Red Dog Report h/t:

So what is the final number at Glenn Beck’s rally? Some say 500,000.  Others 300,000 people. In fact, I would venture to say there were as many black persons at Beck’s rally than were at Sharpton’s, who had 3,000.

2,000 – 3,000 turned out at Al’s counter freedom rally.
From the The Washington Post.

“Let the line stretch. They already going to say there were only 2,000 or 3,000 of you here,” Sharpton said. “If people start heckling smile at them. This aint about you, it’s about Dr. King.”

The media is not airing any crowd shots at this time.

Jaime Contreras, local SEIU president added this:

“Shame on them. We still have a dream. We are here to let those folks on the Mall know that they don’t represent the dream. They sure as hell don’t represent me. They represent hate-mongering and angry white people. The happy white people are here today. We will not let them stand in the way of the change we voted for!”…

…(read more)…

Interview of Glenn Beck by Chris Wallace:


A God Who Hates: The Courageous Woman Who Inflamed the Muslim World Speaks Out Against the Evils of Islam

The idea that many faiths can co-exist with Islam is laughable. The question remains: “Would you want a person to be more like Muhammad (following his example), or Jesus (following His example)?” It a simple concept. Muhammad married a six-year old and had sex with her when she was nine. He ordered the slitting of the throats of 700-to-900 people (men, women, and children) and in fact personally helped in this endeavor. He even ordered his followers to lie (Taqiyya). Jesus, when peter struck off the ear of the Roman soldier, healed it – saying: “those who live by the sword will die by it.” He invited children into the inner circle of Jewish Pharisees and used them as examples of faith, often you will see in paintings Jesus smiling with children around. You do not see this with the militaristic person of Muhammad. Also, Jesus loved truth, even proclaiming it will set you free.

This espouses a great quote from a world religion scholar that I love:

The nine founders among the eleven living religions in the world had characters which attracted many devoted followers during their own lifetime, and still larger numbers during the centuries of subsequent history. They were humble in certain respects, yet they were also confident of a great re¬ligious mission. Two of the nine, Mahavira and Buddha, were men so strongminded and self-reliant that, according to the records, they displayed no need of any divine help, though they both taught the inexorable cosmic law of Karma. They are not reported as having possessed any consciousness of a supreme personal deity. Yet they have been strangely deified by their followers. Indeed, they themselves have been wor¬shipped, even with multitudinous idols.

All of the nine founders of religion, with the exception of Jesus Christ, are reported in their respective sacred scriptures as having passed through a preliminary period of uncertainty, or of searching for religious light. Confucius, late in life, confessed his own sense of shortcomings and his desire for further improvement in knowledge and character. All the founders of the non-Christian religions evinced inconsistencies in their personal character; some of them altered their prac¬tical policies under change of circumstances.

Jesus Christ alone is reported as having had a consistent God consciousness, a consistent character himself, and a con¬sistent program for his religion. The most remarkable and valuable aspect of the personality of Jesus Christ is the com¬prehensiveness and universal availability of his character, as well as its own loftiness, consistency, and sinlessness.

Robert Hume, The World’s Living Religions (New York, NY: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1959), 285-286.

All this understanding is summed up in this graphic that “spoofs” [tells the truth] about a good deal of Islam:

(Graphic Source)