N.O.W. supports men who call women whores

Carol Platt Liebau points out the obvious hypocrisy in the modern – progressive – feminist movement.

The day after he (or a member of his staff) is caught on tape calling Meg Whitman a whore, Jerry Brown has announced the endorsement of the National Organization of Women (NOW).

You know, it’s fashionable in feminist circles tosit around  bemoaning the fact that few young women want to identify themselves as feminists.

Wanna know why?  This kind of hypocrisy is the reason why.  It’s OK with NOW, supposedly an organization devoted to the equal and respectful treatment of women for Jerry  Brown to call his opponent — an accomplished woman, and more importantly, any woman — a “whore.”  It’s OK with NOW for Bill Clinton to engage in sexual harassment of an intern in The White House, and possibly worse in his pre-presidential days.  It’s OK with NOW to allow Sarah Palin to be denigrated in the cheapest, lowest and most sexist ways.

NOW has nothing to do with women’s rights, or the proper treatment of women.  They are simply shills for abortion and big government.  They ought to admit it and take the word “Women” out of their name, because they no more stand for “women” in general than President Obama stands for small government and low taxes.

Women — and men — are on to NOW’s racket.  That’s why their endorsement means nothing.  They’re just political hacks.  What young woman in her right mind would want to be associated with such cheap political opportunism?

Willful Ignorance of History (Obama and JFK)

The American Spectator has a great post about Obama’s destructive behavior and the success of JFK and Reagan in cutting taxes on the rich and its affect on job growth (Red Planet h/t):

With 15 million workers unemployed and another 11 million underemployed, President Obama recently decided that the answer was to hit the road and throw some anti-rich red meat to some friendly stadium audiences.

At a Labor Day rally in Milwaukee, Mr. Obama declared that the United States “didn’t become the most prosperous country in the world by rewarding greed and recklessness.”

He didn’t say whether we became the most prosperous country via income redistribution and mandatory wealth spreading.

He also didn’t say whether the “greed” accusation applied to folks like Jay-Z and Lady Gaga or just to the regular capitalists and entrepreneurs who run America’s car repair shops and jewelry stores on Main Street.

He also didn’t say whether his definition of “recklessness” includes the nonstop and decentralized risk-taking that’s inherent in a free enterprise economy, a system rooted in what Austrian economist Joseph Schumpeter called “creative destruction.”


Mr. Obama also declared that “anyone who thinks we can move this economy forward with a few doing well at the top, hoping it’ll trickle down to working folks running faster and faster just to keep up — they just haven’t studied our history.”

In fact, the history of the 1960s and 1980s, under Democrat and Republican presidents, shows that the benefits of cuts in top marginal income tax rates clearly trickled down to help “working folks” in the form of more jobs, less unemployment, less poverty, less inflation, and higher wage growth.

The John F. Kennedy income tax cuts of 30 percent that were enacted in 1964, cutting the top marginal federal income tax rate from 91 percent to 70 percent, were followed by several years of 5 percent real GDP growth per year, dropping the unemployment rate from 5.2 percent in 1964 to 3.5 percent in 1969, a lower jobless rate than the 4.0 percent unemployment rate that’s generally defined as “full employment.”

Similarly, the Ronald Reagan income tax cuts produced real average annual GDP growth of 3.2 percent from 1981 to 1989, a higher growth rate than existed before and after the Reagan years — the 2.8 percent average real annual growth in the pre-Reagan years from 1974 to 1981, or the 2.1 percent growth in the post-Reagan years from 1989 to 1995.

Following the Reagan cut in the top marginal federal income tax rate from 70 percent to 28 percent, unemployment was cut in half, from 9.7 percent in 1982 to 5.3 percent in 1989.

And the impact on the poor? The real income, adjusted for inflation, of the poorest fifth of U.S. households increased 12 percent in the Reagan era, reversing a 17 percent decline in their average real income from 1979 to 1983 before Reagan’s pro-growth tax cuts kicked in.

The poverty population in the U.S., after growing by 7 million in the late 1970s, dropped by 4 million in the 1980s. The real median income, adjusted for inflation, of African-American households increased by 17 percent from 1982 to 1989, reversing a 10 percent decline from 1978 to 1982.

Obama’s strategy? Ignore the aforementioned history and raise taxes on “the rich” during a recession, for “fairness.” That’s a clear policy of economic and political “recklessness,” a strategy that will keep millions of people needlessly unemployed.

…(read more)…


this is one magazine I Loved as a teen! Soldier of Fortune magazine turns 35 (memories)

I remember this issue displaying the million dollar reward! Awesome! James M. Simpson over at Big Government writes about this in his second of three posts commemorating the magazine:


….SOF staff has engaged directly in training of allied troops, supplementing the U.S. military’s effort. They were particularly active in Central America’s recent civil wars. A recent Newsmax article by Barrett Tillman relates:

The byword is professionalism. For instance, a 1983 report describing the work of a 12-man SOF team in El Salvador covers 47 pages. It includes weapons maintenance, sound discipline on ambush, field medicine and sanitation.

On September 30th 1995, the El Salvadorian government awarded Brown their Combat Star medal. The citation reads: “In Recognition of Your Combat Support Services With Units of the Armed Forces of El Salvador, 1980 to 1992.”

SOF provided similar training to Nicaragua’s Contras during the Nicaraguan civil war. While they were at it, Brown grounded the Sandinistas’ entire fleet of Soviet Hind attack helicopters by posting the advertisement shown below. I interviewed Unintended Consequences author and firearms expert John Ross about it by phone, who confirmed the following account:

In the 1980s, Danny Ortega’s oppressive Communist regime in Nicaragua received a fleet of Russian Hind helicopters… to put down the Contras. When the Contras started to take heavy losses from these gunships, Bob Brown single-handedly grounded the entire fleet in less than 72 hours. How? By printing a full-page ad in his own magazine offering a million dollar reward to anyone who would bring us one of these choppers. The Russians knew damn well that every Cuban pilot would jump at the chance to fly into nearby El Salvador and get a million bucks and a Miami liquor license for his efforts. Bob’s actions helped cause Ortega’s fall, and stopped the spread of Communism in Central America dead in its tracks.

One of the few times running a guy over is warranted (not for the faint of heart)

Nicholas Waller had committed two carjackings on the night of April 4th, 2009, when he was chased on foot by Independence Police Sgt. Steven Boles. Waller had shot at Boles five times, missing each time, when Boles managed to fire back three times, hitting Waller in the chest.

Waller was then knocked down by a police cruiser driven by Sgt. Barry Huwar, whose dash-cam captured the entire incident.

“I thought my life was over when I started taking the gunshots and I couldn’t get my gun out,” said Boles. “I feel God put me on my knees that day and allowed me to persevere.”

Waller had just carjacked two different drivers including a pizza delivery driver at an Independence 7-11. He abandoned the car in front of a nearby home and took off on foot only to be stopped a minute later by Sgt. Boles, shooting at him before Boles could get a word out.

On Thursday, Nicholas Waller apologized in court, blaming his problems on years of drug and alcohol abuse, saying he started sniffing glue at age 12. He had already served years in prison for six prior felonies including assault on a law enforcement officer.

“Everyday I put the uniform on I realize it could happen again,” said Boles.

Jackson County prosecutor Jim Kanatzar called Waller’s attack on Boles an attack on all police everywhere.

“It’s a violence against all police officers who stand up everyday and try to protect society,” said Kanatzar. “We felt that a life sentence was appropriate in this case, we felt consecutive life sentences was appropriate in this case.”

Waller will be eligible for parole in 25 1/2 years

US SUPREME COURT May Limit Speech (rightly so)

Despite free-speech concerns, Supreme Court justices sounded sympathetic Wednesday to a lawsuit filed by the father of a Marine killed in Iraq whose funeral was picketed by protesters with signs like, “Thank God for IEDs.”

The justices appeared inclined to set a limit to freedom of speech when ordinary citizens are targeted with especially personal and hurtful attacks. The 1st Amendment says the government may not restrict free speech, but it is less clear when it shields speakers from private lawsuits….

…(read more)…

How long before this is applies to peaceful protesters at abortion clinics? What I mean is that if the “health of the mother” can be interpreted as her not wanting a child who has a clef-palate and can get an abortion at the 8-and-a-hald month mark… then why  can’t a limit to freedom of speech when ordinary citizens are targeted with especially personal and hurtful attacks be applied to a woman walking into a clinic. As much as I agree that there should be a limit placed on these whackos, what will the progressive left do with this ruling (if it comes)?



WHORE! (Jerry Brown Caught Calling Meg Whitman a whore)

The use of the term “whore” is an insult to both Meg Whitman and to the women of California. This is an appalling and unforgivable smear against Meg Whitman. At the very least Mr. Brown tacitly approved this despicable slur and he himself may have used the term at least once on this recording.

~ Sarah Pompei, spokeswoman, Meg Whitman 2010