Here is just a quick — clickable — portion from a mainstream systematic theological book written by Millard Erickson, Christian Theology:
Author: Papa Giorgio
Proud Obama Criminals from actual police photos
From the email I received from a reader (Tommy Boy):
Just think about this for a second:
Did you ever see anyone arrested wearing a Bush T-shirt, or for you older guys, an Eisenhower, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, or even Nixon, or Bob Dole shirt. There MUST be a message here, but I can’t quite grasp it.
Jesus Interrupted-Interrupted by James White
Christine O’Donnell Turns the Tables and does well in her first debate (boooya!)
portraits of terror (F.I.R.E.)
- The case of Joshua Stulman, a student artist censored by Penn State administrators for presenting a satirical exhibition about terrorism in the Palestinian territories of Gaza and the West Bank.
making a Norwegian cliffside safe
Barbara Boxer wrote a letter that helped code pink give $600,000 to the very people killing our military men and women
This is one of those stories that make you wag your head and it is found over at Big Government. But before we get to that, listen to Dennis Prager commenting on this trip at the time:
Here is part of the larger post:
On October 12, Scott Swett at the American Thinker reported that Senator Barabara Boxer (D-CA) along with Representatives Raul Grijalva (D-AZ), Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) and Henry Waxman (D-CA) secured diplomatic courtesy letters that allowed anti-American Code Pink activists to travel to Fallujah, Iraq. The radicals traveled to Fallujah in late 2004 to donate $600,000 worth of humanitarian aid to the people who had just killed 51 Americans and wounded 560 more earlier that month. Operation Phantom Fury in Fallujah was the heaviest US urban combat since the Vietnam War.
Later in this post over at Big Government, we read this:
Code Pink’s leaders had just returned from Fallujah, Iraq, where 51 Americans had been killed and 560 wounded in the US Marines’ heaviest urban combat since the Vietnam War. Code Pink delivered $600,000 in cash and supplies to the very insurgents the Marines had been fighting against – quite literally giving aid and comfort to America’s enemies in a time of war. As noted in Islam Online, a diplomatic courtesy letter from Barbara Boxer helped make the trip possible.
SE Cupp~This is why feminism is completely irrelevant today-because it completely misconstrues
Behar shows how much of an idiot she is in this clip. Michelle Bachman has raised 5-kids and fostered 23 and Behar says she’s against children? So now the mantra is if you aren’t for S-Chip or Obama-Care you are against children? What a tyranny of thought. Its sad that this is all the Left has. Plus my favorite atheist is in the trenches in this one. For more (commentary and written exchange) go to NewsBusters.
not just Chicago politics-Its Chicago Media As Well
Chamber of Commerce Responds to President (Bruce Josten)
If you do not know what type of harrasment Bruce talks about, here is a refresher:
Embarrassing Photo Surfaces of Libby Mitchell
Libertarian Republican h/t – connected with: Who Is This Woman and What Is She Holding?
[In this video, Democrat Libby Mitchell] can be heard in the video saying: “As Governor you have to be respectful of the President… at all times.”
LePage shot back saying he had seen a photo of Mitchell holding a sign saying George Bush was an “International Terrorist.” In the video, Mitchell completely denies such a photo exists. The next day, a right-leaning blog As Maine goes… published the photo. Now, all of Maine’s media (and New England) is abuzz over Mitchell’s blunder. Mitchell issued a statement of apology late yesterday.
Founding Bloggers: Representative Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) faces off against Republican challenger, Joel Pollak.
Big Government & Founding Bloggers h/t: