Author: Papa Giorgio
An Introduction To Democratic Mathematics
On FOXNews Sunday Chris Wallace asks a question about the Democrats meeting Republicans half-way, and all he gets is obfuscations in reply:
Unioner To Tea-Partier: Why Do You Have a Right to Your Money?
BACKFIRE~Not Only Is What Alan Colmes Said False,But It Has In It A Disproof for Collective Bargaining
Here are some collected responses to such nonesence.
Richard Dawkins Calls Islam One of the Greatest Evils

Eye Evolution Challenged Anew
This latest news from Creation-Evolution News in regards to some challenges to an old hypothesis — not theory:
Whoops, eye[I] was wrong: “Eye evolution questioned” was the headline on a report in The Scientist. “Invertebrates with vertebrate-like vision challenge the idea that the two groups of organisms have distinctly different visual receptors.” Will Darwin concede, then? After all, he’s pressed against the wall: “The standing dogma of eye evolution is challenged with the discovery of an invertebrate that sees light like vertebrates do, rather than like their more closely related cousins, according to a study published today (March 1) in EvoDevo.” Dogma is a strange bedfellow in a science article, but this one, a “standing dogma,” must have been sleepwalking in the lab.
One possible Darwinian escape is obfuscation: “Now the story is more complicated than it was before, when we thought there was a clear-cut division between vertebrates and invertebrates.” One outsider noted that evolutionary expectations had influenced prior work: “No one has looked for opsins in many animals, and this is exactly what we should be doing.” Should implies moral responsibility.
Rather than concede the argument to intelligent design, The Scientist offered more ways out for Darwin, such as bluffing: “Now it’s unclear which photoreceptor originally gave animals sight, and which kind evolved to sense light later. Or, perhaps an ancestor used both receptors to see, and over the millennia, one variety or the other lost its visual function.” The reporter did not seem to notice this answer only multiplies problems for evolutionary theory. Instead, Amy Maxmen cheerfully noted that ciliary opsin genes have even been found in sightless brachiopod embryos. Parrying that surprise into a win for evolution (02/25/2010), she ended, “brachiopods may provide key insights into how vision first evolved.”
So-So-Story in drawings:
Here is the evolutionary story… all of it based on supposition:
Serious Saturday~Theistic Evidences by Dr. William Lane Craig
William Lane Craig gives one of his best presentations on evidences for theism. It is directly aimed at the heart of atheistic arguments and destroys many of the straw-men placed by said atheists.
There is a short follow up by atheist professor Daniel Dennett that lasts about 10-minutes or so. who has no defense of his atheism in light of what just happened. He basically mentions that his non-knowledge will some day be filled in (atheism-of-the-gaps). Professor McGrath (theist) finishes up with about a 5-minute outro.
Amazing Helmet Can Footage of Engagement in Afghanistan
If You Give A Democrat a Cookie
Friday Fodder (3-4-2011)
Where’s Elmer Fudd When You Need Him!
$200,000 Beer Fail! (*tears*)
Anthem Fail Trumpet (see more at KROQ):
First Person Fail! (He was fine after his fall… that’s amazing!)
Charlie Sheens First Commercial (Jimmy Falon):
Charlie Sheen as Charlie Brown (Jimmy Kimmel):
Laura Ingraham Interviews Man Who Paid For Daughter’s Abortion
For more on this topic, see my post on Margaret Sanger: