An Important Text For Westerners To Be Aware Of

From The Religion of Conquest:

This volume likely represents the single most important book that Westerners, and specifically Europeans, should read to understand the danger that looms before them. Those things which Islamic apologists, activists and their media sympathizers repeatedly tell us are wrong and are a result of “xenophobia” on the part of critics appear in this volume as authentic rulings, for it is a nearly all-encompassing manual of traditional Islamic rulings on daily life and more from the Shafi Fiqh, or Shafi School of Islamic thought, contains universal rulings which apply to all Sunni Muslims, and has the Islamic version of an Imprimatur from the Islamic Research Academy of Al-Azhar University of Cairo, Egypt and the International Institute of Islamic Thought’s North American headquarters in Herndon, Virginia. If anyone has doubts of the danger we face from Islam, this volume will dispel those doubts, vindicate critics, and silence apologists. Selections from the book follow.

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