A Violent Democrat as Stealth Tea Partier Splitting Vote

The Other McCain posts this about Jack Davis:

NY-26 Special Election: Stealth Democrat Crazy Jack Davis Plays ‘Tea Party’ Spoiler

You may remember in February when “fit fun classy guy” Rep. Chris Lee (R-Stupid) resigned from Congress after being caught trolling Craigslist for dates. That set up a special election to fill the seat, now scheduled for May 24 — two weeks from today.

Republican county chairs picked Assemblywoman Jane Corwin as their candidate, while Democrats picked an obscure county official, Kathy Hochul. This is a strong Republican district in western New York and Corwin, who also has the crucial endorsement of the state’s Conservative Party, should be running away with this.

Alas, there is the Crazy Jack Davis, a once-upon-a-time Republican who, in 2004, 2006 and 2008, ran for the NY-26 seat as a Democrat. Crazy Jack has now managed to get himself on the May 24 ballot as a “Tea Party” candidate. Of course, he’s not in any way representative of the Tea Party movement, and is supported by no Tea Party organizations, but nevertheless — funny how these coincidences happen — Davis has the “Tea Party” ballot line.

Crazy Jack Davis is a millionaire protectionist. As Sam Foster pointed out at Red State, “His signature issue, his raison d’etre has to do with our nation’s trade imbalance… He wants to cancel all free trade agreements in favor of something he calls ‘balanced trade.’ ” Which is utter nonsense, of course. (How is it that some people — Donald Trump is another — become millionaires without understanding basic economics?) “Balanced trade” is just a variation of economic nationalism which, in turn, is a straight road to the planned economy. But if you don’t yet understand why free trade is better policy than protectionism, there’s no point in my lecturing at this point: You’re on the wrong blog, pal.

Of far more immediate political relevance is the fact that a substantial number of NY-26 residents appear to be buying the Smoot-Hawley snake oil that Crazy Jack is selling. One recent poll showed Davis playing the “spoiler” role in the special election by pulling independent voters away from the conservative Republican, Jane Corwin. This has enabled the Democrat to eke out a lead:

Hochul (Democrat) . . . . . 35
Corwin (Republican) . . . . 31
Davis (Crazy) . . . . . . . . . . 24

As the Lonely Conservative says, “A vote for Davis is a vote for Hochul.” And there is no doubt that Davis is a Democrat, rather than a true representative Tea Party movement.

…(read more)…

Newt Gingrich Speaks to the Obama Administrations Crazy CIA Witch Hunts

  • At the same time we found and killed Osama bin Laden based partly on intel gotten from enhanced interrogations (http://youtu.be/QDdSKaUG0RM) from secret European sites and from interrogations at Gitmo [a place Obama wanted to shut down], our number one law enforcement person is going ahead with prosecuting CIA personnel (http://youtu.be/4HeR2_DUugk) and lawyers who wrote legal briefs saying water-boarding (http://youtu.be/hyJ6VPqra6g) was legal. What a rotten administration.

Casino Has the Right To Ask Removal of Hijab

From WTXF Philadelphia:

A Muslim woman says she was embarrassed when given a difficult choice at Caesars Atlantic City last weekend: take off the traditional face covering that only shows her eyes or leave the casino.

Some of the comments from BigPeace:

Why would she be embarrassed? Nobody can even see her!


Was she there for gambling? That’s against Shari’a.
Was she there for drinks? That’s against Shari’a too.
Was she there for delicious and cheap but non-halal food? Allah don’t like that either.
Was she there alone and un-accompanied by a male relative? That’s against Shari’a and she is obviously a wicked whore who must be stoned until dead, according to the religion of peace.


She was only there for one reason………..to be booted out so her and C.A.I.R. can file “another lawsuit” against the laws of the land and break down our Constitution. That is what all this is about! Problem is that she has the left wing liberal moonbats helping her along because they want the country to fall also.


Peanuts Create More jobs Im Michigan that Green Energy

Granholm portrait unveiled Friday: woodtv.com

From the Governor’s bio on her website:

Jennifer M. Granholm was elected governor of Michigan 2002. In 2006, she was re-elected with the largest number of votes ever cast for governor in Michigan. As Governor, Granholm led the state through a brutal economic downturn that resulted from a meltdown in the automotive and manufacturing sectors. She worked relentlessly to diversify the state’s economy, strengthen its auto industry, preserve the manufacturing sector, and add new, emerging sectors, such as clean energy, to Michigan’s economic portfolio.

Here is the comparison (thanks to FreeRepublic) of this “innovation”

A miniature wind turbine is featured in former Gov. Jennifer Granholm’s official portrait, which was unveiled at the state Capitol on Friday. According to media accounts, Granholm said that the turbine is a symbol “of her administration’s efforts to rebuild the state’s shattered manufacturing base through alternative energy.”

But a can of Planters Peanuts may have been a better choice. Confectionery and nut stores brought more jobs to the state in the past few years than wind and solar combined. Wind energy accounted for 45 jobs in 2008 and 31 jobs in 2009. In 2008, there were 315 jobs generated by the wind and solar industry in the state. By comparison, there were 350 jobs generated in confectionery and nut stores in the state in 2008.

All were but a tiny fraction of the state’s overall economy: Michigan has more than 4 million jobs.

“Green energy hasn’t been the savior it has been hyped to be,” said James Hohman, Mackinac Center for Public Policy fiscal analyst.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics was not able to release 2009 data on wind and solar jobs.  Hohman said that’s generally because the data was focused on one facility or not enough facilities to meet privacy standards for reporting jobs.

Granholm said in September 2007 that wind energy would create jobs and help diversify the state’s job base.

DADT Troubles~Stealth Marriages

(If someone needs the embed code for the above video, message me on Facebook or send an email – found on my BIO PAGE.) This is merely the fruition of two calls into the Michael Medved Show by two military personel giving their input on the troubles seen above.

This show that the homosexual Left has no concern for the rule of law or equality under the law but want to change laws by subverting them.

Who Has the Bigger Political Balls? Obama or Bush?

The Sage lays down the law! I have to admit, I am changing the way I think and speak of Obama’s choice to kill Osama. Great portion from his show! Can’t recommend it enough, or becoming an Eldorado: For more clear thinking like this from Larry Elder… I invite you to become an Eldorado: larryelder.com/​