Harvard Anti-Semitism ~ Prof. Susan Musarrat Akram Says The Jewish People/State Does Not Exist

Via BigPeace:

Anti-Israel activists who have gathered this weekend at Harvard University’s “One State Conference” were told yesterday that the Jewish people do not exist. Prof. Susan M. Akram of Boston University’s School of Law told the gathering that there is no legal basis for Jewish self-determination–at all


The conference at President Barack Obama’s alma mater, which features Chicago-based extremist–and former Obama acquaintance–Ali Abunimah, coincides with Obama’s address earlier today to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee policy conference in Washington, DC.


Occupy Strategy to Abolish Capitalism

Via The Blaze

….Breitbart.com, as part of its relaunch, has posted recent video of Lerner and his cohorts celebrating their favorite topics: how to “abolish capitalism,” how to stir worker unrest, and how to advance the alliance of union interests and Occupy fervor.

Breitbart.com has received exclusive tape of an Occupy Strategy Session at New York University, billed as a group talk on “The Abolition of Capitalism.” One of the headline speakers at this session was Stephen Lerner, former leader and International Board Member of the SEIU and frequent Obama White House visitor. Lerner argued in favor of people not paying their mortgages and “occupying” their homes; he spoke in favor of invading annual shareholders meetings to shut them down. But his big goal was to get workers to shut down their workplaces. That’s where the SEIU agenda and the Occupy agenda truly meet: once workers begin to occupy.

Here’s the video:

`Al-Qaeda 7` Revealed

Via Gateway Pundit. This is an older video I posted a while back asking the questions about these lawyers hired by the Obama admin, which Fox News has just revealed the names of:


 FOX News revealed the identities of these seven DOJ attorneys who represented terrorists before joining the Holder Justice Department.

Jonathan Cedarbaum– now an official with the Office of Legal Counsel
Eric Columbus– Senior counsel in the Office of the Deputy Attorney General
Karl Thompson– Office of Legal Counsel
Joseph Guerra– Principal Deputy Associate Attorney General at the Justice Department
Tali Farhadian– now an official in the Office of the Attorney General
Beth Brinkmann– now Deputy Assistant Attorney General in the Justice Department’s Civil Division
—- Tony West– the Assistant Attorney General for the Justice Department’s Civil Division

Walid Shobat continues the similar train of thinking found at Gateway:

America was turned on its collective head on September 11th and is apparently still upside down. Do you remember the “American Taliban,” John Walker Lindh? If the answer to that question is yes, do you remember what a pariah he was considered after his capture? Ok, if you answered yes to that question, try to imagine Lindh’s Defense Attorney in 2001 becoming the number 3 at the Department of Justice.

Via Judicial Watch:

In a scary development, a major Obama fundraiser who defended a convicted al Qaeda terrorist will become the third highest ranking official at the Department of Justice (DOJ), which, ironically, is charged with defending the interests of the United States.

Northern California lawyer Tony West has been named Assistant Attorney General for the Civil Division, making him the No. 3 guy at the agency. In 2009 West, who helped Obama raise tens of millions of dollars as finance co-chairman of his first presidential campaign, was appointed to help run the DOJ’s civil division which represents the government, Congress and presidential cabinet officers and handles cases dealing with significant policy issues.

In a glowing press release, West’s boss (Eric Holder) apparently didn’t find it relevant or admirable to include West’s work in defending Lindh:

Conveniently omitted in the press release is that West represented convicted al Qaeda terrorist John Walker Lindh, who is serving a 20-year prison sentence. Lindh was captured in Afghanistan in 2001 while fighting against the U.S.-backed Northern Alliance as a member of the Taliban army. He actually pleaded guilty to aiding the Taliban and carrying explosives while fighting U.S. troops in the region.

Holder also knows a thing or two about defending terrorists. After all, he was a senior partner in a prestigious Washington D.C. law firm (Covington & Burling) that represented more than a dozen Yemeni terrorists held at the U.S. military prison in Guantanamo Bay Cuba. While Holder was a senior partner the firm employed a number of radical attorneys to provide the Islamic extremists with thousands of hours of free legal representation, according to a news report.

The left often seems to be privately proud of that which rational people find deplorable and outwardly proud of ideals it rarely has any intention of aspiring to.

I can’t imagine why West wouldn’t be proud of defending a traitor to his country. Being assigned the case as a public defender is one thing but being an attorney who gleefully defended Lindh is something else entirely.

h/t Weasel Zippers

These are the values the Obama admin personnel have supported by defending, (via Atlas Shrugs):

Libya’s leadership has apologized after armed men smashed the graves of British soldiers killed during World War Two, in acts of vandalism that appeared to be directed against non-Muslims.

Amateur video footage of the attacks, posted on video sharing site YouTube and social networking site Facebook, showed men casually kicking over headstones in a war cemetery and using sledge hammers to smash a metal and stone cross.

One man can be heard saying: “This is a grave of a Christian” as he uprooted a stone headstone from the ground….

Graves of Churchill’s famed Desert Rats who fought the Nazis, desecrated by Islamists

Friday Fodder (Off To A Bachelor Party In VEGAS Baby) Friday Fodder

I Sound Like the Joker (Anesthesia Boy):

2-Year Old Discussions:


Youngest Comedian:

(Its Long!) Worf Gets Denied:

Triple Dog Dare:

The Fast Track:

Guy Who Takes Photos Everyday – Bar Fight

You Know You Live In The Ghetto When….

Korean Treat:

Doggie Doppler Effect:

Kung-Fu Panda Has Nothin’ On Me:


Chance of Snow Flurries:

Snack Time: