Year: 2011
Skyscapers Sway Under Force of Japanese Earthquake
Palestinians Kill 3-month old baby (Warning: Graphic Video)
Palestinian Terrorists Murder Family in Israel – Including 3 Month-Old Infant
….According to Israel Matzav, Israeli radio reported that this video has been taken down and ‘flagged’ by pro-Palestinian internet activists, apparently to hide the absolute savagery of their brothers-in-arms. Meanwhile, in Gaza, Hamas has heralded the attack and– like after 9/11– they’re passing out candy. Please make sure as many people as possible see this; as the video makes clear in the end, these are the “peace partners” Israel is to make concessions to….
ABC, CBS, MSNBC, NBC and NPR Ignore Death Threats to Wisconsin Republicans
Some New Footage of the Tsunami the Moment It Hit (New to RPT)
T$ach$rs Unions and Average Salaries
Drill!! Drill!! Drill!!
NPR~Krauthammer (*sarcasm*): I’m Deeply Moved
NewsBusters has the Hammer going off!
NewsBusters has another story where an NPR host admits:
GLASS: As somebody who works in public radio, it is killing me that people on the right are going around trying to basically rebrand us saying that it’s biased news, you know, it’s left-wing news, when I feel like anybody who listens to the shows knows that it’s not, and we are not fighting back. We’re not saying anything back. I find it completely annoying, and, and I don’t understand it.
BOB GARFIELD, ‘ON THE MEDIA’ CO-HOST, NPR: Okay, so this gets back to not only Brooke’s problem, finding a metric to report on this story, but it’s especially difficult when you and I both know that if you were to somehow poll the political orientation of everybody in the NPR news organization and all of the member stations, you would find an overwhelmingly progressive, liberal crowd. Not uniformly, but overwhelmingly.
Serious Saturday~Gregory Koukl (3-12-2011)
Some Updated Footage of Japanese Earthquake-California Included
(The below video is old and is prior to the explosion at Fukushima, Japan, Nuclear Power Plant Explosion)
(Santa Cruz)
(Sendai Airport)
Giant Whirlpool Caused by Japanese Quake
8.9 Earthquake struck Japan triggering a Tsunami (Breaking News)-Coming to California?!
This is Breaking News!! Will Add Videos and News
Video of Tsunami… CRAZY!!