The Shrinking Middle-Class?

So, you ask, does wanting to get rich make you a bad guy? Of course not. Indeed, I would go further: The rich are in the best position to be the good guys, because only the rich have the resources to really help those who are in need. Still, despite the philanthropic advantages conferred by wealth, I am not at all surprised that your roommate is outraged by your desire to make money. Your roommate apparently believes that rich people are evil because they make money and that the government is good because it takes away some of that money. Not that liberals would put it that way. They would say that the government’s job is to promote equality by redistributing resources from the rich to the poor. In my last letter, I tried to argue that this attempt is wrong-headed; here, let me argue that it is unnecessary. Indeed, I intend to show that technological capitalism – not government – is the catalyst for equality. You can consider this letter a kind of extended postscript to my previous critique of Big Government.

Whenever a Republican – be it Reagan or George W. Bush – proposes a tax cut, the liberals say, “This tax cut will mostly help the rich. ” Of course tax cuts help the rich the most; the rich in this country pay most of the taxes. I wonder how many Americans know that the top 10 percent of income earners in America pay two-thirds of all income taxes. Meanwhile, the bottom 50 percent of income earners pay less than 5 percent of the income taxes. These statistics, which I got from the Internal Revenue Service, are of obvious relevance in determining who is going to benefit most from virtually any proposal to reduce income tax rates.

Thus if the rich guy makes $250,000 and pays $100,000 in taxes, and the (relatively) poor guy makes $40,000 and pays $5,000 in taxes, a ten percent across-the-board tax cut will cut the rich guy’s taxes by $10,000 and the poor guys taxes by $500. This provokes the liberal wail, “But the rich guy is getting twenty times more than the poor guy.” One does not have to be a math major to figure out that it is not even possible to cut the poor guy’s taxes by $10,000 because he pays only $5,000 in the first place. Contrary to liberal demagoguery, proportional tax cuts are just because they benefit citizens in proportion to what they have been paying in taxes.

Liberals usually oppose tax cuts and advocate higher taxes for the rich because they are convinced, as the old liberal mantra has it, that “the rich get richer while the poor get poorer.” But is this really true? For the past half century, and especially for the past two decades, it has not been true in America. In reality, the rich have grown richer, and the poor have also grown richer, but not at the same pace.

Let me explain. In 1980, when Reagan was elected, America was a much more egalitarian society. According to the Census Bureau, if one earned $55,000 that year, one was in the top 5 percent of earners in the United States. That sounds amazing, but it’s true. Now, taking inflation into account, $55,000 in 1980 equals something like $75,000 today. But today if you want to be in the top 5 percent of income earners, you have to make $155,000.

What this means is that lots of people who use to be in the middle-class, or the lower middle class, have moved up. In moving up, they have increased the economic distance between themselves and the rest of the population. So, inequality is greater. But the exclusive liberal focus on inequality misses the larger picture, which shows that more and

more people are moving into the ranks of the affluent class.

Dinesh D’Souza, Letters to a Young Conservative (New York, NY: Basic Books, 2002), 85-87. (Any bold text is emphasis I added.)

Read more: RPT Too Poor

Top 5 Destinations for Illegal Aliens

(h/t to a Giordano)

A story from FoxNews Opinion:

When “relocating” to the United States, it’s best to avoid states that have selfishly put the interests of their legal residents ahead of yours with laws that hinder your access to jobs and benefits. But many attractive destinations remain, endorsed by millions of illegal aliens already living in each.

1. California

California’s state motto “Eureka” (I have found it!) aptly applies here. The state’s population includes 3.2 million illegal aliens — almost 24% of all illegal aliens in America — have chosen the Golden State as their preferred domicile.

Despite its $26 billion budget deficit, the state spends $21.5 billion dollars annually subsidizing illegal alien health care, education, welfare, other state benefits and criminal justice. Every California native-born household chips in $2438 each year to help.

Unless you commit a violent felony, the state leaves you alone. Los Angeles Special Order 40 – a sanctuary policy that sets the tone statewide – prevents local officers from inquiring about your immigration status.

Many “visitors” head straight for Central Valley, which depends on a combination of immigration and irrigation to produce almost 8 percent of America’s total agricultural output. You’ll be in good company because more than half of the farm workers in California have no work authorization.

Of course don’t forget in-state tuition for illegal aliens. Take advantage of the Dream Act in a place that can only be described as the Dream State for Illegal Aliens.

2. Montgomery Country, Maryland

If jobs are what attract you, then this upscale community close to our nation’s capital offers the mother of all magnets.

The first step to getting a job is to visit a Casa De Maryland (CASA) Welcome Center. Their employment specialists help you find a job and don’t give a hoot about your legal status. They will even help you acquire an IRS-issued taxpayer identification number because, of course, you’re here illegally and not eligible for a real Social Security number. This powerful organization is truly the illegal alien Welcome Wagon with $16 million in assets, $4.9M of it acquired in 2010 from government contracts!

Don’t worry about Secure Communities because the County recently opposed its implementation. And for college-bound illegal aliens, take advantage of in-state-tuition now that the state passed the Maryland Dream Act.

3. Washington State

There’s nothing like a valid driver’s license in your hip pocket to help you navigate the U.S. at will.

Most states require you to present your Social Security Number (SSN) to get one. Washington has made an exception. If you don’t already have a fake SSN – or aren’t “borrowing” one from a U.S. citizen – simply sign a form and bring a utility bill along to prove you’re living in the Evergreen State.

Don’t have a utility bill? Washington accepts Mexican Matrícula Consular ID cards as proof of identification. The state is not concerned with FBI and Department of Justice warnings that the cards are not reliable forms of ID and pose “major criminal and potential terrorist threats.”

Don’t even have a consular card? That’s even easier than getting a driver’s license. Visit the Mexican Consulate in Seattle and bring a birth certificate (they’re not concerned about whose it is) and proof of address.

Is this a great state or what?

4. Chicago – All of Illinois too!

The Beatles may have had you and Chicago — the whole state even — in mind when they sang “I get by with a little help from my friends.” Local politicians will entice you, excuse you, and if you don’t mind terribly, use you.

U.S. Senator Dick Durbin is a good friend of illegal aliens and a stalwart supporter of the DREAM Act.

U.S. Representative Luis Gutierrez is your other friend. He’s on record saying, “I have only one loyalty, and that’s to the immigrant community.”

Illinois Governor Pat Quinn is also on your team. He recently told the federal government that Illinois will not participate in Secure Communities.

What does remain is Chicago’s sanctuary city policy. You won’t be asked any questions if you keep out of trouble but should you get jailed, no one will check your immigration status even when you’re in custody.

Finally, Chicago’s mayor, Rahm Emmanuel understands your needs; he used to be President Obama’s Chief of Staff. He’ll do what he can locally to continue the president’s agenda of dismantling of immigration enforcement.

Of course you’ll be expected to vote for all these folks once they figure out a way to make you legal but you’ll get used to it, quid-pro-quo voting is a Chicago-style tradition.

5. New Haven, Connecticut

New Haven is what its name implies – a haven for illegal aliens. You won’t need to fuss with legal documents like driver’s licenses, social security card, Green Card, visa or passport; there is a card just for you. In 2007, this town became the first in the country to offer ID cards to residents, “regardless of age or immigration status.”

The most useful aspect of having one of these cards is that it allows you to open a bank account and deposit money from the job you’re working — without legal authorization.

Interestingly, the New Haven ID card has embedded holograms so that no one can ever steal your identity. Yale’s hometown has thought of everything right down to making sure no one in town ever has a phony illegal alien ID card.

…(read more for final tip)…

Hindu Temple Cache

I doubt you will ever hear detractors bring up the wealth left over the centuries at these temples… just the wealth the Catholic Church has accumulated.

Yahoo News has this amazing story!

A treasure trove of gold and silver jewelry, coins and precious stones said to be worth billions of dollars has been found in a Hindu temple in southern India, officials said on Saturday.

The valuables have an estimated preliminary worth of over 500 billion rupees ($11.2 billion), said Kerala Chief Secretary K. Jayakumar, catapulting the temple into the league of India’s richest temples.

The thousands of necklaces, coins and precious stones have been kept in at least five underground vaults at the Sree Padmanabhaswamy Temple which is renowned for its intricate sculptures.

“We are yet to open one more secret chamber which has not been opened for nearly 140 years,” Jayakumar told AFP.

The actual value of the treasure haul can be ascertained only after it is examined by the archaeological department, said Jayakumar.

The temple, dedicated to Hindu lord Vishnu, was built hundreds of years ago by the king of Travancore and donations by devotees have been kept in the temple’s vaults since.

A necklace found on Thursday was 18 feet (six metres) long. Thousands of gold coins have also been found.

Since India achieved independence from Britain in 1947, a trust managed by descendants of the Travancore royal family has controlled the temple.

But India’s Supreme Court recently ordered that the temple be managed by the state to ensure the security of valuables at the shrine.

Until now, the Thirupathy temple in southern Andhra Pradesh state was believed to be India’s richest temple with offerings from devotees worth 320 billion rupees.

Invited To a Pre-Screening of Palin’s Documentary~The Undefeated

“If you are going through hell, keep going.” ~ Winston Churchill


The sound was incredible, the view was as well as a myriad of colors and flashes of light drizzled across the sky as I left a prescreening of Undefeated and was back on the freeway headed towards home. It is almost as if Disneyland was in cahoots with the showing of the film as they lit off their nightly fireworks display heading towards this July 4th weekend. I was one of a handful of bloggers invited to the showing… why, I don’t know. (Obviously not because of my looks.) But I wanted to show support for such a nice offer and decided to go and support the showing. I went with some reservations about Sarah, “why?” you might ask. Well, after hearing some input at a lecture by Hugh Hewitt, and listening to talk radio a bit, many of these conservative pundits are very weary of Mrs. Palin running because they feel she cannot win like a Romney or Pawlenty can. Mind you, they have some valid points in some respect, but I am [was] teetering on the precipice that Dennis Prager has already committed to. That is, he [now I] am not concerned about guaranteeing a win with a nominal Republican. He, as am I, are more concerned with turning the country back in a big way from the jaunt to the left that has been happening since the Dems took control of congress.

I was surprised to see – not because they wouldn’t support Palin, but because I wasn’t expecting to see them in the documentary – Andrew Breitbart, Tammy Bruce, and Mark Levin in the movie. Because of their background and insight into matters I respect their commentary like I do other conservative pundits. May I say, the points they were making (especially Breitbart) resonated with me. They resonated with me in a big way.

So before talking too much more about the film, I want to give the readers a bit more about the day, only because I was very early to the area to beat any traffic. I went to a restaurant across from the theaters to have a couple of beers and to get something in the gut. I sat in the outdoor section of the bar and really hadn’t planned on talking to anyone and was getting ready to pull out my Mamet book and get a few chapters under my belt with the time left before the show. (By the way, when some hear “a few chapters” they think this refers to a lot of pages. David Mamet’s chapters are short and very digestible… so I wanted to make sure people know this was no big feat.) A gentleman at the bar (Jim) started to smoke. So he politely asked if it was going to bother me and pointed out that the wind was working against me. So I moved to the other side of him, which started the conversation off. (Interaction with real – live people is far more preferred than burying one’s nose in a book, as much as I love doing this. We got to talking about various topics, one being his loss of his businesses after 9/11. He mentioned he was hitting record sales, owned three car dealerships, and then… after those planes spliced through those buildings killing many inside, we often forget that they also killed something else. The livelihood of many Americans the country over. I am not a small business owner, never have been, probably never will be. I ma one of those guys a small business owner wants working for him. So I am not aware of the impact outside of stories told via media, but once in a while you meet flesh-and-blood that has a story that touches you in a more personable way. Obviously Jim has moved on and grown and learned from his life experiences. It was a pleasure to meet a guy who is a fellow Republican – maybe not because he is as politically adept as us bloggers (*pat, pat, pat*), but deep down I think he knows that the government can get “too big to fail.”

I think the country is starting to feel this way, that the rate and breadth of growth in government is out of hand. It’s no way to run a business, or a household for that matter; which means it is no way to run a country. I broke off conversation with Jim to head over and see if there was a line at all, and it started to form. There were a couple of lively ladies up front with Palin jerseys on, one was a fellow blogger. The leader of and other supporters of the Beverly Hills Tea Party chapter (see quick question to the right). She, as well as others were there to support this release and unite in some sense for the common bond she mentions in her response that all who were there could all agree. The Tea Party reps I spoke to did not endorse Palin officially (this is not in their purview to do as you will hear further down below), but privately they leaned towards her running.

I met a young man who is not the President of the Young Republicans Club at the University of California Irvine. He talked about how when the Democrats and Republicans throw events on campus they have big turnouts. I hope the best for Nick and look forward to speaking with him again.

And finally, I interviewed Marc Harris who is a blogger from and the leader of his areas Tea Party as well. To break the ice as well as start a nationwide survey of a poll truly I asked a question of everyone that was submitted to me by Every Day Reggie (his Twitter account feed can be found to the right). This was the answer wanted, and Marc gave it!

Mark was a nice guy, down to earth, good sense of humor, with a lovely lady to boot. Mark makes clear what the Tea Party is geared towards doing, and that is hold the candidates feet to the fire. The base wants to hone these politicians to stand by their core principles. This is the gist of what Marc is getting at. I end with another question submitted by Reggie.

All in all I think I would like to see a Palin/West ticket. This is what I see the base starting to settle on, especially after the release (July 15th) of this movie, which I highly, highly recommend.

Rubio Blasts Obama: Left-Wing Strong Man

H/T Drudge, at National Review:

Earlier this month, Sen. Marco Rubio made an auspicious debut.

Unlike so many first turns in the upper chamber, Rubio’s stirring remarks, which celebrated American exceptionalism, caught fire. The Florida Republican’s words were cited by Senate colleagues and championed by conservatives. To no one’s surprise, the push to put Rubio on the 2012 ticket only increased, even though the charismatic freshman continues to swat away the chatter.

Look for the Rubio buzz to continue. In an interview with National Review Online, he says that he will take to the Senate floor for his second speech this week — and this time he will have President Obama in his crosshairs.

Rubio tells us that he will respond to Obama’s recent press conference, where the president reveled in class-warfare bluster. “Quite frankly, I am both disappointed for our country and shocked at some of the rhetoric,” he says. “It was rhetoric, I thought, that was more appropriate for some left-wing strong man than for the president of the United States.”

“Talking about corporate jets and oil companies,” Rubio says, missed the point. “Everybody here agrees that our tax code is broken,” he says, and he is open to discussing tax reform. “But don’t go around telling people that the reason you are not doing well is because some rich guy is in a corporate jet or some oil company is making too much money.”

Watching Obama brandish such talking points made Rubio wince. “Three years into his presidency, he is a failed president,” he says. “He just has not done a good job. Life in America today, by every measure, is worse than it was when he took over.”…

…(read the last sentence here, it is worth it)….

ReasonTV Talks About Fracking

From video description:

Hydraulic fracturing – or “fracking” – is a fast-growing source of natural gas used to create electricity, heat homes, and more. It involves forcing water, sand, and chemicals into super-deep wells and then recovering the gas released during the process.

Fracking is also highly controversial, with viral video hits such as “The Fracking Song” and the 2010 documentary Gasland contending that the process leads to polluted drinking water, home explosions, and worse.

Fracking has been around for more than 60 years and over 100,000 gas wells are dug per year, most of them in sparsely populated areas in the western U.S. With the discovery of the Marcellus Shale in the eastern part of the country, fracking is increasingly common in populated parts of Pennsylvania, Ohio, and New York, leading to heightened tensions between drillers and environmentalists. Indeed, the attorney general of New York has called for a moratorium on the practice in the Empire State.

Is fracking safe? And what are the potential benefits that will be forfeited if the practice is ended? Reason’s Nick Gillespie sat down with science correspondent Ronald Bailey to learn the truth about fracking. Bailey reports that the cases of contaminated water supplies were the result of poorly designed wells that had nothing to do with fracking itself. As important, he notes that the gas generated by fracking would not only massively increase American energy supply, it would do so with a relatively clean and cheap fuel.

Shot by Jim Epstein and Josh Swain; Edited by Swain.