Year: 2011
Marine Cpl. J.B. Kerns was given a hero’s welcome this weekend in Ararat, Virginia
Rev. Wayne Perryman on Revisionist History
UC Berkeley`s College Republicans Hold `Affirmative Action` Bake Sale
ENDLESS ROADS – Roadtrip in Spain with the Longboard Girls Crew (HD)
Chris Wallace Challenges With Facts and Stats
Via HotAir
Full Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu UN address to General Assembly (Sept 23 2011)
A Young Misguided Campus Youth (and Black Panther) Spews His NON-Knowledge and Threats
Via Campus Reform
For a Drunk, Christopher Hitchens Sure Can Bob & Weave Well
Thanks to Debunking Atheists for the Link!
MachoSauce: Maxine Waters and Her Friends at the Congressional Black Caucus Rolled into Los Angeles to Pray for Money
Michael Coren Interviews Faith Goldy-Bazos About Mocking Christianity
Bristol Palin Fights Through Some PDS (Palin Derangement Syndrome)
Here you see a tolerant liberal show his true colors. Take note (much to Bristol’s credit) that Bristol Palin asks questions to try and get beyond the name calling. What was the real reason that Sarah Palin is going to hell and is the Devil? She can’t finish a sentence — that is the best he can do. What a libtard!