For those that do not know what SIXHIRB means, it is this: sexist, intolerant, xenophobic, homophobic, Islamophobic, racist, bigoted. It is a way for the liberal to label and shut down freedom of thought, and deeper discussion on the issues.
Powerline has an excellent article to which I will add slightly to from a larger post of my own. First Powerline:
You may have seen the news of the professor who went off on a rant against Republicans [above] recently at Michigan State University, calling Republicans “dying white people who raped this country.” (…note that he threatens a student who apparently expressed some dissatisfaction with the instruction he was receiving.) Ho hum, just another day at the university office, you might say.
But note that this instructor, the improbably named William Penn (that’s a suspiciously dead-white-guy-sounding name, isn’t it?), teaches creative writing, and not political science, history, sociology, or some other subject where political opinion might have a place. According to updates from the Detroit Free Press, “professor” Penn has been suspended (with pay) for the rest of the semester, and his class reassigned to a new instructor. Exactly why his political opinions were thought germane to a writing class is something I hope to have explained at some point.
It is worth pointing out two things: first, most of the time when you hear about these risible classroom outbursts, they occur in English, creative writing, or the subject areas that end in “studies,” and not in political science or history, which, while predominantly liberal in outlook, typically maintain some standards of rigor in the classroom. But second, why is it you seldom or never hear of a similar classroom rant from the right? When was the last time you saw a classroom videotape of a college professor going off on the Obama’s birth certificate and Muslim socialism? Maybe such a tape exists and someone will show it to me, but the ratio will obviously be way out of balance.
Here are some of my thoughts on the matter (of “greedy” Mitt Romney) from my post refuting an atheist mantra… but deals a hearty blow to the Michigan Professor:
But there are other parts of this article that interest me. It is this: “both liberalism and high levels of education correlate with atheism,” the far left site, Daily Kos, agrees as well. Higher education leads to a higher pay as well… this will become important in dismantling a popular myth. This fact disproves many mantras and myths that the political Left. So lets delve into my thoughts on this. And this begins the complexity of what “family values” are, and it is a myriad of positions. Okay, let us divide political positions firstly:
A Gallup Poll shows that 40% of Republicans say they attend church weekly. Twenty-one percent say they attend nearly weekly or monthly, and 38% say they seldom or rarely go to church.
Compare that to only 27% of Democrats who say they go to church every week, 20% who say they go monthly and 52% of Democrats who say they seldom or never go to church. These polls also show that Democrats are less religious than the average American, and Republicans are more religious. Consider this: Almost one in five Democrats identify with no religious faith compared to only one in 10 Republicans who feel that way. (CNN)
Keep in mind that when “Republicans” are mentioned below, they have a higher percentage serious Christians. Here we go. During the 2000 elections (I know these stats are old, but all of this holds true today) an interesting stat caught my attention:
Once in awhile stats are done to see which part of the country (which states in fact) give more to charity per-capita than other states. Do you know which of the top twenty states gives the most to charity? You got it, Bush country! Every single one of the red states in that top-twenty are the middle-income fly-over states. Guess how many red-states got the lower twenty of giving? Two. Eighteen States that were in the lowest giving ratio to charity were Gore states. This is even more interesting with a few recent poles. Just under 66-percent republicans go to church one-to-two times a week. Just fewer than 66-percent democrats do not even go to church once a week. DRAT those nasty religious / conservatives! (From a very old post from my BlogSpot days)
This is important for the conversation. According to the very left leaning Daily Kos, most atheists vote Democrat now, harkening back to the 2000 election stats above, what does this mean? They are selfish? Stingy? You decide.
BIDEN (Politico):
When the Obama campaign released past tax returns for Biden in 2008, it was revealed that the Bidens donated just $3,690 to charity over 10 years — an average of $369 a year.
♦ 2005: $77,315 to charity out of income of $1.66 million (4.6 percent)
♦ 2004: $2,500 out of $207,647 (1.2 percent)
♦ 2003: $3,400 out of $238,327 (1.4 percent)
♦ 2002: $1,050 out of $259,394 (0.4 percent)
From Gateway Pundit:
Obama charitable contributions
Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama and his wife Michelle gave $10,772 of the $1.2 million they earned from 2000 through 2004 to charities, or less than 1 percent, according to tax returns for those years released today by his campaign.
The Obamas increased the amount they gave to charity when their income rose in 2005 and 2006 after the Illinois senator published a bestselling book. The $137,622 they gave over those two years amounted to more than 5 percent of their $2.6 million income.
Romney charitable contributions
Tax year Taxable income Charitable donations Donations as % of income
- 2010 $21.7 million $2.98 million 13.73%
- 2011 (est) $20.9 million $4 million 19.14%
Liberal Professor Says Insulating Liberal Students To Opposing Views Hurts Them
A liberal professor interviewed in Indoctrinate U explains that protecting and teaching from one ideological viewpoint insulates students who are liberal to properly defend and coherently explain their views in the real world — outside the classroom. This excerpt is taken from two parts, Part 1 is here, and Part 2 is here.