Harry Reid vs Common Sense

Election ’10: The future debated the past in Nevada on Thursday night, with the Tea Party’s Sharron Angle demonstrating why the Democrats will no longer be the majority and Harry Reid will no longer be their leader.

It was no easy task for Sen. Harry Reid to stand up there and try to explain why he deserved re-election as senator from a state with 14% unemployment and a foreclosure rate five times the national average.

If the policies of an administration whose legislation he quarterbacked through the Senate were working, it is certainly not evident in Nevada. This time around, he has not only failed to bring home the bacon; he left even the pork rinds behind.

The administration he defends and the stimulus he passed have failed, with even President Obama, after orchestrating a trillion-dollar fraud, now admitting there was never any such thing as a “shovel-ready” job. The only thing that is shovel-ready is the end of Reid’s political career.

Reid repeated the canard that he and fellow Democrats had voted to cut taxes for 95% of all Nevadans in the past two years and to reduce the burden on small businesses eight times.

Yet he’s willing to let the Bush tax cuts and current tax rates that have stood for a decade as law of the land expire, resulting in a more than $3 trillion tax increase on all Americans.

The best debate would have been between Harry Reid and himself. On Thursday night, with as straight a face as he could muster, the man who said about Iraq, “the war is lost,” claimed the surge that he and the president opposed worked. Reid called a man he once all but called a liar (Gen. David Petraeus) and a man he did call a liar and loser (Bush 41) his friends. Success finds a thousand fathers and at least a few hypocrites.

If Sharron Angle has become the poster child for the Tea Party movement, then Harry Reid is the symbol of the overbearing, nanny-state government that helped spawn it.

Experience is perhaps not the best teacher, for Reid has apparently learned nothing. He is the prototype career politician whose career may be over.

Reid took aim at Angle’s statement that it’s not the job of a senator to create jobs. “What she’s talking about is extreme,” he said.

“Harry Reid,” she replied sharply, “it’s your job to create policies” that lead to the creation of private-sector jobs that create wealth, not government jobs that consume wealth.

(IBD Editorial)

LIAR! Obama lied and knew no shovel ready jobs existed (this is what he pushed the stimulus through with though)

From HotAir:

And of course, this wouldn’t have been news all the time while Barack Obama kept claiming that these “shovel ready jobs” had prosperity just around the corner, right?  Brooks says that the admission came in an off-the-record session with the President, which kept him from reporting it.  I wonder if Brooks or anyone else would have been that particular had George Bush admitted “off the record” that he knew Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction in 2003 or 2004, while continuing to make the argument that the war was necessary because of them.  What happened to sourcing as “a senior administration official”?  Did it not occur to Brooks that Obama was lying about these jobs over the past year to defend his economic policies, and that Brooks might have had a responsibility to make that known?  Good to know that the New York Times prints all the news that fits — its agenda.


Sounds as though Brooks’ information shows that the administration has lied all along. But at the Times, that’s not news.

This media bias should be more than apparent, and the disdain for real news because of the smirk Brooks had on his face the whole time he talked about this issue of him knowing. It is elitism on display and it makes me sick to think the President and the mainstream media thinks its okay to lie to the general public.

A teacher is one who makes himself [or herself] progressively unnecessary~Thomas Carruthers

Well… at least she got to stand by and watch one of our country’s worse Presidents in its history essentially fire her. If that’s any consolation?

TPS teacher who watched Obama sign bill is laid off

As Toledo Public Schools teacher Amanda VanNess stood in the Oval Office and watched President Obama sign an education stimulus bill, she already knew she’d lost her teaching job back home to budget cuts and low seniority.

The $26 billion stimulus bill, designed to save 160,000 teacher and other government jobs across the nation, couldn’t save her position at Pickett Elementary.

…(read more)…

George Will Zinger on Stimulus vs. Tax Cuts

Of course even JFK knew tax cuts would bring in more revenue versus tax increases and increased government spending:

On This Week, George Will shuts down Arianna Huffington and others in his usual fashion. The whole segment can be see at NewsBusters post:


Here Are A Few Reminders About the First Stimulus…

  • $5 million to create a geothermal energy system for a shopping mall in Tennessee. The mall is over half empty of tenants and has had falling shopper attendance for years
  • $1.57 million to Penn State University study fossils in Argentina
  • $100,000 to a puppet theater in Minnesota
  • $2 million to build a replica railroad tourist trap in Carson City, Nev.
  • A boat cruise company in Chicago got almost $1 million to “combat terrorism”
  • $500,000 went to Ariz. State Univ. to study ant genetics
  • Another $450,000 went to Uinv. of Arizona to study ants
  • Almost $400,000 went to Univ. of New York to pay students to drink beer and smoke marijuana for a study there
  • $219,000 to the Nat’l Institute of Health to study if young people “hook-up” after getting drunk
  • $210,000 to the Univ. of Hawaii to study bees
  • $700,000 to crab fishermen in Oregon to pay for lost crab pots
  • $5,000 a person tax rebate if you buy a new electric golf cart (Wall Street Journal)
  • Up to $1 million went to prisoners in $250 stimulus checks (FoxNews)
  • $54 mil to a New York Indian tribe to run its casino (New York Post)
  • $1 billion for a power plant in Mattoon, Illinois that is based on speculative science and may not even work
  • $15 million to back-road bridges that get little traffic in Wisconsin
  • $800,000 for a practically unused airport in Pennsylvania
  • $3.4 million for an animal walk way under a road in Florida
  • $1.15 million to install a guard rail for a lake that doesn’t even exist in Oklahoma
  • $10 million to renovate a rail station that has stood unused for a decade
  • $578,000 to battle homelessness in Union, New York even though the town says they have no homeless people there
  • $233,000 to the Univ. of Calif. to study why Africans vote… in Africa
  • $2 million to build a new fire house in a Nevada town that has no firemen
  • North Carolina schools got $4.4 million for literacy and math coaches… to teach their teachers!
  • $54 million for a railroad project in Napa Valley went to a minority-owned company that then hired a local construction company for half the price, pocketing the rest
  • A California company was given $15 million in stimulus money to monitor water quality in a stream it was under indictment for polluting previously
