Sam Shamoun | Divinity of Jesus vs Islam

These verses used below are also used for Jehovah’s Witnesses and our Jewish brothers as well. BTW, the title’s this YouTube Channel creates are essentially “click bait” — “COMPLETELY,” “DESTROYED”, etc, but I appreciate them adding captions and the like.

Sam Shamoun COMPLETELY DESTROYS Sheikh Uthman’s ARGUMENTS About Jesus

Claiming that Jesus never identified as God in the Bible is an obvious display of ignorance. Passages like John 1:1, John 20:28, and Titus 2:13 clearly affirm Jesus’ divinity, directly contradicting his arguments. Furthermore, questioning the authenticity of the New Testament while relying on Islamic texts, which lack comparable manuscript evidence and consistency, is totally hypocritical.


The Bible clearly shows that Jesus is more than a prophet: He is called “Lord” and “God,” worshipped as divine, recognized as the eternal “Word of God,” and claims to be “I AM,” showing His divine nature, which differs greatly from the Islamic view of Him being just a prophet​!

Sam Shamounian Leads a Muslim to Christ after John 17/Hebrews 1

(Avery of GodLogicApologetics had a recent conversion as well) Sam can be rough at times, but he is rough with some people…. but Muslims can be very disrespectful of Jesus and our faith — and he protects the authority of Scripture. But here you have an honest Muslim, and so Sam is showing the kindness of God.

Muslim SHOCKED When God Calls Jesus “Ya Allah” In The Arabic Bible; ACCEPTS Christ After [Emotional]

Some people will not like the crosstalk, but Sam dices up this Hebrew Israelite with Scripture… and this is useful [these verses] with our Jewish brothers.

Sam DESTROYS 2 Heretics Simultaneously on Isaiah 9:6 & the Messiah’s Deity [HEATED]