`Conservative Black Chick` Lays Into Ebony Magazine ~ Rightly So

The whole post is well worth reading. But here is a large swath of it followed by a link so you can read the rest at Conservative Black Chick’s site:

Personal responsibility is for whites only, according to black apologists like MSNBC’s Toure Neblett, Oprah, Russell Simmons, and the mainstream media. In the wake of the George Zimmerman not guilty verdict in the death of Trayvon Martin, this low expectation message is pushed relentlessly–that all men (except blacks) are created equal with certain unalienable rights among them “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” Show me where it says that in the Declaration of Independence or Constitution.

Earlier this week, Oprah Winfrey, Queen of talk, declared Martin’s murder “the same” as Emmett Till. Eye roll! In 1955, Till was savagely murdered by two racist white men in Mississippi because he was a 14 year old black boy and a white woman thought he whistled at her. Martin, a 17 year old black teen tragically contributed to his own death by starting a fight with Zimmerman. Not the same, not even respectfully close. Oprah should stick with pushing Hollywood stereotypes of blacks by promoting her new film “The Butler” and leave history to experts who know it.

But the victimhood indoctrination of blacks continued in earnest this week. After Oprah misrepresented civil rights history, EBONY magazine published a series of covers featuring black celebrities and their sons dressed in hoodies in honor of Trayvon. The headline read “JUSTICE FOR TRAYVON: EBONY Takes a Stand.” Editors wrote the “September cover pays tribute to the slain teen and the continuing fight for justice.” What justice exactly? Perpetuating the lie that Trayvon and his parents didn’t contribute to his death or the lie that black males aren’t the cause of their own demise? Why did twice divorced Tracy Martin leave Trayvon at his girlfriend’s home alone with a friend while he and his girlfriend went out?

Blacks represent 13% of the population yet 55% of all federal prisoners; a startling 54% of all murders committed with guns are murders of blacks, according to the Centers for Disease Control. From 1980 to 2008, The Justice Department found blacks were six times more likely than whites to be killed by a gun and seven times more likely to kill with a gun. A Children’s Defense Fund report found over 44,000 blacks have been killed by guns since 1979 more than the total number of blacks lynched from 1882-1968.

Trayvon wasn’t profiled because he was black but because he was walking around a neighborhood where he didn’t live and many burglaries had occurred. Did wearing a hoodie make him look more suspicious? Probably. Zimmerman didn’t know Martin was black when he first saw him from behind.

EBONY’s “hoodie covers” are an injustice, glorifying a thug culture, which can get young black men killed. I guess the next EBONY cover will feature black male celebrities and their sons wearing saggy pants, revealing their boxers. Black and white men for that matter can wear what they want but the only reason men dress in hoodies, chains and baggy pants is to look menacing. Except hip hop moguls, making millions off inciting violence, I don’t know any businessmen dressing like thugs, which brings us to CNN’s anchor Don Lemon.

Ever since Lemon had the audacity to state the obvious— the problems facing black America are caused by their OWN bad behavior, not white people, black liberals went apoplectic. After the George Zimmerman murder trial ended, Lemon felt he could unleash his frustrations about the state of black America. From use of the word “n****r” to blacks 73% out of wedlock birth, Lemon cited five things blacks should avoid.

Lemon who usually tows CNN’s liberal narrative was lambasted by MSNBC contributor Goldie Taylor as a “a turncoat mofo” and called “a slave” by Russell Simmons for daring to jump out of the black box of denial. Simmons, who has made billions off of producing hip hop music, glorifying violence, sent Lemon a letter this week. During his recent show, Lemon said he wasn’t going to bother to respond to the letter it because he couldn’t take it seriously after Simmons called him “a slave on Twitter.”

Simmons declined Lemon’s invitation to appear on CNN to defend his actions but tweeted this:

“Russell Simmons @UncleRUSH Hey @DonLemonCNN — I want to formally apologize for calling you a “slave” – I just think you’re promoting the wrong message.”

But Lemon decided to address points in Simmons’ letter, including that Lemon was taking the conservative point of view in criticizing black men. Lemon said problems don’t have political affiliation, “attack the problem not the messenger.” Simmons letter was nonsense. He accused Lemon of blaming black teens “for their own demise” because they don’t speak “the King’s English or wear belts around their waistbands.” Well they should.

After giving Simmons a history lesson on the civil rights movement and African pride born out of the 1960s, Lemon asked, “Are you equating dressing like a criminal to African pride?”

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Feelings Front-and-Center In Race-Based Claims

The Burning Truth writes well on the recent indecent, and brings us into Blaze’s commentary afterword:

…I’m no fan of Oprah, never have been.  Mostly because I know who she really is as a person.

I’ve watched her get away with misleading her audience on a whole host of issues, pretending to be outraged when guests turned out to be frauds, giving away free cars and saddling winners (who had not entered to win) with huge tax bills, refusing to marry because she didn’t want ‘a man’ to get her money, etc., etc.

Now this latest Oprah racism flap has awaken some to what really lies beneath the Harpo.  Others are ceasing upon the story to highlight that even rich black people face racism.  Of course, there is absolutely no evidence of racism in this story, but that hasn’t stopped the race-baiters (Oprah included) from fanning the flames of hate.

Before we continue, you should know that the person accused of being racist has vehemently denied Oprah’s accusations, and Oprah has apologized.

Certainly, it is possible for a wealthy, famous person to encounter racism.  My doubt in this story comes from a distinct lack of anything racial supposedly being said to or about Oprah.  So right of the get go, I’m assuming she’s race-baiting.

There is, however, a history of Oprah frivolously crying racism when she doesn’t get her way.  You see, Oprah is an elitist, and she’s never hid that from anyone.  Her fans were simply ignoring it.  She’s a wealthy, famous person who believes her turds don’t stink, and she thinks people should bend over backwards for her.  When they don’t … RACISM!

In 2005, Oprah also levied the charge of racism.  Why?  Because Hermes would let her in the store when they were closed for business.  How dare they not give her special treatment!


Talk show host Oprah Winfrey believes she was refused entry to the Hermes shop in Paris, France because she is black, and she is planning to discuss the incident when her TV show resumes later this year.

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Here is the commentary by the Blaze’s:

In 2005, Oprah Winfrey accused luxury store Hermes in Paris of turning her away when she stopped in to purchase an expensive watch for singer Tina Turner. A spokesperson for the TV personality later referred to the incident as her “crash moment.”

“Crash” was a 2004 film that centered around the damaging effects of racism. The phrase “crash moment” refers to “situations where a party feels discriminated against on the basis of skin color,” CNN reported in 2005.

The claim is extremely similar to Oprah’s recent claim of discrimination she supposedly experienced at a high-end boutique in Zurich, Switzerland. In that case, she says a sales assistant refused to show her a $38,000 handbag because it was too expensive for her. The sales assistant and the store manager have both strongly denied the allegations.

As it turned out, Oprah and her team arrived at Hermes at around 6:45 p.m. on June 14, 2005, which was about 15 minutes after the store had closed and was setting up a private PR event. A store spokesperson said a security guard informed the star that the store was closed. Oprah was given a card and told to come back the next day.

Surveillance footage of the exchange backed up the store’s account. Oprah apparently wanted the store to allow her to make a quick purchase, but was denied.

The New York Post, citing various sources close to Oprah, reported she was turned away because the store had been “having a problem with North Africans lately.”

A Hermes spokesperson vehemently denied the allegation.

“There was never any discussion of North Africans,” she said. “The story is not true.”

However, Hermes still ended up apologizing to Winfrey for the misunderstanding.

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Larry Elder Lays Down the Law on CNN ~ Kudos to Don Lemon! (Painless Risen `Magnifying Glass` Commentary at Top)

Via The Blaze:

Fox News host Bill O’Reilly—whose comments about the problems in the black community raised a firestorm this week—has at least one supporter.

And he’s African-American and a host for rival network CNN.

Don Lemon said Saturday on his “No Talking Points” segment that O’Reilly has “a point. In fact, he’s got more than a point…In my estimation, he doesn’t go far enough.”


Lemon then listed five essential reforms black men need to make:

  • pull up pants
  • drop the N-word
  • take care of their communities
  • finish high school
  • lower rate of children born out of wedlock.

The Profiteers of Hate = Hypocrites

From SoooperMexican:

I wrote this back in April of last year:

To be exact, the shameful truth is that 93% of African-American murders are committed by other African-Americans. That is breathtakingly awful when you consider how incensed the African-American community is about the Trayvon tragedy, no matter what you believe about Zimmerman’s guilt.

Let’s do the gruesome math, not out of morbidity, but because it manifests the incredible self-centered insanity of people like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton.

8,000-9,000 African-Americans are murdered each year.

93% of them by other African-Americans.

That’s 7,905 (from average)

That’s 21.65 murdered each day by other African-Americans.

And these racebaiting culture-hustling microphone-pimps only get riled up when a “White Hispanic” kills an African-American? It’s absolutely shameful.

To update, in the 503 days between Trayvon dying, and today’s verdict, 10,865 African Americans have been murdered by other African-Americans.

I was so shocked, I had to double check my numbers.

Here are the numbers of TOTAL dead between the Iraq and Afghan wars, combined:

Should I mention that under Obama, many feel race-relations have gotten worse… but worse than that, I hear people (media and Democrats) say all the time “if the ‘roles’ had been reversed in the Trayvon Martin case, the outcome would have been different.” This is provably false. First, let us see what the Prez said:


…And that all contributes I think to a sense that if a white male teen was involved in the same kind of scenario, that, from top to bottom, both the outcome and the aftermath might have been different.

I agree, the outcome would have been totally different, Eric Holder, Obama, the Justice Dept, the staff and reporters at MSNBC and CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, and the like, would have all ignored the case.

Wayne Allyn Root (via The Daily Caller) mentions this idea of “What if Trayvon Were White

President Obama weighed in on a local court case — again. He asked, “what if Trayvon was white?” I believe the answer is clear.

If Trayvon was white, there would have been no national headlines. No one outside Sanford, Florida would have even heard about the case. A black George Zimmerman would never have been charged with a crime. And if there had been a trial, and a black Zimmerman was found “Not Guilty,” you can bet your last dollar that Obama’s Justice Department would not be considering “civil rights charges.” If they did, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton would call it “double jeopardy” and “a modern day lynching of an innocent black man.”

The reality is that white Americans are killed by black Americans every day, but the national media never report it because they are afraid of being called “racist.” I can’t remember ever seeing or hearing race mentioned on the national news unless it is a white-on-black crime. And then, it is the centerpiece of the story, and always blamed on “racism.”

By the way, George Zimmerman isn’t white. He is Hispanic. But liberals never let facts get in the way of a good story. That’s why the media and the race baiters have coined a new phrase: “white Hispanic.”

The same fear of being called “racist” is exactly the reason the national media never reports black on black crime, which has become a national tragedy. Cities like Detroit, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Obama’s Chicago are “killing fields” for young black men. They are more dangerous for black Americans than Afghanistan or Iraq. Why doesn’t the national media report on this tragedy? Why hasn’t Obama ever held a press conference to discuss that crisis? It is certainly much more devastating to the black community.

Could Obama name any of the black murder victims in Chicago that were shot by other blacks during the Zimmerman trial? Why are those young men that look like Obama’s son any less important? Is it because their deaths don’t stir up racial anger or resentment?

Here’s another difference — if the victim were white there would be no involvement by Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, the Congressional Black Caucus, or tweets by liberal Hollywood celebrities, or protests across America. When was the last time any of the race baiters weighed in on a murder involving a white American? When was the last time a white person being murdered resulted in protests or rioting? Can you name one? Have white people ever protested en mass about a black accused criminal getting found “Not Guilty?” Did the OJ verdict cause rioting by white Americans?

Here is something else we know: If Trayvon had been white, the President of the United States would never have gotten involved in a local court case. Never.

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But we do have an example of a case that was exactly reversed:

Does the mainstream media in America have an agenda in the Trayvon Martin – George Zimmerman case? There was certainly a media influenced uproar surrounding the case; why didn’t they pay as much attention when a black neighborhood watchman shot and killed a white teen boy? This is the story that the mainstream media in America doesn’t want you to know about, the story of a black man who, when attacked by a 17 year old white boy, did what he felt like he had to do to survive and shot and killed the unarmed teen. Mr. Roderick Scott is the size of an NFL linebacker. Christopher Cervini was a skinny, 17-year old kid. Mr. Roderick Scott was found innocent for reason of self-defense. The must watch videos below tell the story, a sickening story of a mainstream media in America with an agenda, a story that they don’t want you to know about.

Not to mention that in Florida, the “stand your ground law” helps protect blacks from being victims of crime themselves:

African Americans benefit from Florida’s “Stand Your Ground” self-defense law at a rate far out of proportion to their presence in the state’s population, despite an assertion by Attorney General Eric Holder that repealing “Stand Your Ground” would help African Americans.

Black Floridians have made about a third of the state’s total “Stand Your Ground” claims in homicide cases, a rate nearly double the black percentage of Florida’s population. The majority of those claims have been successful, a success rate that exceeds that for Florida whites.

Nonetheless, prominent African Americans including Holder and “Ebony and Ivory” singer Stevie Wonder, who has vowed not to perform in the Sunshine State until the law is revoked, have made “Stand Your Ground” a central part of the Trayvon Martin controversy.

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All this contributes to a massive problem that only exists in the minds of the Race Hustlers.

  • Frustrating! Liberalism Distorts Evils and Exchanges them for Moral Goods (Isaiah 5:20)

Jesse Jackson Wants a Boycott of Florida… But Smoking Cigars With Castro in Cuba Was OK

Brandon Darby of Breitbart Encounters Invasion of [Progressive] Body Snatchers

I thought of the classic ending of the 1978 Invasion of the Body Snatchers when I watched the pointing at the Breitbart crew:

  • Brandon Darby gets verbally attacked at a July 21,2013 Trayvon rally organized by the New Black Panther Party and Quanell X. The Occupy contingent recognized Darby while he was on assignment for Breitbart News. (Via Breitbart)

Faux Racist ~ Media Distorts

It is worse than a liberal-progressive radical lying… the Media knew that she was separated from the Zimmerman portion of the protest and clearly on the New Black Panther side of the line… yet, they still painted her as with the Zimmerman crowd. Here is the early reporting from the blogs about it, via Gateway Pundit:

That looked incongruent with the other reports from the pro-Zimmerman side. The NY Daily News, based on reporting from The Houston Chronicle, identified her as Renee Vaughan:

One woman in the Zimmerman group held a sign that said, “We’re racist & proud.”

Austin resident Renee Vaughan echoed the sign’s ugly sentiments by yelling, “We’re racist. We’re proud. We’re better because we’re white,” at the Martin group as they passed, according to the Chronicle.

The act to smear the Zimmerman supporters as racists with a leftist plant worked as the photo and comment was picked up and spread worldwide.

Scanning the internet we found that a “Renee Vaughn” from Austin worked for a far left environmental group, the Texas Campaign for the Environment.

Renee even has her photo linked to a far left environmental website.

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Faux Racist Democrat Plant

  • Breitbart News: What does your sign mean?
  • Woman: This sign means that there are people here who are racist and apparently think that’s OK. I’m not one of them. I’m being sarcastic. 
  • Breitbart News: OK.
  • Fellow anti-Zimmerman Protestor: Yo. What she said.

Breitbart points out all the places where this person was touted as a genuine Zimmerman protestor:

…The Houston Chronicle’s Jayme Fraser wrote of the woman pictured above: “At one point, Renee Vaughan of Austin mocked protesters by chanting, “We’re racist. We’re proud. We’re better ’cause we’re white.” The language of the article was somewhat clumsy, allowing other media outlets to jump to the wrong conclusion.

The New York Daily News’ Philip Caulfield used the following caption for the above photo, from the Associated Press: “A George Zimmerman supporter holds a sign during a counter-demonstration of activist Quanell X’s group march in the River Oaks community in Houston on Sunday.” He also wrote: “One woman in the Zimmerman group held a sign that said, ‘We’re racist & proud,'” distorting the Chronicle story significantly.

The UK Daily Mail repeated the error, reporting that the sign was held by members of the pro-Zimmerman group in Houston, portraying it as a form of racist backlash against the New Black Panther Party march.

Democratic strategist Tara Dowdell then took to Fox News’ Hannity to repeat the false accusation, using the “racist and proud” sign story to push back against video evidence of intolerance at pro-Trayvon Martin rallies. 

Well, Sean, do some people show up at protests with their own agenda? Absolutely. That happens all the time. There was a pro-Zimmerman rally in Texas where a woman showed up with a sign that said “Racist and Proud.” And that was in the newspaper today. So certainly there are people who show up who behave badly at protests, and that’s not something you can really control for.


Gateway Pundit concludes she was a “leftist plant” who intended to trick or otherwise deceive the media. As the interview reveals, however, she was quite honest and open about her intentions and what her sign meant. She also located herself quite clearly on the Trayvon Martin/New Black Panther Party-supporting side of the demonstration (this video shows the two sides were clearly separated and distinguished from each other).


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The reason the media simply picked this up as true is that it has a narrative it believes to be true — that is, the Zimmerman case was over race… and Republicans are racist. Ergo, ad hoc — and all that jazz — the sign must be true… PLUS, it is in Texas! Double-Jeopardy, it must be true. Renee Vaughan has since apologized:


`Todays black leadership pretty much lives off the fumes of moral authority that linger from its glory days in the 1950s and 60s` ~ Shelby Steele

Shelby Steele via The Wall Street Journal

The verdict that declared George Zimmerman not guilty of murdering Trayvon Martin was a traumatic event for America’s civil-rights establishment, and for many black elites across the media, government and academia. When you have grown used to American institutions being so intimidated by the prospect of black wrath that they invent mushy ideas like “diversity” and “inclusiveness” simply to escape that wrath, then the crisp reading of the law that the Zimmerman jury displayed comes as a shock.

On television in recent weeks you could see black leaders from every background congealing into a chorus of umbrage and complaint. But they weren’t so much outraged at a horrible injustice as they were affronted by the disregard of their own authority. The jury effectively said to them, “You won’t call the tune here. We will work within the law.”

Today’s black leadership pretty much lives off the fumes of moral authority that linger from its glory days in the 1950s and ’60s. The Zimmerman verdict lets us see this and feel a little embarrassed for them. Consider the pathos of a leadership that once transformed the nation now lusting for the conviction of the contrite and mortified George Zimmerman, as if a stint in prison for him would somehow assure more peace and security for black teenagers everywhere. This, despite the fact that nearly one black teenager a day is shot dead on the South Side of Chicago—to name only one city—by another black teenager.

This would not be the first time that a movement begun in profound moral clarity, and that achieved greatness, waned away into a parody of itself—not because it was wrong but because it was successful. Today’s civil-rights leaders have missed the obvious: The success of their forbearers in achieving social transformation denied to them the heroism that was inescapable for a Martin Luther King Jr. or a James Farmer or a Nelson Mandela. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton cannot write a timeless letter to us from a Birmingham jail or walk, as John Lewis did in 1965, across the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Ala., into a maelstrom of police dogs and billy clubs. That America is no longer here (which is not to say that every trace of it is gone).

The Revs. Jackson and Sharpton have been consigned to a hard fate: They can never be more than redundancies, echoes of the great men they emulate because America has changed. Hard to be a King or Mandela today when your monstrous enemy is no more than the cherubic George Zimmerman.



In the Zimmerman/Martin case the civil-rights establishment is fighting for the poetic truth that white animus toward blacks is still such that a black teenager—Skittles and ice tea in hand—can be shot dead simply for walking home. But actually this establishment is fighting to maintain its authority to wield poetic truth—the authority to tell the larger society how it must think about blacks, how it must respond to them, what it owes them and, then, to brook no argument.

The Zimmerman/Martin tragedy has been explosive because it triggered a fight over authority. Who gets to say what things mean—the supporters of George Zimmerman, who say he acted in self-defense, or the civil-rights establishment that says he profiled and murdered a black child? Here we are. And where is the authority to resolve this? The six-person Florida jury, looking carefully at the evidence, decided that Mr. Zimmerman pulled the trigger in self-defense and not in a fury of racial hatred.


One wants to scream at all those outraged at the Zimmerman verdict: Where is your outrage over the collapse of the black family? Today’s civil-rights leaders swat at mosquitoes like Zimmerman when they have gorillas on their back. Seventy-three percent of all black children are born without fathers married to their mothers. And you want to bring the nation to a standstill over George Zimmerman?

There are vast career opportunities, money and political power to be gleaned from the specter of Mr. Zimmerman as a racial profiler/murderer; but there is only hard and selfless work to be done in tackling an illegitimacy rate that threatens to consign blacks to something like permanent inferiority. If there is anything good to be drawn from the Zimmerman/Martin tragedy, it is only the further revelation of the corruption and irrelevance of today’s civil-rights leadership.

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