Mitt Romney
In Ohio, Mitt Romney parodies Obama’s and Warren’s `You didn’t build that` comment ~ `Congradulate Your Kid, Not the Bus Driver’
Anderson Cooper SHREDS Debbie Wasserman Schultz Over DNC`s Attacks on Romney
Via HotAir
A comment from the YouTube channel the video is from:
My question is, if an 8 month old FEMALE fetus is stabbed in the head with a pair of scissors, which is in keeping with barack’s abortion policy, is that a “War on Women”?
Rupert Murdoch`s News Corporation has donated 21x More to Obama`s Campaign Than to Mitt Romneys’

Rupert Murdoch, chairman and chief executive officer of News Corp., speaks during a session on day three of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, on Friday, Jan. 30, 2009. This year’s meeting, which is titled “Shaping the Post-Crisis World,” runs until Feb. 1. Photographer: Adrian Moser/Bloomberg News
WOW! NewsBusters has this interesting stat:
All the major media companies, driven largely by their Hollywood film and television businesses, have made larger contributions to President Obama than to his rival, former Gov. Mitt Romney, according to the Center for Responsive Politics, a nonprofit, nonpartisan Washington-based research group that publishes the Open Secrets Web site.
The center’s numbers represent donations by a company’s PAC and any employees who listed that company as their employer.
Even companies whose news outlets are often perceived as having a conservative bias have given significantly more money to Mr. Obama. Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation, for example, has contributed $58,825 to Mr. Obama’s campaign, compared with $2,750 to Mr. Romney. The conglomerate, which owns Fox News, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Post and the 20th Century Fox studios, gave roughly the same amount to Mr. Romney’s Republican primary competitors Rick Perry and Ron Paul as it did to Mr. Romney.
The report above comes from a New York Times article which amusingly enough turns a story about how media companies donate overwhelmingly to Democrats into a way to bash Rupert Murdoch. That’s not entirely surprising given his ownership of the Wall Street Journal, the Times’s chief competitor.
Jake Tapper of ABC Fact-Checks the Prez
S.E. Cupp Putes the Brakes on the `Niggerization` of MSNBC
CBS edits key part out important part of Romney/Ryan interview
Via Doug Ross:
Battle of Campaign Ads and Truth! Welfare Reform Gutted, Truly
Thanks firstly to Daily RushBo!
First I will post the Romney Campaign Ad talking about the gutting of welfare reform the Republicans battled so resolutely for during the Clinton years. Then I will post the OFFICIAL Obama campaign response ad, followed by Rush Limbaugh playing audio of the the author of the reform bill that Clinton signed into law, Robert Rector. I will close this video/audio montage with “The Hammer” quelling the idea that reforming welfare is racist. Enjoy, and learn these quick responses to answer your Democratic friends, neighbors, family members and co-workers.
Andrew Klavan Talks Paul Ryan a Year-and-a-Half Ago (Plus: Paul Ryan Dazzles [bores] Obama)
Here is Paul Ryan talking to Obama and his crew:
More Ryan… a great choice… but they have to concentrate on Florida!
Obama Campaign Tied Women`s Death To Romney
From Gateway Pundit:
Here’s the real Joe Soptic timeline:
- Mitt Romney left Bain in 1999 to work on Olympics.
- GST Steel in Kansas City was shut down in 2001.
- Top Obama bundler Jonathan Lavine was in charge of Bain Capital at the time.
- Soptic was offered a buy-out.
- Soptic took another job but declined to purchase their insurance plan.
- Soptic’s wife had her own health insurance plan through 2003.
- In 2006, Soptic’s wife was diagnosed — diagnosed! — with very late-stage cancer.
- She died 22 days after diagnosis.
- The pro-Obama PAC Priorities USA cuts an ad blaming Romney for her death.
But, Priorities USA was not the first far left group to tie Romney to the woman’s death.
The Obama Campaign did it earlier this year in a slide show.
Not only the above… but Joe Soptic admitted he was offered o buyout… stuffing a sock in his mouth own mouth!
Bill Kristol & Rush Limbaugh Talk About Romney’s Reaction to Super-Pac Ad ~ UPDATED w/ Ann Coulter
In a “weenie” move, an official campaign representative got on Fox News and responded to the charge of murder with, “well, if this person had lived where Romney was Governor, she would have had health-care.” Rush Limbaugh discusses this spineless move:
We will not win with this strategy! That is, a strategy that does not include a backbone. If Romney won’t do it, get Chris Christie as the VP/Pit Bull.
UPDATED with Ann Coulter:
CNN Takes Apart Obama Super-PAC Ad Blaming Romney for Woman’s Cancer Death (Plus: Who Is the Real Murderer?)
Hot Air has this quick comment in their post on the matter, entitled, “CNN: Wife of steelworker in new Obama Super PAC ad still had job and health insurance after he lost his.”
There appears to be no actual policy or business critique here. It’s just a string of events spread over five whole years, with certain key data omitted, and you’re supposed to infer causation without really being told why or how.
Via NewsBusters:
Red State has this:
The Obama supporting Super PAC Priorities USA yesterday introduced us to Joe Soptic. Mitt Romney killed his wife. Except it is complete and utter crap.
Mitt Romney and Bain Capital bought GST Steel at some point. Romney left day to day operations of Bain in 1999. Thereafter, Bain offered Joe Soptic a buy out and he refused. Eventually the steel plant went out of business and Joe went on the unemployment line. That happened in 2001.
In 2002 or 2003, Mrs. Soptic injured her rotator cuff and left her job. She lost her insurance. In 2006, she was diagnosed with cancer and died a few days later. It is a terrible tragedy that Mitt Romney had nothing to do with.
It seems Mr. Soptic chose poorly on the buy out offer, lost his job, and would prefer to blame Mitt Romney than anyone else. Priorities USA has set a new standard — Mitt Romney killed a woman, despite being removed from both time of death and decision making.
We need far less than the convoluted logic of Priorities USA to conclude that Barack Obama is a murderer.
He is covered in Brian Terry’s blood.
Brian Terry was a border patrol agent.
Barack Obama’s Administration — while Obama was serving as President — started Operation Fast and Furious. An American fire arms dealer, working with the Obama Administration, sold a fire arm to a Mexican gun runner who took the gun into Mexico to use in the ongoing drug/civil war.
That gun came back across the border in the hands of someone who used it to kill Brian Terry.
There is a much more direct link between Barack Obama and Brian Terry’s murder than between Mitt Romney and Ilyona Soptic’s death from cancer.
If we are playing by Priorities USA’s rules, from here on out we can refer to Barack Obama as a murderer, considering his administration made the decisions that led to Brian Terry’s murder at a time period when Barack Obama was still on the job.
Take note that Bain spent 100-million dollars to try and save Joe Soptic’s Job: