Columbia Weenies

Police finally showed up to throw out the pro-Hamas protesters who had invaded and occupied a building at Columbia University. This was after the protesters demanded concessions from Columbia, including free food deliveries.

As a way of supporting Matt’s monologue, here is one of my favorite quotes from Milton Friedman:

Industrial progress, mechanical improvement, all of the great wonders of the modern era have meant little to the wealthy. The rich in ancient Greece would have benefited hardly at all from modern plumbing — running servants replaced running water. Television and radio — the patricians of Rome could enjoy the leading musicians and actors in their home, could have the leading artists as domestic retainers. Ready-to-wear clothing, supermarkets — all these and many other modern developments would have added little to their life. They would have welcomed the improvements in transportation and in medicine, but for the rest, the great achievements of western capitalism have rebounded primarily to the benefit of the ordinary person. These achievements have made available to the masses conveniences and amenities that were previously the exclusive prerogative of the rich and powerful.

Milton Friedman, Free to Choose (Orlando, FL: Harcourt Inc., 1980), 147-148.

I had to pot this gal, as, you hear someone say there are classes like 18th century lesbian French poetry at higher education/ivory league universities. But this girl is a professor teaching what? (pic linked):

  • She is a paid instructor & PhD candidate at Columbia studying “theories of the imagination & poetry as interpreted through a Marxian lens”

This was part of what she asked for:

TWITCHY goes on to note in humorous fashion, the rest of the story:

  • Just like “Queers for Palestine,” it seems odd that there are so many alleged feminists who support Hamas and cheer on Iran’s missile strike on Israel. We’ve seen this woman before, pleading for food for the protesters occupying Hamilton Hall at Columbia, but wait until you see the degree you’ll be paying off when Joe Biden forgives her student loans.