Diana Furchtgott-Roth Talks Unemployment Numbers and the Labor Force

Ms. Furchtgott-Roth served as Deputy Executive Director of the Domestic Policy Council and Associate Director of the Office of Policy Planning in the White House under President George H.W. Bush from 1991 to 1993, and she was an economist on the staff of President Reagan’s Council of Economic Advisers from 1986 to 1987.

Half-Yes,Half of all jobs created in America the last few years were by Texas!

From Libertarian Republican:

….According to USA Today – Economy “Texas bucks national unemployment trend” July 28:

From June 2009 to June 2011 the state added 262,000 jobs, or half the USA’s 524,000 payroll gains, according to the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas and the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Even by a more conservative estimate that omits states with net job losses, Texas’ advances make up 30% of the 1 million additions in the 34 states with net growth.

Paul Davidson at USA Today adds this:

The stunning showing could play a role in the presidential race. Texas Gov. Rick Perry is signaling he may run for the Republican nomination. If he does, he’s likely to ground his campaign in his state’s outsized job growth.

Editor’s comment – Y’all come on down. But don’t bring those Yankee (and California) style regulations and high taxes with ya.

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Insane Keynesian Failure

This is the type of stuff that makes you understand how a whole economic school of thought fails the people who prop it up with their hard earned blood, sweat, and tears!

Obamas Economists: Stimulus Has Cost $278,000 per Job

…. The council reports that, using “mainstream estimates of economic multipliers for the effects of fiscal stimulus” (which it describes as a “natural way to estimate the effects of” the legislation), the “stimulus” has added or saved just under 2.4 million jobs — whether private or public — at a cost (to date) of $666 billion. That’s a cost to taxpayers of $278,000 per job.

In other words, the government could simply have cut a $100,000 check to everyone whose employment was allegedly made possible by the “stimulus,” and taxpayers would have come out $427 billion ahead.

Furthermore, the council reports that, as of two quarters ago, the “stimulus” had added or saved just under 2.7 million jobs — or 288,000 more than it has now.  In other words, over the past six months, the economy would have added or saved more jobs without the “stimulus” than it has with it. In comparison to how things would otherwise have been, the “stimulus” has been working in reverse over the past six months, causing the economy to shed jobs.

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California Loses to Texas

USA Today:

Texas became the USA’s second-largest economy during the past decade — displacing New York and perhaps heading one day toward challenging California — in one of the biggest economic shifts in the past half-century.

The dramatic realignment of the nation’s economy was illustrated by North Carolina, Virginia and Georgia all overtaking one-time industrial powerhouse Michigan in economic size from 2000 to 2010. The economic winners of the last decade are states that focus on raw materials, government and senior citizens. The big losers are places that make things — industrial states and even California.

USA TODAY examined each state’s gross domestic product to determine how the country’s economic output has shifted within its borders. The data, recently released by the Bureau of Economic Analysis, reflect both population growth and income increases — in short, the economic weight of each state.

Texas notched one of the biggest increases in size in a half-century, surpassing $1 trillion in annual economic output. The state gained nearly a full percentage point in its share of the U.S. economy during the decade, reaching 8.3% in 2010. This growth in economic clout has been matched only twice in the past 50 years — by California in the 1980s and Texas itself during the 1970s oil boom.

“We’re growing faster than everyone else, and this trend should last a good while,” says economic forecaster Raymond Berryhill of Waco, Texas. His state enjoyed “good fortune and good planning” from having natural resources, immigration and successful technology businesses while avoiding the real estate bubble, he says.

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In His Own Words~Obama

This nugget comes from Sweetness and Light via Gateway Pundit.

Mission Accomplished. Obama told the “Today” Show back in 2009 that if the $787 billion stimulus failed he would be a one-term president.

President Barack Obama acknowledged Monday that the fate of his re-election four years from now likely rests on the success of the proposed $825 billion stimulus package.

“A year from now, I think people are going to see that we’re starting to make some progress. But there’s still going to be some pain out there,” Obama predicted during an interview on NBC’s “Today Show.”

“If I don’t have this done in three years, then there’s going to be a one-term proposition.”

In acknowledging that his political fortune hinges on the state of the economy, Obama urged the country to be patient in waiting for the stimulus to take effect.

Experts agree that America destroyed 1,000,000 private sector jobs with the failed stimulus.

And now we have this:

Peanuts Create More jobs Im Michigan that Green Energy

Granholm portrait unveiled Friday: woodtv.com

From the Governor’s bio on her website:

Jennifer M. Granholm was elected governor of Michigan 2002. In 2006, she was re-elected with the largest number of votes ever cast for governor in Michigan. As Governor, Granholm led the state through a brutal economic downturn that resulted from a meltdown in the automotive and manufacturing sectors. She worked relentlessly to diversify the state’s economy, strengthen its auto industry, preserve the manufacturing sector, and add new, emerging sectors, such as clean energy, to Michigan’s economic portfolio.

Here is the comparison (thanks to FreeRepublic) of this “innovation”

A miniature wind turbine is featured in former Gov. Jennifer Granholm’s official portrait, which was unveiled at the state Capitol on Friday. According to media accounts, Granholm said that the turbine is a symbol “of her administration’s efforts to rebuild the state’s shattered manufacturing base through alternative energy.”

But a can of Planters Peanuts may have been a better choice. Confectionery and nut stores brought more jobs to the state in the past few years than wind and solar combined. Wind energy accounted for 45 jobs in 2008 and 31 jobs in 2009. In 2008, there were 315 jobs generated by the wind and solar industry in the state. By comparison, there were 350 jobs generated in confectionery and nut stores in the state in 2008.

All were but a tiny fraction of the state’s overall economy: Michigan has more than 4 million jobs.

“Green energy hasn’t been the savior it has been hyped to be,” said James Hohman, Mackinac Center for Public Policy fiscal analyst.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics was not able to release 2009 data on wind and solar jobs.  Hohman said that’s generally because the data was focused on one facility or not enough facilities to meet privacy standards for reporting jobs.

Granholm said in September 2007 that wind energy would create jobs and help diversify the state’s job base.

The Job Killing President and His Policies

Gateway Pundit has this video of forward charging Republican Congressman John Shimkus “interviewing” Lisa Jackson in a House Energy and Commerce Committee:

Big Government reported in October: A recent report from the Senate Environment and Public Works committee detailed how the EPAs new backdoor regulations will cause a shocking job loss – nearly a million jobs. In their quest “green” the nation, the EPA is steamrolling over American industries – cement, steel and coal, among others – with unrealistic standards and impossibly complex regulations, threatening thousands upon thousands of jobs, not just in the industries themselves, but in the surrounding communities that depend heavily on the industries’ welfare.

Related… House democrat Dem Rep. Markey announced at the hearing, “If GOP Blocks The EPA, The Terrorists Win.”

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Eco-Nuts Killing Jobs

Dan Sparks hit one out of the park:

The enviros have succeeded in destroying both the environment and jobs with their radical legislative successes. First, it was their complete stranglehold on our nation’s energy policy: no new nuclear plants, a complete ban on exploring for natural gas domestically or for drilling for oil near our coasts. This forced us into the more hazardous and more expensive deep water drilling. This time they’ve succeeded with the outlawing of the lowly light bulb. The incandescent light bulb, the one Thomas Alva Edison invented in 1879, will be put to death in the US due to federal energy regulations. A law passed quietly in 2007 will be phased in next year with the final sales of incandescents occurring in 2014. Don’t blame Obama, this was done under George W. Bush’s watch.

Money Quote
First, we ban imports of lead in Chinese toys and now this: forcing Americans to buy toxic light bulbs from the Chinese at the expenses of American jobs and consumer safety?

The liberals, who always cry for “choice”, don’t want to give the American consumer choice in choosing light bulbs. They’re apparently only pro-choice with baby killing. Otherwise, they will tell you just how to live your life, thank you. The banning of the incandescent light bulb meant that General Electric, the largest maker of light bulbs, had to close all their plants in the US. The last factory closed in Winchester, VA. in September of last year.  The jobs are now all in China. They’re the largest makers of the compact fluorescent bulbs, CFLs.  They’re not made here, in part, because they’re too hazardous.

Ironically, the CFL’s contain mercury, a highly toxic substance. A broken bulb can create an environmental nightmare and according to Scientific American at least one case of mercury poisoning has been linked to these bulbs. Toxic cleanup crews may be necessary to contain a broken light bulb. I guess this is what the enviros mean by creating more “green jobs”. Cleaning up the mess that they’ve foisted on the American people through advocacy of their radical legislation. First, we ban imports of lead in Chinese toys and now this: forcing Americans to buy toxic light bulbs from the Chinese at the expenses of American jobs and consumer safety? What kind of insanity is this?


Fortunately, there’s hope on the horizon. The new chairman of the House Energy Committee, Michigan Republican Rep. Fred Upton, promised to re-examine this ban on the incandescent.  Let’s just hope Representatives Fred Upton and Ted Poe along with their GOP house can keep the lights on for us.

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The problem comes when a bulb breaks. Mercury escapes as vapor that can be inhaled and as a fine powder that can settle into carpet and other textiles. At least one case of mercury poisoning has been linked to fluorescents: A 1987 article in Pediatrics describes a 23-month-old who suffered weight loss and severe rashes after a carton of eight-foot (2.4-meter) tubular bulbs broke in a play area.