California’s Failed Green Dream


California’s new governor, Gavin Newsom, delivered an inaugural addressearlier this week that accurately reflected the mentality of his supporters. Triumphalist, defiant, and filled with grand plans. But are these plans grand, or grandiose? Will Governor Newsom try to deliver everything he promised during his campaign, and if so, can California’s state government really deliver to 40 million residents universal preschool, free community college, and single payer health care for everyone? It’s reasonable to assume that to execute all of these projects would cost hundreds – plural – of billions per year. Where will this money come from?

While California’s budget outlook currently offers a surplus in excess of $10 billion, that is an order of magnitude less than what it will cost to do what Newsom is planning. And this surplus, while genuine, is the result of an extraordinary, unsustainable surge in income tax payments by wealthy people. California’s tax revenues are highly dependent on collections from the top one-percent of earners, and over the past few years, the top one-percent has been doing very, very well. Can this go on?


A cautionary overview of the economic challenges facing California’s state government would not be complete without mentioning the neglected infrastructure in the state. For decades, this vast state, with nearly 40 million residents, has been falling behind in infrastructure maintenance. The American Society of Civil Engineers assigns poor grades to California’s infrastructure. They rate over 1,300 bridges in California as “structurally deficient,” and 678 of California’s dams are “high hazard.” They estimate $44 billion needs to be spent to bring drinking water infrastructure up to modern standards, and $26 billion on wastewater infrastructure. They estimate over 50 percent of California’s roads are in “poor condition.” In every category – aviation, bridges, dams, drinking water, wastewater, hazardous waste, the energy grid, inland waterways, levees, ports, public parks, roads, rail, transit, and schools, California is behind. The fix? Literally hundreds of additional billions.

What Governor Newsom might consider is refocusing California’s state budget priorities on areas where the state already faces daunting financial challenges, rather than acquiescing to the utopian fever dreams of his constituency and his colleagues.

Liz Cheney Steamrolls These “Green New Deal” Supporters

Unable to get an answer from the panel on whether the Green New Deal would require the government to set up a “vacation commissar,” Cheney asked who among them supports Ocasio-Cortez’s proposal. (DAILY CALLER) This is how I introduced this video on Facebook:

  • BOOM, this is the Cheney I remember tearing up Leftists on CNN. I always thought (years ago) that she should run for President.

The Green New Deal | Hugh Hewitt

This is more of some commentary by Hugh Hewitt on The Green New Deal. Hewitt makes the point that this isn’t socialism, but Communism. Jonathan Swan of Axios (TWITTER) joins Hugh in discussing the utter lack of thought involved in this New Green Deal.

Hugh Hewitt reads through the Green New Deal and has some fun time with the grammar and lunacy of the text and ideas. I include TARZANA JOE’S (below) poem dealing with the New Green Deal. Long but informative.


This year, the job’s been put to me

And so I should begin

Reporting as per statute

On the state our nation’s in

Unemployment’s at new lows

The market’s at new highs

But don’t be fooled, these numbers are

Disasters in disguise

What you don’t understand

About what these statistics show

The folks who process food stamps

Will soon have to be let go

And no sign is more ominous

No harbinger more fervent;

More damning to our country

Than an angry civil servant

And so I call on businesses

To do this town a solid

So we can hire more bureaucrats

To send help to the squalid

To quote the Madame Speaker

When quite rightly she reflects,

Nothing gives more stimulus

Than unemployment checks

Our Green New Deal will be the boon

For which we’ve all been yearning

And power plants, instead of coal,

Will run on yearbook burning

Now any time a country’s fate

And future are addressed

It’s right the situation

At the border be addressed

Some view immigration

Dourly and dimmingly

But I’ve been to the Rio Grande

And things are going swimmingly

Walls are just immoral

Brick and Mortar, a disaster

So our new legislation will soon outlaw

Lathe and plaster.

I could go on with my report

But it might bring me tears

And sad to say it stays this way

For two (or six) more years 0000000000 0