Caller Asks Rush Limbaugh if Cruz Can Still Win

Via the Blaze:

  • Rush Limbaugh said on his radio program Friday that he still believes Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) can defeat Donald Trump and secure the Republican nomination. The conservative talk show host offered his thoughts after a listener called in to ask. “My question is: Do you think that Cruz still has an honest chance to win?” the caller asked, according to an online transcript.

The Fascistic Left Up To Their Usual Tricks

Dennis Prager sheds some thinking and light on the recent issue of the fascist left shutting down free speech. While I may parse a little of his position – for instance Cruz should have come out and have been clear on the main issue that this is a tactic of the left, to shut down freedom of speech while at the same time noting just how un-presidential Trump has been – Dennis Prager is still correct in his overall premise.

AND REPUBLICAN missed an opportunity to separate what conservatism “is” – the protection of all sides being heard; versus only one side using brown shirt type tactics:

✦ Groups of National Socialists invaded meetings of the society, interrupted the speaker, attempted to attack him, and endeavored to make sufficient disturbance so that the meetings would have to be cancelled.
✦ In Berlin, under the leadership of Goebbels, so-called Roll kommandos were organized for the purpose of disrupting political meetings of all non-Nazi groups. These Roll kommandos were charged with interrupting, making noise, and unnerving the speaker.

You can see a recent upload in this regards here.

For more clear thinking like this from Dennis Prager… I invite you to visit: ~ see also:

A GOP-Primary Civics Lesson 101

While this focuses around the current 2016 primary election cycle ~ and thus around Rubio, Cruz, and Trump mainly… it is applicable to other election cycles. It is a sort-of “Civics 101” lesson from Medved on the GOP process of finding a candidate. I think these rules can be up for a vote to be changed at each convention. If they wish to change the process that is.

For more clear thinking like this from Michael Medved… I invite you to visit:

Larry Elder Notes Trump’s Double Standard

Larry Elder hits one out of the park while filling in for Dennis Prager last week. Per the “Sage’s” modus operandi, the left’s double-standard is brought to bare. This is what Larry Elder is best at… that is, showing how the Democrats are two-faced hypocrites. (Larry calls out a couple of Republicans as well.) Enjoy!