Top 50 Conservative Sites (2017)
The 50 top conservative websites in 2017, based on an average of rankings from Alexa, Quantcast, and SimilarWeb (PJ-MEDIA):
- Drudge Report
- Breitbart
- The Daily Caller
- Zero Hedge
- The Daily Wire
- The Blaze
- The Week
- Washington Examiner
- Gateway Pundit
- WorldNet Daily (WND)
- Newsmax
- National Review
- PJ Media
- Conservative Tribune
- Independent Journal Review (IJR)
- HotAir
- BizPac Review
- Twitchy
- Townhall
- Reason
- Newsbusters
- American Thinker
- The Western Journal
- The Federalist
- The Washington Free Beacon
- CNS News
- The Weekly Standard
- RedState
- Powerline Blog
- The Daily Signal
- The Conservative Treehouse
- The College Fix
- Weasel Zippers
- Bearing Arms
- Lucianne
- The Right Scoop
- The Spectator
- Judicial Watch
- FrontPage Mag
- Cato
- Jihad Watch
- American Enterprise Institute (AEI)
- Campus Reform
- Legal Insurrection
- Conservative Review
- OneNewsNow
- The Resurgent
- The Federalist Papers
- Young Cons/America News
- Allen B. West
Christians Discriminated Against By Gay Coffee Shop Owner
- That’s what happens when you order a tall drip instead of a whipped, half-caf, blended, soy, mocha frappicino, blended chocolate burst!!! they brought this on themselves – Facebook Friend
Joking aside, one should know at the outset, that I agree with the coffee shop owner. He should be able to serve whom he wants and whom he does not. I posted elsewhere that if he puts up a sign saying,
- “No One Allowed But Gay Middle-Aged Men In Borat Bathing Suits.”
He has that right – dammit! JUST LIKE a Christian business owner can deny service celebrating same-sex marriages. This should only be used as an example of Leftist hypocrisy, but people should be ready to provide FREEDOM to counter this. I will expand on this more with media and examples… this post may be long.
RED STATE notes the following about this incident:
GAY PATRIOT wryly notes this about Red States post:
BTW, no one would sit and watch a straight couple do the same.
In a past post of mine — “Gary Johnson Is a Cake Fascist” — an example used to compare equal application of the law (a Constitutional ideal) of Bruce Springsteen cancelling his tour in North Carolina :
GAY PATRIOT noted years back that Springsteen should be forced to perform in that state, using the understanding of Leftists, Christian apologist FRANK TUREK agrees:
One person i know succinctly posted this:
- The free market is the great equalizer of inequities while protecting freedom at the same time.
This idea is what Barry Goldwater was running on. Freedom. Here Dennis Prager comes to the realization that his position on Goldwaters “anti-Civil Rights Act” platform was wrong all these years:
The thinking that special rights apply to different groups of people are what totalitarian regimes proffer. Here is an example of freedom being diminished, really a backfiring of Leftist ideals on the Gay Left.
Even the “supposed” Libertarian candidate wants the state large enough to force, fine, and run out of business citizens acting according to their conscience. Here is the debate portion that showed Gary Johnson was a Leftist and not a Libertarian:
I even called into the Michael Medved Show to challenge Gary Johnson on this debate:
The REAL march toward freedom was realized in this GREAT EXAMPLE of these two freedom loving lesbians fighting against the LEFT in oprotecting the freedoms of a Christian T-Shirt company owner:
Gay Patriot shot me over to The Blaze’s article on this… good stuff, and I LOVE these two ladies.
So ~ to be clear ~ we use this as an example of the Left being hypocrites, but offer a way that increases people’s freedom.
- “The larger the government gets, the smaller the person gets. The smaller the government gets, the larger the individual gets.”
Conservatarianism IS the New Counterculture
Headlines like this “Katy Perry Decides to Make Bold Political Statement at Grammys…” are nothing of the sort. The boldest statement can be found pictured below.
Keep in mind she is a “mixed bag (language warning)” and she has already gotten many threats against her life and definitely made some heads explode — but her sales of her albums are up 18,000[+]% (<<< LOL – I previously put 18-million percent). Also keep in mind the dress designer is a pro-Trump immigrant all about the wall. [She is a Scientologist — which means I hope she scours the Christian faith more thoroughly, starting with the easy stuff.]
What will happen from such a dress is that people will HATE Joy Villa for wearing it… whereas previously the dresses (pictured at the bottom) were not as shocking to the same persons. What this points to is that conservatism and Republican viewpoints wrapped up in a person — perceived rightly or wrongly — IS the new counterculture. Here are excerpts from a now timely article from two-years back via NATIONAL REVIEW:
AMERICAN THINKER ends an article with this:
- How can anyone make a coherent argument that what was once the liberal counterculture is not the new mainstream culture? So in turn, doesn’t that make conservatism the new counterculture?
And here is an older version of a great commentary by Paul Watson. (I enjoy the older one as compared to the newer one… which can be watched here):