LiveLeak Comments! LOL (Girls Fighting)

I am only posting this because of the comments… soo funny! I am listening to Art Blakey and Albert King, so I didn’t listen to the audio… but I am sure there is ROUGH LANGUAGE. In fact, some of the comments mentioned HIGH VOLUME… so you may just want to mute it and watch:

  • Unbeweavable.weave-laundry-day-in-the-hood-10-640x496
  • Bob and weave, bob and weave!
  • I was about to comment…but I think I will weave it alone.
  • Geez…fixing her damn sweater?!! Really?! Well, at least she went out in style.
  • Public park = taxpayer fail.
  • I always remember to take my hoopdie earnings off before the big fight. I leave the hair weaves in because those break free when they grab ’em. I learned this on the mean streets, I’m gangsta yo.
  • ‘Weave it to Beaver’.


Cutting a Tree Down Like a Boss! (Praising Thee BOSS)

This is turning into one of my favorite videos. For a few reasons… and it is why I chose to post the longer video of these guys. They talk about the wind, the logistics, etc. The guy doing the cutting looks like he is examining the part of the tree he is cutting into in order to surmise where he has to cut — like a boss! The other reason I love this video is that a theme today at a men’s Bible group focused a bit on pride. Then, driving home from the doctors office a guy called into the Dennis Prager show with a Bible verse. Dennis made the point that academics listening would roll their eyes at a Bible verse being used as a resource for wisdom, whereas, they would have listened more closely if it were Marx, Chomsky, or the like… noting the secular aspect and bias in modern-day academic pursuits. The conversation included “pride” IN-THAT secularism is the poster-child for a pride that much of the Bible speaks to. Because it makes the individual person the ultimate source for all values, which leads to self adulation.

Which brings me BACK to this video. I love how the guy… with all his knowledge and prep… fell to his knees and praised God. Love it.

Heartbroken Donkeys Mourn Death of Friend

Bram came to the Ezelshoeve Foundation, a donkey sanctuary in the Netherlands, in March 2014. He came along with three mares, from elderly owners who could not look after them properly. The good people at the sanctuary tried their hardest to nurse him back to health, but he didn’t improve. They had to make the decision to euthanize him.After Bram passed away, the other donkeys at the sanctuary began to make distressed noises and crowded around their friend’s body. The sanctuary’s founders are convinced that the donkeys were in mourning – stating that they have made the same noises (which is very different to their usual brays) after the passing of other companions. Perhaps the most heartbreaking moment of all, is when one of the devastated donkeys tries nipping at an unresponsive Bram in a bid to wake him.