“Justice Shrugged” | Trump Indictments

I have some time on my hand [literally] to read a lot of articles due to an operation. One of the best I have come across yet is over at REAL CLEAR POLITICS, titled, Justice Shrugged: The Persecution of Donald Trump— which came via JJ Sefton’sMorning Report.”

I will add some media before and link other articles worth your time —  after this…

                                    TURLEY                                                                  DERSHOWITZ

Here is the article:

Here’s what I dream of Donald Trump saying when he stands trial on bogus charges proffered by his political opponents: “I do not recognize this court’s right to try meI do not recognize my action as a crime.”

Those are the fighting words of industrialist Hank Rearden when he was put on trial for ignoring an unjust law in Ayn Rand’s novel “Atlas Shrugged.” Although the circumstances of the cases differ, Rearden is a perfect avatar of Donald Trump, as both larger-than-life men are persecuted by the justice system for seeking to pursue their own self-interest and for refusing to surrender to government oppression.

Self-interest is central to the Objectivist philosophy of Rand, who grew up in Russia and witnessed first-hand the oppression of free thought and free enterprise following the 1917 Communist revolution. Her masterpiece, “Atlas Shrugged,” is the ultimate roadmap to how American democracy can be subverted by leftist bureaucrats and a corrupt media to destroy some individuals and intimidate the rest.

In the novel, Rearden has created a unique metallic alloy that carries his own name. Rearden Metal is far superior to steel and was in high demand by contractors, but tyrannical government regulations prohibited Rearden from selling to customers of his own choice. He ignored the government’s warnings and sold to one of the few honest businessmen left in the country. That meant he had broken the law, and because of his stature and reputation for excellence, the government prosecuted him as a warning to others that they dare not pursue their own self-interest, too.

Rearden epitomizes the essence of individualism, striving to achieve his goals despite societal pressure. As an industrialist, he prioritizes his innovation and accomplishments, unapologetically pursuing personal success. His trial underscores the struggle between individual rights and the perceived interests of society, reflecting Rand’s championing of individualism.

Similarly, Trump’s refusal to accept the election results turns on his deep sense of individualistic ambition, his willingness to challenge societal norms, and his determination not to surrender his principles, even at the expense of public ridicule, political persecution, and now potentially years in prison. But you can’t view the 2020 election in a vacuum. Trump was no different than Rearden in fighting what he knows is a rigged system. For the preceding five years, Trump had been the victim of a series of vicious attacks by the Deep State and the media who never really accepted him as president. So Trump had no reason to accept the election results parroted by the same actors who had already tried to destroy him multiple times.

And now, two and a half years after the 2020 election, as Trump has a fighting chance of returning to the White House in the greatest political comeback in history, his enemies have come for him again, with three separate indictments and soon to be a fourth.

The four-count indictment most recently brought against Trump by Special Counsel Jack Smith is intended to make a victory in 2024 nearly impossible. The Deep State in this case represents the entrenched bureaucracy of the federal government as well as the individual states’ election officials. This is the same Deep State that gathered up 51 national security officials to sign a statement prior to the 2020 election that falsely claimed that Hunter Biden’s laptop “has all the classic earmarks of Russian disinformation.” It had none of them. No wonder Trump was disinclined to accept their conclusions that the election was secure and fair. Trump sought to prove his concerns about the legitimacy of the 2020 election by pursuing a vigorous legal strategy as was guaranteed to him under the First Amendment’s right “to petition the government for a redress of grievances.”

Biden’s weaponized Department of Justice is determined to deny that right to Donald Trump, and by extension to the rest of us. You either agree with the government’s interpretation of election results or else you risk going to jail. The indictment brought against Trump acknowledges that everyone has a First Amendment right to speak their minds and even to “formally challenge the results of the election through lawful and appropriate means,” but it then avers that Trump’s right to believe he won the election is abrogated by a string of court losses and equally pessimistic assessments from so-called experts.

Here’s where it gets interesting, and where the Department of Justice has overstepped. The four counts in the indictment are based on what prosecutor Jack Smith calls three conspiracies: “A conspiracy to defraud the United States” by seeking to stop the counting of electoral votes on Jan. 6, 2021; “a conspiracy to corruptly obstruct and impede the Jan. 6 congressional proceeding at which the collected results of the presidential election are counted and certified; and “a conspiracy against the right to vote and to have one’s vote counted.”


RPT NOTE: Much like the Stalinist Court Trials, evidence typically allowed for a defendant to use was in fact not allowed: “The trials successfully eliminated the major real and potential political rivals and critics of Joseph Stalin.” In similar fashion, the J6 Committee “hearings” refused anyone  who would bring countering testimony or challenge their charges. And now any evidence that would have been available to Trump from those hearings was reportedly destroyed – that should have been kept per the law!


All of these alleged conspiracies and the resulting four charges are directly related to the joint congressional session on Jan. 6, when the Electoral College votes were opened and debated to determine whether they should be counted. Moreover, when Jack Smith announced the indictment, he suggested that Trump was responsible for the riot that occurred at the U.S. Capitol on that day, yet none of the charges hold Trump responsible for the violence. Every charge in this dubious indictment could have been brought even if the protesters had marched “peacefully and patriotically” to the Capitol as Trump had requested. The charges in the indictment have nothing to do with the violence; they only relate to Trump’s insistence that he won the election, and that he would do whatever it takes to prove it.

In other words, these are not real crimes like insurrection or sedition; they are thought crimes. Smith’s “conspiracy” charges simply reflect that Trump consulted his lawyers to develop a legal strategy on how to right the wrong that he perceived. In its substance, from paragraphs 8 to 123, the indictment merely alleges over and over again that Trump refused to accept the conclusions of others that the election of Biden was legitimate, and that he had help from like-minded attorneys. How infuriating that must be to prosecutor Smith, who believes with all his heart that no one could doubt the veracity of what government officials (like him!) tell us.

But millions of us did doubt the official story of a Biden victory. In the weeks after the Nov. 3, 2020 election, I wrote about problems with the election on Nov. 6, Nov. 13, Nov. 23, Nov. 30, and Dec. 7. If I had been able to ensure that Trump had read those columns at RealClearPolitics, I might be under indictment for conspiracy now, too. Then on Jan. 2, 2021, I wrote a column called “Our Electoral Crisis: The Call of Conscience on Jan. 6.”

In that preview of the challenge of electoral votes from disputed states, I wrote, “There is no reason to expect that the Jan. 6 session of Congress will result in certification of President Trump as the victor of the 2020 election. Despite the extensive evidence of fraud that has been amassed, this vote will be an exercise in raw political power, not an expression of blind justice. Probably the best that Trump supporters can hope for is a fair hearing before the American people regarding the reason why doubts exist as to the legitimacy of Biden’s apparent victory.”

Because of the riot at the Capitol, even that small hope was dashed, as most of the congressional debate about fraudulent activity in swing states was canceled when the joint session resumed late in the evening. It is important to note that Trump was the political victim of Jan. 6, not its beneficiary. Because of the violence, he lost his last opportunity to have a public debate on the voting irregularities that made millions of us believe the election returns were compromised. Yet Jack Smith would have you believe that it was Trump’s plan all along to shut down the electoral count that day as part of a plan to overturn the results. It’s just a fairy tale told to Trump-hating liberals to make them feel better.

MSNBC commentator Mike Barnicle summed up Smith’s theory of the case in a segment on “Morning Joe” the day after the indictment was unsealed. “It’s one thing to have beliefs. We all have beliefs,” Barnicle said. “Donald Trump had the belief that he won, and he can articulate it as long as he wants, but he does not have the right to transform that belief into illegal conduct.”

What that means is that we all have First Amendment rights to be wrong, but we do not have a right to persuade others that we are right. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the first step toward totalitarianism. What we are seeing in Jack Smith’s indictment is the attempt to criminalize what I would call “other thought,” the insistence that you will make up your own mind and pursue your own truth regardless of what the government tells you. This is an attempt to codify the suppression of ideas that we saw the Deep State impose on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media platforms in 2020. You have the right to think whatever you want, but as soon as you share thoughts that dispute the official narrative, you can be silenced, and in Trump’s case locked up in a federal penitentiary.

Well, he wouldn’t be the first person to be jailed for “other thought,” and you don’t have to turn to Russia or China for examples. How about Henry David Thoreau, who spent a brief time in jail in 1846 for protesting the Mexican-American War and wrote about his beliefs in “Civil Disobedience”?

“Any man more right than his neighbors, constitutes a majority of one already,” Thoreau told us. “Under a government which imprisons any unjustly, the true place for a just man is also a prison.”

That certainly will be true should the unthinkable happen and Jack Smith achieve his goal of imprisoning Trump. In a very real sense, the indictment is less an accusation against one man than a ham-handed attempt to enforce group-think on any Americans who resist the imperial decrees from Washington, D.C. Consider this passage from “Atlas Shrugged” in light of the hundreds of Jan. 6 convictions that turned ordinary Americans into felons:

“Did you really think we want those laws observed?” said Dr. Ferris. “We want them to be broken. You’d better get it straight that it’s not a bunch of boy scouts you’re up against We’re after power and we mean it … There’s no way to rule innocent men. The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren’t enough criminals one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws. Who wants a nation of law-abiding citizens? What’s there in that for anyone? But just pass the kind of laws that can neither be observed nor enforced or objectively interpreted – and you create a nation of law-breakers – and then you cash in on guilt. Now that’s the system, Mr. Rearden, that’s the game, and once you understand it, you’ll be much easier to deal with.”

One of the most striking parallels between the Trump and Rearden cases is the complicity of the mass media in promoting hatred for the defendants. The legacy press has been trying to destroy Trump for seven years now, starting with the Russia hoax, the Ukrainian impeachment hoax, the Trump taxes hoax, and the classified documents hoax. It didn’t matter what topic came up; the media turned it into another reason to hate Trump. Most recently, they have drummed up the “fake electors” narrative as proof that Trump intentionally tried to steal the election.

That is essentially the linchpin of Smith’s case. When Trump’s team put forward alternate electors on Dec. 14, 2020, they were following the entirely legal precedent that Democrat John F. Kennedy used successfully in the 1960 election, when Hawaii’s result was in doubt until after Dec. 14. The reason that date is so important is because the U.S. Constitution mandates that all electors must give their votes on the same day. If Trump’s lawyers were able to prove fraud after Dec. 14, but his electors had not voted on that day, then their votes would be lost forever.

Trump is an obstacle to the Deep State that seeks power over people, just as Hank Rearden was an obstacle to the economic tyranny of “Atlas Shrugged.” Rearden was not a person of quite the stature of Trump, but more of an Elon Musk – a self-made man of unthinkable wealth who didn’t follow anyone’s rules but his own. But that last quality is shared by all three men, and perhaps that more than anything is what has made them all targets.

Here’s how Rand described the media’s assault against Rearden as his trial began, and how their campaign to marginalize him had failed because the regular people oddly identified with the millionaire industrialist just as Trump gains popular strength with each new indictment thrown his way:

The crowd knew from the newspapers that he represented the evil of ruthless wealth; and … so they came to see him; evil, at least, did not have the stale hopelessness of a bromide which none believed and none dared to challenge. They looked at him without admiration – admiration was a feeling they had lost the capacity to experience, long ago; they looked with curiosity and with a dim sense of defiance against those who had told them that it was their duty to hate him.

That’s how the trial started, but by the time Rearden spoke in his own defense – or rather spoke to demolish the prosecution’s false claims – the crowd was in full support of Rearden in his battle against the nameless, faceless bureaucrats who had regulated the country into despair. When he turned to the crowd in the courtroom:

He saw faces that laughed in violent excitement, and faces that pleaded for help; he saw their silent despair breaking out into the open; he saw the same anger and indignation as his own, finding release in the wild defiance of their cheering; he saw the looks of admiration and the looks of hope.

As the crowd surged around him, he smiled in answer to their smiles, to the frantic tragic eagerness of their faces; there was a touch of sadness in his smile. “God bless you, Mr. Rearden!” said an old woman with a ragged shawl over her head. “Can’t you save us, Mr. Rearden? They’re eating us alive, and it’s no use fooling anybody about how it’s the rich that they’re after

It is just that same magical connection which happens between Trump and his supporters at a MAGA rally, and that is why Jack Smith, Attorney General Merrick Garland, and President Joe Biden want to put Trump behind bars. He gives people hope, and hope is dangerous when you have a plan to subjugate them. To succeed, tyranny needs willing victims, and Trump – like any Ayn Rand hero or heroine – fights back. That’s the true reason his enemies hate him.

“We fight like hell,” Trump said on Jan. 6, not in regard to violence but in regard to protecting our country from the thugs who would transform it into a dictatorship. “And if you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore.”

That’s the fighting spirit which makes me know my dream of Trump rejecting the court’s authority, like Hank Rearden did, will never come to fruition. While it would have a hint of poetic justice, that’s not what Trump is after. He wants real justice, political justice, freedom for all, and that means he has to stand up, stand tall, stand firm. When he says that the government is coming through him to get to you, he’s not joking……


  • FBI Agent Lied Under Oath About Knowledge Of Hunter Biden Laptop, Talks With Facebook, Document Reveals (NEW YORK POST)
  • David Weiss: A Not So Special Counsel: The man behind the failed plea deal to protect Hunter Biden should not be leading the investigation into his misdeeds (AMERICAN SPECTATOR)
  • Donald Trump and 18 Co-Defendants Indicted on 41 Charges (BREITBART)
  • Georgia Indictment Charges Trump, Lawyers, Aides for Speech Violations, Nationwide ‘Conspiracy’ (BREITBART)
  • Trump J6 Judge Worked at Fusion GPS, Burisma Law Firm (NATIONAL POST)
  • Who will go to prison, Biden or Trump? It’s Hard To See A Graceful Exit From The Current Mess (WASHINGTON TIMES)
  • Biden Censors Battered — Expect An Epic Supreme Court Showdown (NEW YORK POST)
  • Why Wouldn’t Americans See Politics in Trump Indictments? It’s Transparently Clear They Will Influence The 2024 Election (FRONT PAGE MAGAZINE)
  • The Illusion of Scandal: How Washington is Attempting to Dismiss $20 Million as an Illusion (JONATHAN TURLEY)


Woodstock Occurred in the Middle of a Pandemic

A must read article via The AMERICAN INSTITUTE for ECONOMIC RESEARCH. Excerpted in part:

Woodstock Occurred in the Middle of a Pandemic

arriving December 1968 and peaking a year later. It ultimately killed 100,000 people in the U.S., mostly over the age of 65, and one million worldwide ….


“In 1968,” says Nathaniel L. Moir in National Interest, “the H3N2 pandemic killed more individuals in the U.S. than the combined total number of American fatalities during both the Vietnam and Korean Wars.”

And this happened in the lifetimes of every American over 52 years of age. 

I was 5 years old and have no memory of this at all. My mother vaguely remembers being careful and washing surfaces, and encouraging her mom and dad to be careful. Otherwise, it’s mostly forgotten today. Why is that? 

Nothing closed. Schools stayed open. All businesses did too. You could go to the movies. You could go to bars and restaurants. John Fund has a friend who reports having attended a Grateful Dead concert. In fact, people have no memory or awareness that the famous Woodstock concert of August 1969 – planned in January during the worse period of death – actually occurred during a deadly American flu pandemic that only peaked globally six months later. There was no thought given to the virus which, like ours today, was dangerous mainly for a non-concert-going demographic.

Stock markets didn’t crash. Congress passed no legislation. The Federal Reserve did nothing. Not a single governor acted to enforce social distancing, curve flattening (even though hundreds of thousands of people were hospitalized), or banning of crowds. No mothers were arrested for taking their kids to other homes. No surfers were arrested. No daycares were shut even though there were more infant deaths with this virus than the one we are experiencing now. There were no suicides, no unemployment, no drug overdoses. 

Media covered the pandemic but it never became a big issue. 

As Bojan Pancevski in the Wall Street Journal points out, “In 1968-70, news outlets devoted cursory attention to the virus while training their lenses on other events such as the moon landing and the Vietnam War, and the cultural upheaval of the civil-rights movements, student protests and the sexual revolution.”

The only actions governments took was to collect data, watch and wait, encourage testing and vaccines, and so on. The medical community took the primary responsibility for disease mitigation, as one might expect. It was widely assumed that diseases require medical not political responses. 

It’s not as if we had governments unwilling to intervene in other matters. We had the Vietnam War, social welfare, public housing, urban renewal, and the rise of Medicare and Medicaid. We had a president swearing to cure all poverty, illiteracy, and disease. Government was as intrusive as it had ever been in history. But for some reason, there was no thought given to shutdowns. 

Which raises the question: why was this different? We will be trying to figure this one out for decades. 

Was the difference that we have mass media invading our lives with endless notifications blowing up in our pockets? Was there some change in philosophy such that we now think politics is responsible for all existing aspects of life? Was there a political element here in that the media blew this wildly out of proportion as revenge against Trump and his deplorables? Or did our excessive adoration of predictive modelling get out of control to the point that we let a physicist with ridiculous models frighten the world’s governments into violating the human rights of billions of people?

Maybe all of these were factors. Or maybe there is something darker and nefarious at work, as the conspiracy theorists would have it. 

Regardless, they all have some explaining to do. 

By way of personal recollection, my own mother and father were part of a generation that believed they had developed sophisticated views of viruses. They understood that less vulnerable people getting them not only strengthened immune systems but contributed to disease mitigation by reaching “herd immunity.” They had a whole protocol to make a child feel better about being sick. I got a “sick toy,” unlimited ice cream, Vicks rub on my chest, a humidifier in my room, and so on. 

They would constantly congratulate me on building immunity. They did their very best to be happy about my viruses, while doing their best to get me through them. 

If we used government lockdowns then like we use them now, Woodstock (which changed music forever and still resonates today) would never have occurred. How much prosperity, culture, tech, etc. are losing in this calamity?….

Here is a marrying of some information that is a mix of May 1st info from the:

See more on my post here:

As of now there are almost 38,000 deaths attributed to The Rona, with almost 124,000 hospitalizations. Two years ago (2017-2018) the flu hospitalized 810,000 people, and 61,000 deaths (CDC). Adding this seasons flu and Rona stats, we are up to 90,000 deaths and a little above 600,000 hospitalizations. We are still under the articles totals above and under the the 2017-to-1018 totals. The only thing I note different is there is an ORANGE man in office. (Or, like the article states loosely, it could be a “perfect storm” of reasons, political opportunity being in the mix.) Trump even declared a state of emergency at the 49-death total count, Obama waited to the 1,000th death. I also imagine the combined totals of death from flu and The Rona will be smaller as there is crossover. The total death from each may never be fully realized in separating the two, but you get the point.


Articles Regarding the Wuhan Virus (UPDATED 4-2-2020)

I will add to these periodically, “NEW” – or the date – does not relate to when it was written, but to when I added it to my reading regimen:


  • NEW: BLUE COLLAR LOGIC: Mixed Messages From The Experts (YOUTUBE)
  • NEW: BLUE COLLAR LOGIC: Trump’s Guilty Of Having Hope! (YOUTUBE)
  • NEW: Is the World Health Organization Putting the World’s Health First? (NATIONAL REVIEW)
  • NEW: Kansas Dept of Health Using Cell Phone GPS Tracking to Monitor Coronavirus Compliance… (CONSERVATIVE TREEHOUSE)
  • NEW: How Government Is Standing in the Way of Lifesaving American Innovation (AMERICAN GREATNESS)
  • NEW: Boston Globe Editorial Board Claims Trump Has ‘Blood on His Hands’ (PJ-MEDIA)
  • NEW: Are People Catching On? (POWERLINE)
  • NEW: The Wuhan Virus: Where We Are Now (POWERLINE)
  • NEW: The Wuhan Virus: Six Notes & Queries (POWERLINE)
  • NEW: Wuhan Virus Watch: Nevada and Michigan Governors Reverse Decision Banning Chloroquine Treatments (LEGAL INSURRECTION)
  • NEW: Prosecutors: Engineer deliberately ran train off tracks in attempt to smash the USNS Mercy (WEASEL ZIPPERS)
  • NEW: FLASHBACK: Nancy Pelosi Zones Out During State Of Union While President Trump Addresses Coronavirus (YOUTUBE)
  • NEW: Chinese Journalists Keep Disappearing, This Congressman Wants Answers (WEASEL ZIPPERS)
  • NEW: TUCKER CARLSON Covers Chinese Scientific Report Claiming Coronavirus Pandemic ‘Originated From A Laboratory In Wuhan’ (YOUTUBE VIDEO | LEGAL INSURRECTION)
  • NEW: TUCKER CARLSON: A Chinese Research Paper Suggests The Coronavirus May Have Been Released Accidentally From A Lab (YOUTUBE VIDEO | HOTAIR)
  • NEW: REMINDER: Bernie Sanders Was Asked If He Would Close The Borders If He “Had To” To Stop The Spread Of Coronavirus (TWITTER VIDEO)
  • NEW: Right On Cue! Gov. Newsom Explains Why Pandemic Presents Opportunity To Usher In New ‘Progressive Era’ — And People Have Thoughts (TWITCHY)
  • NEW: CA Gov. Gavin Newsom: We Will Use Coronavirus to ‘Reimagine a Progressive Era’ (WEASEL ZIPPERS)
  • NEW: Laurence Tribe, Who Has Repeatedly Called Trump A ‘Dictator-Wannabe,’ Slams The President For Not Seizing Control Of Supply And Distribution Chain (TWITCHY) [Editor’s note: this is a good example of the degradation of language by Leftists. Words and ideas have certain meaning… except if you are a Democrat. rape, tolerance, aggression, racism, bigotry, etc… all have wild meanings to Democrats.]
  • NEW: Cooper Fails to Correct Carl Bernstein’s Error on Trump Denouncing Virus as a ‘Hoax’ (NEWSBUSTERS)
  • NEW: Infectious Disease Specialist Tells Fox News: ‘This is the Beginning of the End of the Pandemic’ (YOUTUBE VIDEO | RED STATE)
  • NEW: Welcome to the PC (Post Coronavirus) Era (FRONT PAGE MAGAZINE)
  • NEW: DAMN SON: Japanese Deputy Prime Minister Blasts China And WHO For Lying About COVID-19 And Endangering Millions (TWITCHY)
  • NEW: Watch: Irate Japanese Official Suggests a New Name for WHO (TOWNHALL)
  • NEW: Here’s An Irony For You: Tobacco May Save The World (AMERICAN THINKER)
  • NEW: Inside The Dark Money Dem Group Using An Umbrella Network To Flay Trump Over His Virus Response (DAILY CALLER)
  • NEW: Mitch McConnell Heads Off Talk Of Fourth Coronavirus Stimulus, Infrastructure Spending (DAILY WIRE)
  • NEW: Trump Spoke Of Coronavirus In SOTU. Pelosi Tore It Up, Called It ‘Manifesto Of Mistruths’ (DAILY WIRE)
  • NEW: Another Study Points to Lower COVID-19 Death Rate Than Previous Estimates; Trump Predicted as Much (CNS NEWS)
  • NEW: Dr. Oz Tells Cuomo To Lift Ban On Anti-Malaria Drug Used To Combat Coronavirus (HANNITY VIDEO | DAILY CALLER)
  • NEW: ‘Battlefield Medicine’: NY, NJ Doctors and Patients See Anecdotal Evidence of Hydroxychloroquine Benefits in Fighting Coronavirus (BREITBART)
  • NEW: NYC Health Department: Overwhelming Majority of Coronavirus Deaths Involve Underlying Conditions (BREITBART)
  • NEW: Report: Israel Team Days Away From Creating Active Component Of Coronavirus Vaccine (DAILY WIRE)
  • NEW: Shocking List of What’s Killed the Most People in 2020 (RUSH LIMBAUGH)
  • NEW: Preparing for the Wrong Emergency: Focused on climate change, Mayor Bill de Blasio failed to equip New York for the coronavirus crisis (CITY JOURNAL)
  • NEW: Identity Politics Lied. New Yorkers Died: How identity politics pseudoscience left New York exposed to the Coronavirus (FRONT PAGE MAGAZINE)
  • JOE ROGAN: It’s ‘Exhausting’ When Reporters Use Every Story As A ‘Chance To Shit On Trump’ (WASHINGTON TIMES | YOUTUBE VIDEO)
  • God and Coronavirus (AMERICAN SPECTATOR)
  • While Dems Lie About Trump’s CDC Budget, Turns Out Obama Requested Millions in Cuts (WESTERN JOURNAL)
  • The Truth about the National Security Council’s Pandemic Team (NATIONAL REVIEW)
  • Armchair Quarterbacks Try to Rewrite History on Coronavirus (NATIONAL REVIEW)
  • How Will Coronavirus Change the Health-Care Industry? (NATIONAL REVIEW)
  • Coronavirus Tally In Israel: 21 Fatalities, 5,591 Confirmed, 97 Serious (DEBKA FILE)
  • NY Times Finally Admits Issues With China’s COVID-19 Statistics (ACCURACY IN MEDIA)
  • If It Bleeds, It Leads: Media Omits Us Fatality Rates In Reports (ACCURACY IN MEDIA)
  • President Trump: “I want to give people hope”… This Is The Side Of President Trump That The Media Doesn’t Want Anyone To See (YOUTUBE)
  • North Korea Privately Asking for COVID-19 Aid While Reporting Zero Cases (AMERICAN GREATNESS)
  • Time to Cancel the World Health Organization (AMERICAN GREATNESS)
  • Hockey Sticks, Changing Goal Posts, and Hysteria (AMERICAN GREATNESS)
  • ‘Medicare For All’ Wouldn’t Have Better Prepared Us For The Coronavirus (WASHINGTON EXAMINER)
  • Ending Covid: It Will Take Some Time, But Rest Assured: A Coronavirus Vaccine Is Coming, And It Will Work (CITY JOURNAL)
  • Mike Lindell, Not Yamiche Alcindor, Is the Hero (NATIONAL REVIEW)
  • COVID Confirms It: Dems Don’t Understand Economics (ISSUES & INSIGHTS)
  • Trump Versus Biden? Maybe. Trump Versus The Media? Absolutely (THE AMERICAN CONSERVATIVE)
  • Beware China’s Masked Diplomacy (SPECTATOR USA)
  • The Coronavirus Is Washing Over The U.S. These Factors Will Determine How Bad It Gets In Each Community (STAT)
  • Axios-Ipsos Coronavirus Index: Rich Sheltered, Poor Shafted Amid Virus (AXIOS)
  • Hero-Worshipped Andrew Cuomo Is The Reason The Coronavirus Is So Widespread In New York (NOQ REPORT)
  • US Provides Nearly 15% Of Who’S Budget, China Just .2%. Now, A Gop Senator Is Calling For An Investigation (THE BLAZE)
  • Dr. Fauci Shuts Down CNN’s Acosta For Suggesting Trump Didn’t Act Early To Stop Coronavirus (DAILY WIRE)
  • Pence Task Force Freezes Coronavirus Aid Amid Backlash (POLITICO)
  • The Senator Who Saw the Coronavirus Coming (NATIONAL REVIEW)
  • Baltimore Pastor Vows To Continue Services Despite Police Threat, Another Pastor’s Arrest (DAILY WIRE)
  • TEXAS: Dozens Of Spring Breakers Infected With COVID-19 After Mexico Trip (DAILY WIRE)
  • Are Covid-19 Models A Sound Basis For Public Policy? [With Comment By Paul] (POWERLINE)
  • Barack Obama Falsely Accuses Trump of ‘Ignoring Warnings of a Pandemic’ (PJ-MEDIA)
  • Trump Destroys Connecticut Governor’s Claim the Strategic National Stockpile Has Been Emptied (PJ-MEDIA)
  • Did COVID-19 Originate in a Chinese Lab? And Why Is It Crazy to Ask? (PJ-MEDIA)
  • SUICIDE vs. CORONAVIRUS DEATHS: Study Finds Coming Economic Crisis Could Lead to 831,600 Suicides! — That is Four Times the Number of Estimated Coronavirus Deaths (GATEWAY PUNDIT)
  • As Long As Communist China Controls The World Health Organization, It’s Completely Unreliable (THE FEDERALIST)
  • The Coronavirus Is Making (State) Borders Great Again (THE FEDERALIST)
  • Coronavirus Has Driven A Stake Through Globalism’s Heart (THE FEDERALIST)
  • We’re Following A One-Size-Fits-All Coronavirus Strategy Right Into A Great Depression (THE FEDERALIST)
  • LGBT Bigots Denounce Christians Helping Coronavirus Patients (MOONBATTERY)
  • Joe Scarborough Says Everyone But Trump ‘Saw This Coming In Early January’ — Forgets His Show Didn’t Mention It Until The 24th (WEASEL ZIPPERS)
  • EXCLUSIVE: Spain Is One Of The Countries Hit Hardest By Coronavirus — Spanish Reporter Explains What’s Different About US Response (DAILY CALLER)
  • THE FIVE: Gutfeld On The Media And The Virus (YOUTUBE)
  • New O’Keefe Video: N.Y. National Guardsmen Say “It’s Just The Flu” (HOTAIR)
  • It Took 27 Days For CNN To Say What They Previously Accused Trump Of Lying About (HOTAIR)
  • China Concealed Extent of Virus Outbreak, U.S. Intelligence Says (BLOOMBERG)
  • ‘Impeachment 2: Resistance Boogaloo’! Dems Reportedly Exploring Commission To Scrutinize Trump Admin’s COVID19 Response (TWITCHY)
  • SUPERCUT! Dems Give Really Terrible Coronavirus Advice (TWITTER video)
  • Gov. Gretchen Whitmer Asks Trump Administration for Chloroquine After Reversing Ban (BREITBART)
  • HUD Secretary Carson: Quickly Evolving Coronavirus Treatments Could Change Landscape ‘In the Next Week or Two’ (BREITBART)
  • House Democrats Already Planning 9/11-Style Commission To Investigate Trump’s Coronavirus Response… (RIGHT SCOOP)
  • Michigan Governor Who Banned Anti-Coronavirus Drug Touted by Trump Now Asking for Shipments of It (RED STATE)
  • Report: Intelligence Officials Confirm China Hid the Extent of the Viral Outbreak (RED STATE)
  • Don Lemon Lies: Blame Trump Because He Called the Virus, a ‘Hoax’ (NEWSBUSTERS – See my post as well: “Larry Elder Debunks Media’s Latest Lies“)
  •  GOP Reminds Pelosi Her Impeachment Obsession Distracted From Wuhan Coronavirus Efforts (LEGAL INSURRECTION)
  • Wuhan Virus Watch: Drs. Fauci and Birx Dispute Claim U.S. Didn’t Act Quickly (LEGAL INSURRECTION)
  • LAURA INGRAHAM: Americans Want To Stay Safe And Free (YOUTUBE)
  • TUCKER CARLSON: ‘Wet markets’ reopening across China: Report (YOUTUBE)
  • If You Claim That Calling It ‘Wuhan Coronavirus’ Is Racist, You Are Part Of The Cover-Up (LEGAL INSURRECTION)
  • Christian Round-Ups Continue: 7 Arrested for Praying Near Greensboro Abortion Clinic During Stay-at Home Order (PJ-MEDIA)
  • Coronavirus Reveals the Recklessness of Drug Pricing Reform (TOWNHALL)
  • Even on COVID-19, Left and Right Are Divided (TOWNHALL – Dennis Prager)
  • Will Coronavirus Kill the European Union? (CITY JOURNAL)
  • Why COVID-19 Rates Are Difficult To Compute (UNCOMMON DESCENT)
  • Trump Was Right: Cuomo Admits New York Has ‘Stockpile’ of Ventilators (WESTERN JOURNAL)
  • CBS Used Fake COVID Video: ‘NY Hospital’ Footage Was From Italy’s Hardest-Hit City (WESTERN JOURNAL)
  • A Disaster Foretold: Shortages Of Ventilators And Other Medical Supplies Have Long Been Warned About (NEW YORK TIMES)
  • US Gov’t Partners with Johnson & Johnson To Prep for 1 Billion Coronavirus Vaccine Doses (WESTERN JOURNAL)
  • Distillers’ Attempt To Fill Sanitizer Void Threatened By FDA Red Tape (WASHINGTON TIMES)
  • Chinese Markets Again Selling Bats — Likely Source Of Deadly Pandemic — Reporters Say (WASHINGTON TIMES)
  • Chinese Researchers Isolated Deadly Bat Coronaviruses Near Wuhan Animal Market (WASHINGTON TIMES)
  • China Caught Smuggling SARS/MERS Into US (FRONT PAGE MAGAZINE)
  • Shut Down Churches for Coronavirus, “Yes”, Shut Down Abortion Clinics, “No” (FRONT PAGE MAGAZINE)
  • Trump Cites Report Cuomo Passed On Chance To Buy 16,000 Ventilators In 2015 (FOX NEWS)
  • The Game Changer: President Trump Was Right: Regarding CHLOROQUINE, The Science Is On His Side, Not The New York Times’ (AMERICAN SPECTATOR)
  • The $20 Solution to Coronavirus: ‘Anecdotal Evidence’ Is a Life-Saver [HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE] (AMERICAN SPECTATOR)
  • Border Patrol Stopped a Chinese Biologist Carrying Viable SARS, MERS Viruses at Detroit Airport in 2018 (NATIONAL REVIEW)
  • Wet Markets That Produced Chinese Virus Back Up and Running (MOONBATTERY)
  • Complicated Mathematical Models Are Not Substitutes for Common Sense (NATIONAL REVIEW)
  • No, America’s Response to Coronavirus Isn’t the Worst in the World (NATIONAL REVIEW)
  • WashPost ‘Fact Checker’ Throws Misdirected ‘Four Pinocchios’ at Dr. Fauci (NEWSBUSTERS)
  • Twitter Removes Tweet Reporting ‘HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE’ As Treatment For Wuhan Virus (THE FEDERALIST)
  • Soros and the Coronavirus Pandemic (AMERICAN THINKER)
  • BLUE COLLAR LOGIC: Some Things You Might Not Know… We Are Not China Or Italy (YOUTUBE)
  • France Officially Sanctions Drug [CHLOROQUINE] After 78 Of 80 Patients Recover From COVID-19 Within Five Days (DAILY WIRE)
  • FDA Issues Emergency Authorization Of 2 Anti-Malaria Drugs For Coronavirus Treatment (CHANNEL 4 SAN FRANCISCO)
  • (RPT Recomends) Numerators and Denominators in the Coronavirus Saga (AMERICAN THINKER)
  • Once Again, Trump Was Right And The Media Were Wrong (AMERICAN THINKER)
  • Michigan’s Governor Is Fighting A Losing Battle With President Trump (AMERICAN THINKER)
  • BLUE COLLAR LOGIC: Sunset on New York. Is The City ITSELF A Casualty? (YOUTUBE)
  • FDA Gives Emergency Authorization of HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE Use (BREITBART)
  • New York Orders Huge Amount Of CHLOROQUINE, Begins Trials; Trump Calls Out Media’s Double Standard (DAILY WIRE)
  • Coronavirus Patients Taken Off Ventilators After Getting Experimental HIV DRUG (NEW YORK POST)
  • More Evidence Of The Efficacy Of HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE And Azithromycin (POWERLINE)
  • Inaccurate Virus Models Are Panicking Officials Into Ill-Advised Lockdowns (THE FEDERALIST)
  • The Top 10 Lies About President Trump’s Response to the Coronavirus (PJ-MEDIA)
  • Cuomo Admits Trump’s Right: Coronavirus Shortages Are Fake News (PJ-MEDIA)
  • Coronavirus Modeling Had Faulty Assumptions, the Real Data Gives Us Hope (PJ-MEDIA)
  • French Expert Says Second Study Shows Malaria Drug Helps Fight Coronavirus [HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE] (YAHOO NEWS)
  • Governor Hit For HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE Crackdown As Political Debate Escalates (WASHINGTON TIMES)
  • TUCKER CARLSON: It’s Not Clear Why People Are Lying About The Effectivity Of HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE (YOUTUBE)
  • How Government Regulations Are Exacerbating The Corona Crisis (CHHAY LIN LIM)
  • WSJ Op-Ed: Two Physicians Weigh in on HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE, ‘We Don’t Have the Luxury of Time’ (RED STATE)
  • New controlled clinical study conducted by doctors ​in France shows that a combo of HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE and Azithromycin (Z-Pak) cures 100% of coronavirus patients within 6 days of treatment (TECH STARTUPS)
  • GOOD NEWS: Actor Daniel Dae Kim Credits ‘Drug Cocktail’ Which Included HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE And Z-Pak For His Recovery (TWITCHY)
  • These Drugs Are Helping Our Coronavirus Patients [HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE] (WALL STREET JOURNAL [paywall] | DISCUSSIONIST [non-paywall])
  • “There Is Hope”: Two Drugs That Could Help Coronavirus Patients Fight Back [HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE] (CBS)
  • California Once Had Mobile Hospitals And A Ventilator Stockpile. But It Dismantled Them (MSN)
  • Dr. Vladimir Zelenko has now treated 699 coronavirus patients with 100% success using HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE Sulfate, Zinc and Z-Pak [UPDATES] (TECH STARTUPS)
  • Media Peddle Bogus Wuhan Virus Stats To Bash America (THE FEDERALIST)
  • SEIU Healthcare Union Suddenly Finds 39 Million N95 Masks (BREITBART)
  • Michigan Attorney General Urges Residents to Call Cops on Neighbors Violating Stay-at-Home Order (BREITBART)
  • Cuomo Deserves No Plaudits for His Handling of Crisis (AMERICAN GREATNESS)
  • 5 Major Paradigm Shifts The Wuhan Flu Crisis Has Revealed Americans Need (THE FEDERALIST)
  • Cuomo Wonders If Coronavirus Quarantine May Have Backfired In Some Cases (NEW YORK POST)
  • Cuomo: Two Pieces Of Good News Out Of NY: Hospitalization Rate Drops, PPE (personal protective equipment) Need Filled (DAILY WIRE)
  • Israeli Firm Donates to U.S. Ten Million Pills (HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE sulfate) Touted by Trump for Coronavirus Treatment (BREITBART)
  • Trial Drug For Pneumonia In Cancer Patients Seeks FDA Approval For COVID-19 Clinical Trials (LEGAL INSURRECTION)
  • Dr. Anthony Fauci Says Coronavirus Is Likely Seasonal. What Does That Mean? (DAILY CALLER)
  • Horowitz: Man who spooked the world with coronavirus model walks back his prediction (CONSERVATIVE REVIEW)
  • LAURA INGRAHAM: Is first Reporter to Out False WHO COVID-19 Mortality Rate that Led to Global Panic (YOUTUBE)
  • Stanford Medical Professors: Covid-19 Death Toll Estimates May Be ‘Orders Of Magnitude’ Too High (THE BLAZE)
  • Covid-19 Fatality Rate May Be Too High By Orders Of Magnitude (WALL STREET JOURNAL via RPT)
  • Wondered Why It’s Been So Hard To Ramp Up Production Of Surgical Masks And Respirators? Why Haven’t Private Companies Flooded Into The Market To Meet Peak Demand? (TWITTER account of Paul Matzco)
  • While Most Of Europe Is In Lockdown, Sweden Is Going Its Own Way (THE LOCAL)
  • The Scientist Whose Doomsday Pandemic Model Predicted Armageddon Just Walked Back The Apocalyptic Predictions (THE FEDERALIST)
  • Epidemiologist Behind Highly-Cited Coronavirus Model Drastically Downgrades Projection (DAILY WIRE)
  • Good News: Scientists Say Coronavirus Does Not Undergo Significant Number Of Mutations (DAILY WIRE)
  • Masks, Masks, Where Are the Masks? (FRONTPAGE MAGAZINE)
  • Coronavirus Cases Have Dropped Sharply In South Korea. What’S The Secret To Its Success? (SCIENCE MAGAZINE)
  • Horowitz: The Key Bad Assumption in The Bipartisan Panic Pander Bill (CONSERVATIVE REVIEW)
  • Prevention Expert: Data Shows Our Fight Against Coronavirus May Be Worse Than The Disease (DAILY WIRE)
  • A Fiasco in The Making? As the Coronavirus Pandemic Takes Hold, We Are Making Decisions Without Reliable Data (STAT NEWS)
  • Truckers Appeal To US To Keep Rest Stops, Gas Stations Open (MERCURY NEWS)
  • Taiwan Says It Warned WHO About Coronavirus In December, But Its Warnings Were Ignored (DAILY CALLER)
  • Why the Remedy May Be Worse Than the Disease (DENNIS PRAGER)
  • Some Coronavirus Humility (VICTOR DAVIS HANSON)
  • The Great Coronavirus War Is Upon Us (VICTOR DAVIS HANSON)
  • Compared to What? (HEATHER MAC)
  • We Go From Hysteria to Hysteria (DENNIS PRAGER)
  • What We Don’t Know About the Coronavirus Is What Scares Us (VICTOR DAVIS HANSON)
  • Coronavirus Comes for Europe (GATESTONE)
  • China’s Real Disease: Not Coronavirus (GATESTONE)
  • Israeli Virologist Urges World Leaders To Calm Public, Slams ‘Unnecessary Panic’ (ISRAEL TIMES)
  • 99% of Those Who Died From Virus Had Other Illness, Italy Says (BLOOMBERG)
  • Obama’s Bad Stimulus Example (WALL STREET JOURNAL via RPT)
  • MIRACLE DRUG? Dr William Grace Says CHLOROQUINE Is Already Being Used In US, Explains CDC Coronavirus Test Delay (YOUTUBE)
  • DR. FAUCI Interviewed by WMAL (YOUTUBE)