Joshua Bell, One of the Worlds Greatest Musicians, Goes Unnoticed (This Breaks My Heart)

H/T to a reader/friend, Tommy “Boy”

I love music, almost all music. Thanks to the influence of my grandmother, I even love classical music. I would have stopped and listened as long as the hypothetical schedule would have allowed. The sad truth and commentary on our society is that if you had some break-dancers there in the Metro Station, you would have had larger crowds. This story broke my heart. To be fair however, this was done at a place where people are going to and from work. I think you would have had a different story if you placed Mr. Bell in one of D.C.’s small parks during a lazy Saturday afternoon or even a work-day lunch time in the area there. This may be a reflection on the Washington Post and how they accumulate the “pulse” of the nation, especially in regards to politics… they skew the questions or parameters of the thing being queried about in order to get the answer they seek. Thus making this one more example of mainstream media doing what they do best.

Joshua Bell is one of the greatest musicians in the world. He played one of the most intricate pieces ever written, with a violin worth $3.5 million dollars. Two days before, Joshua Bell sold-out a theater in Boston where the seats averaged $100 each to sit and listen to him play the same music. Joshua Bell, playing incognito in the D.C. Metro Station, was organized by the Washington Post as part of a social experiment about perception, taste and people’s priorities.

This experiment raised several questions:

  1. In a common-place environment, at an inappropriate hour, do we perceive beauty? [This is what may be challenged as part of this experiment]
  2. If so, do we stop to appreciate it?
  3. Do we recognize talent in an unexpected context?

When These People Are Pictured Smiling Over a Bill, You Know It Is Bad for America

Here are some reasons why this bill signing will hurt Jobs and business growth. The black Congreewomas in the picture is Maxine Waters… here is Miss Waters, unplugged:

Here is Barney Frank, pictured above:

Chris Dodd is talked about a bit here in regards to the bill he was part of:

Here is Nancy Pelosi mentioning sending people to jail for not getting health-care is fine… how much more does this viewpoint enter into other legislation?

Cafferty on Pelosi’s spending habits:

Work and Church Tomorrow, What I Did Today

I have to work tomorrow and then the boy and I have church… well, he has church. I read while he’s in his class. So I will hit it again on Thursday. Today I got to P on the blogroll and I got another page  up. My Quotes page is the import of all the quotes from my old blog. This is an important part of Religio-Political Talk, and after I get settled in I will continue to make it grow. Maybe sometime I will alphabatize it. But for now, the newest quotes are added at the top. Not the first quote, that will always stay:

I quote others only the better to express myself.

(Michel de Montaigne)

Like I said, this is a work in project. I am very happy with this template. The comments work now so I can resume a “caption fest” or two. There is soo much to blog about and link to this week. “Aaargh.” I have checked every site in my blogroll to make sure they were current (posted this year). I think there is a blog or two that is not current, but either there are articles that are timeless written by professors or pundits. But 98% of the blogroll links are live (as of 7-13-10 at least). One site I went to today had this photo… it made me laugh!

Could you imagine opening a buddy’s fridge and seeing this grisly scene! Since I like dark beers, I would have to save the “Negra.” Natural Light! Yuck!. At any rate, I hope to be back up on Saturday or Sunday. God bless you guys and gals. I will have a question for my Aussi/Kiwi readers when I am done transferring all the links over… so look for it.

CONSTRUCTION ~ Be Patient A Few More Days

Well, I finally found a template I like and that works (comments, widgets, and the like actually work).  I will spend the next few days creating my bloggrolls, video links, and the like… not to mention getting all my quotes from my old site and making a page for them. So again I post Mr.T. to all ya’ll CHUMPS, and ask that you hold yur horses and be patient just a few days more with me. Take note of a few changes. My links to ministries, political blogs, counter-cult sites, and the like, will be in one bloggroll. I have a philosophy of RELIGIO-POLITICAL TALK, and it will live in my blogroll. I finished the “A-C” section, that took me 5-hours! So when I say a few days, I mean it.

Real Jobs Loss

This is from HotAir:

As a follow-up to my earlier post on employment and stimulus, here’s a chart of what may be the most significant data on the topic. Barack Obama claims that the unemployment rate dropping from 9.7% to 9.5% shows that we’re moving in the right direction economically — but that data doesn’t include those who have left the workforce out of discouragement. They have no jobs and have given up looking for another due to economic conditions, according to the categorization by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. This chart shows the direction in which our economic policies have taken the US…. These represent the gross numbers of able-bodied workers outside the workforce and no longer looking for jobs. The red star indicated when Barack Obama’s stimulus was passed [Remember, he said that if it passed, it the jobless rate wouldn’t reach double-digits and stay at about 8%] , and we can see the effects or lack thereof on the workforce afterward. Not only has the unemployment rate gone up and the number of jobs continued to drop since February 2009, Americans are increasingly leaving the workforce instead of joining it.

New Black Panther Chairman Malik Shabazz Praises Osama bin Laden

This is with a HotAir h/t, but the below is from EyeBlast: has uncovered another rare video of the New Black Panthers Chairman Malik Shabazz from a closed door meeting, this time the footage shows him praising Osama bin Laden just 6 months after the September 11 terrorist attacks on March 22, 2002.

Shabazz stated he has to “give his respect” because “he’s bringing reform to the world”. He also believes that the attacks were an inside job, saying he doesn’t know if he can trust that bin Laden was the mastermind, because the government “knows how to fix up the videos.” He has a long and storied history of blaming everything on Jewish people–claiming there was Jewish involvement in the attacks.

At one point, Shabazz told the audience to “give him a hand” and those in attendance began to clap and cheer. He also tells the other panthers that mathematically, bin Laden is their friend because he got Bush and Rumsfeld, “shakin and quakin.” He finishes by saying his name will go down in history because he won’t die a “punk” or a “sissy.”

I’m sure if Osama bin Laden knew Chairman Shabazz the feeling would be reciprocated.

You can find an 8-minute version of this video here. You can also find recently uncovered videos of the New Black Panther party within this link.