Alien Scare Tactics Are In Play~But Not By NASA~Just A Bunch of Nerds

HotAir posts a story that makes the Left seem crazier than ever!

It may not rank as the most compelling reason to curb greenhouse gases, but reducing our emissions might just save humanity from a pre-emptive alien attack, scientists claim…

The authors warn that extraterrestrials may be wary of civilisations that expand very rapidly, as these may be prone to destroy other life as they grow, just as humans have pushed species to extinction on Earth. In the most extreme scenario, aliens might choose to destroy humanity to protect other civilisations.

“A preemptive strike would be particularly likely in the early phases of our expansion because a civilisation may become increasingly difficult to destroy as it continues to expand. Humanity may just now be entering the period in which its rapid civilisational expansion could be detected by an ETI because our expansion is changing the composition of the Earth’s atmosphere, via greenhouse gas emissions,” the report states.

“Green” aliens might object to the environmental damage humans have caused on Earth and wipe us out to save the planet. “These scenarios give us reason to limit our growth and reduce our impact on global ecosystems. It would be particularly important for us to limit our emissions of greenhouse gases, since atmospheric composition can be observed from other planets,” the authors write.

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Forbes Magazine joins ni the fun!

Over at National Review, Daniel Foster has some fun with this paper which goes through various scenarios that might result in (or after) contact with aliens. Foster spins the paper a bit, mockingly titling his post “Space Aliens are Probably Progressive Liberals” because some of the likely scenarios include reactions to our bad environmental policies:

But if ETI [extraterrestrial intelligence] doubt that our course can be changed, then they may seek to preemptively destroy our civilization in order to protect other civilizations from us.  A preemptive strike would be particularly likely in the early phases of our expansion because a civilization may become increasingly difficult to destroy as it continues to expand.  Humanity may just now be entering the period in which its rapid civilizational expansion could be detected by an ETI because our expansion is changing the composition of Earth’s atmosphere (e.g. via greenhouse gas emissions), which therefore changes the spectral signature of Earth.  While it is difficult to estimate the likelihood of this scenario, it should at a minimum give us pause as we evaluate our expansive tendencies….

Speaking of spin, this part of the paper reminds me quite a lot of the science fiction novel, Spin, by Robert Charles Wilson. Spoilers ahead…

In Spin, the stars suddenly disappear, and Earth is enveloped in some sort of space/time cocoon that removes the planet from the rest of the universe (not entirely, just from the time of the universe). While time passes extremely slowly on Earth, the rest of the universe continues on at a normal pace. Scientists discover that for every second now passing in Earth time, three years pass outside the planet. This causes quite the existential crisis for Earth’s population. The government sends out a ship to colonize Mars and then watches as millions of years go by in just a few days. Mars is colonized, developed and then…suddenly goes into a cocoon of its own. These cocoons are called “Spin” and nobody knows exactly what they are or what’s causing them.

It turns out an ancient system of self-replicating machines known as the “Hypotheticals” have created the Spin phenomenon in order to tie groups of planets together through a series of wormhole-like gates. All the planets in a series are hospitable to all the others. The “Hypotheticals” it appears, link these planets once they discover that they are on a crash course with environmental unsustainability. In other words, they are a sort of savior-entity attempting to address the issue of scarcity and resource depletion by rescuing Earth (and Mars, as well as many other planets) from self-destruction by pooling our resources with a potentially unlimited number of other planets throughout the universe.

The book is excellent, politics aside. I don’t find it particularly likely that an alien species or ancient computer-entity will come save us from ourselves or destroy us because they view us as resource-depleting parasites. The notion of some great beneficent intergalactic force just doesn’t resonate with me.

I think we should look at our own Space Race for one thing. What inspired our drive to the moon? To the galaxy and beyond? Simple: the Cold War and the arms race with Soviet Russia.

If we do encounter aliens in the distant or near future, I wouldn’t be at all surprised if they were in the midst of their own galaxy-spanning arms race. More than likely, any aliens we encounter will have done a great deal more damage to the universe than we have so far, no matter how advanced and enlightened they’ve become. And when they encounter us between blowing the hell out of one another? Well…

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The Teleprompter must be Racist! More from the chronicles of Al `the not so sharp` Sharpton

It is unbelievable that the black community would accept Al and Jessie as “black leaders” instead of brains like Thomas Sowell or Walter Williams in some sort of “leader” position. They [Sowell and Williams] are intelligent, came up from hard circumstances, are prolific thinkers and authors, professors, etc. Not dime store confirmed “reverends/liberal activists.” Instead you get the below:

“Ask Him Why He Doesn’t Believe in Science” Using Children in Proxy Wars

I thought this a fitting import in the “all is fair in ‘love’ and ‘POLITICS'” aspect of the above video.

How to Use Your Children to Annoy a Liberal

One of the best ways to use your children to annoy liberals is to have a lot of them.

….One of the best ways to use your children in this regard is to have a lot of them.  Liberals, being generally misinformed and detached from reality, don’t know that the Western world faces a population implosion, and the exercise of fecundity isn’t a choice they appreciate.  You know, if they see a gaggle of boys and girls following someone mother-goose style, they think carbon footprints, Malthusian nightmares and about how the “wrong” people are breeding. 

And think about the fun you could have.  For example, a nice touch would be to sport a bumper sticker saying, “My seven kids can beat up your one Ritalin-addled C-student.”  Also, when the size of your family is raised in conversation, you can casually mention how the Bible instructs us to be fruitful and multiply.  Judeo-Christian references move a liberal like nothing else.

How you raise your children matters, too.  Make sure they not only play with toy guns but that they do it publicly.  And it helps if they audibly say things such as “Bang, bang, you’re dead!”  Liberals view this the way a normal person would view the exposure of a child to pornography.  This is especially effective with the subspecies of liberals known as the suburban soccer mom. 

You see, liberals hate guns.  They feel guns are scary.  They feel that guns “teach violence” (that violence has to be taught is a notion I debunked irrefutably, undeniably and completely here).  They just plain feel.  They seem to worry that letting their son play with guns will turn him into a murderer even though they never wonder if allowing him to play with trains will turn him into a conductor.

To ensure this technique has maximum impact, you must choose the correct toy guns.  Vintage is the word, because the guns you find in stores today look like they were designed by Michael Jackson’s effeminate twin.  They sometimes come in Barbie doll colors and, at best, have at least a little red piece at the end of the barrel.  This toy-land abomination arose because undisciplined liberal children started pointing realistic-looking toy guns at police officers.  Somehow liberals don’t view this as Darwinian natural selection.

As an example of this technique, I’ll relate a story involving someone I know.  This father had given his sons some truly cool-looking toy guns from his youth, and one day he and his family ventured down to the community pool bearing these arms.  When all the liberals’ non-sex stereotyped, wearing-a-feminine-straightjacket sons saw these symbols of authentic boyhood, their eyes got wide; exclamations such as “wow” could be heard.  This also has the very positive effect of confirming in deprived liberal children’s minds that their parents really are dorks.  Oh, and you don’t have to worry about further alienating them from their (probably divorced, perhaps same-sex) parents/guardians.  Unless liberal children can be reformed, they will push the old folks into a nursing home first chance they get no matter what you do.

I also should mention that you needn’t fear liberals’ self-righteous, didactic proclamations.  Should they choose to say something to you, it only provides you the opportunity to put the icing on the cake.  If, for instance, they say, “I’m really surprised you give your son toy guns to play with” just respond, “Well, let’s be realistic.  He’s still a bit too young to have a real one.”  This upsets liberals intensely.


Yet liberals don’t like such things.  They bristle at the idea of treating children “like animals” even though they believe we’re just highly-evolved apes.  Letting your child run around someone else’s establishment like an animal is okay, though.

Lastly, if a liberal asks you why you have so many kids, you can just explain how survival of the fittest ensures that the right members of a species breed and inherit the Earth.  And be sure to follow up with, “Besides, every time I have another child, there’s one more person in this world to pray for you.”

Now, some may wonder why anyone would suggest using children to annoy liberals.  Well, we must properly train the young in the way they should go.  Just as importantly, we should always deal with people on their own level.