Year: 2011
A Mother Kills Her 3-Year Old Believing Her Possessed
Demon Possession and The Christian by C. Fred Dickason.Thorough treatment, offering excellent insight from a variety of sources as well as various points of view. Highly recommended. Sample chapters.
From Religion News Blog:
The woman was taken to a hospital for medical attention.
During her treatment, Pleitez said she stuck a rose down her daughter’s throat because God told her to, according to a police officer stationed at the hospital who reported overhearing a conversation between Pleitez and her translator.
She put the rose in her daughter’s throat because demons were inside the girl, according to the translation, the officer said. Pink roses and rose petals were found on the floor of the home’s living room, according to the police.
Pleitez’ son may also have been in danger.
Through the translator, Pleitez said she had “thought about fighting the demons out of both children and that at one point had a child in each arm.”
Some Stories on the Fogel Murders (CAUTION: Some of the linked stories are graphic)
Juan Williams vs Bill Maher on Islam (Bill O’Reilly)
Billy Madison~May God Have Mercy On Your Soul
~Its Not Because We Care About Children~(NEA)
NEA general counsel Bob Chanin explained it well in July 2009:
- It is not because we care about children, and it is not because we have a vision of a great public school for every child. NEA and its affiliates are effective advocates because we have power. And we have power because there are more than 3.2 million people who are willing to pay us hundreds of millions of dollars in dues …”
Willing? Dues payments aren’t voluntary in most instances. They get taken from the paychecks of teachers whether they support the NEA or not.
Some New Views of the Tsunami
An Engagement Brought To An End by Apache
He [the Apache] has the US Troops in view at the beginning — kinda cool:
Some more Footage from the Tsunami (Hawaii Footage Added)
More News Points To Failure
From Gateway Pundit
And… A third nuclear reactor lost its ability to cool today at the Fukushima Daiichi plant.
ABC reported:
A series of nuclear reactors continue to deteriorate in the wake of Japan’s devastating earthquake and tsunami, raising worries of a nuclear meltdown.
After two hydrogen explosions in three days at the Fukushima Daiichi plant, a third reactor has lost its ability to cool. Officials are increasingly concerned about unit 2 at the plant.
The fuel rods on unit 2 were fully exposed for a period of time, a dangerous development in the effort to stop the reactor from melting down. Workers are frantically pouring sea water over the rods, officials from the Tokyo Electric Power Company said.
“They continue to work hard to raise the water level to cover the fuel. Let’s pray again,” Tatsujiro Suzuki, Vice Chairman of Japan’s Atomic Energy Commission, posted on Facebook today.
UPDATE: Japanese officials said the rods are most likely melting inside the reactors.
Breitbart reported:
Japanese officials say the nuclear fuel rods appear to be melting inside all three of the most troubled nuclear reactors.
Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano said Monday: “Although we cannot directly check it, it’s highly likely happening.”
A second explosion rocked Japan’s seaside Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear complex today
A second explosion rocked Japan’s seaside Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear complex today, this time destroying an outer building at unit 3. But officials asserted that the essential containment structures of the 37-year-old reactor survived intact.