Year: 2011
(For All The Skate Grommets Out There) Darrius Biggs accident FULL VIDEO and medical result
Concussion and 5 fractured vertbra
Another Tsunami Video from the Japanes Earthquake-View from Inside Car
(From a New Zealand reader) I do not know if this guy lived/died… but he did drive down from a hill, which was unfortunate.
Of Mistresses and Mattresses-Larry Elder Takes A Call on Taxes and Rich People
Rich People and Mistresses from Papa Giorgio on Vimeo.
Honest and Ernest Debate on Ceilings and Cuts (All Star Panel & Panel Plus)
High Rise Infinity Pool
Thomas Sowell on Affordable Housing Myths/Mantras
Carts vs. Ferrari’s~Theology in the Fast Lane
A 9/11 Truthers Change of Heart~Language Warning (He Has Come A Long Way-Has a Bit More To Go [Anarchy and All])
Apparently his “conversion” has caused quite a ruckus in the truth movement. For more on this see my C-O-N-Debunker Page, or ask me a specific question.