Via Creeping Sharia:
Year: 2011
Are Al Sharpton & Chris Matthews Quoting the Gipper Correctly? (Larry Elder)
Are MSNBC hosts/guests quoting Reagan correctly? Or, are they taking him wildly out of context? Larry Elder breaks it down.
For more clear thinking like this from Larry Elder… I invite you to become an Eldorado:
The HAMMER Points Out the Obvious Bias
Jewish History 101
Early American School Textbooks~Rhymes
Whites the Main Terrorists Trying to Kill Americans~DHS Video Shows non-Reality of Our Current Battle
MSNBC,Al Sharpton,and Larry Elder
Highest Honors~Contessa Brewer Gets Owned
Mo graduated from Grissom High School in 1972 (where he was all-city in baseball and an active member on two state championship debate teams). Mo graduated from Duke University in three years with a double major in political science and economics, with highest honors in economics. In 1978, he graduated from the University of Alabama Law School. (Bio)
Canada to strip citizenship of 1800 people for fraud
I love the part on California! Stupid Pot-Heads