New Moon Photos Show Tracks of the Astronauts (Made In 1969), the American Flag, and Other Destinations

See Time Life’s Story on this:

TEMPE, Ariz. – The imaging system on board NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter has given us the sharpest images ever taken from space of the Apollo 12, 14 and 17 sites, more clearly showing the paths made when the astronauts explored these areas.

The higher resolution of these images is possible because of adjustments made to LRO’s elliptical orbit. On August 10 a special pair of stationkeeping maneuvers were performed in place of the standard maneuvers, lowering LRO from its usual altitude of 50 kilometers (about 31 miles) to an altitude that dipped as low as 21 kilometers (nearly 13 miles) as it passed over the Moon’s surface.

“The new low-altitude Narrow Angle Camera images sharpen our view of the Moon’s surface,” says Mark Robinson, the Principal Investigator for LROC and professor in the School of Earth and Space Exploration in ASU’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. The LROC imaging system consists of two Narrow Angle Cameras (NACs) to provide high-resolution images, and a Wide Angle Camera (WAC) to provide 100-meter resolution images in seven color bands over a 57-km swath.

“A great example is the sharpness of the rover tracks at the Apollo 17 site,” Robinson says. “In previous images the rover tracks were visible, but now they are sharp parallel lines on the surface!”

The maneuvers were carefully designed so that the lowest altitudes occurred over some of the Apollo landing sites.

At the Apollo 17 site, the tracks laid down by the lunar rover are clearly visible, along with distinct trails left in the Moon’s thin soil when the astronauts exited the lunar modules and explored on foot. In the Apollo 17 image, the foot trails—including the last path made on the Moon by humans—are more easily distinguished from the dual tracks left by the lunar rover, which remains parked east of the lander.

At each site, trails also run to the west of the landers, where the astronauts placed the Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package (ALSEP), providing the first insights into the Moon’s internal structure and first measurements of its surface pressure and the composition of its atmosphere.

One of the details that shows up is a bright L-shape in the Apollo 12 image marking the locations of cables running from ALSEP’s central station to two of its instruments. Though the cables are much too small to be resolved, they show up because the material they are made from reflects light very well and thus stand out against the dark lunar soil.

The spacecraft has remained in this orbit for 28 days, long enough for the Moon to completely rotate underneath, thus also allowing full coverage of the surface by LROC’s Wide Angle Camera. This low-orbit cycle ends today when the spacecraft will be returned to the 50-kilometer orbit.

Saudi Flag Above American at Colorado Public School?

This is with thanks to:

A Saudi flag has been placed above the American flag for some time in a Colorado Public School. Here is the photo, is it just some students “f’in” around or is it the teacher?

(Photo linked to Creeping Sharia’s story on it)

Per Greeley:

A Greeley Report reader recently snapped a photo during the opening days of school at Bauder Elementary in Ft. Collins, Colorado.  The lobby of the school is shown displaying two flags, side-by-side.  The U.S. flag was drooping, and another flag was elevated above it.  What is that flag?  According to the reader, it was the flag…of Saudi Arabia!  This is an outrage!  Their flag is placed above the U.S.  (See the photo below for proof.)  It shouldn’t even be on equal footing, on sovereign American soil.  But this shows how the indoctrination process continues without your consent or knowledge.

Ft. Collins has a growing muslim population.  They want to build one of the largest mosques in the West in this region, and undoubtedly have the support of the Saudi government in their endeavors (either covertly or overtly).  So they have to tell us that radical extremists are “nice people.”  They need to “educate us as to their nice culture.”  It’s bad enough that some of the idiot churches in the area are buying into the garbage.  Now some of the schools are, too.

Call Poudre Schools and complain.  Spread the word.  The 9.11 mosque in New York is only one of their advancing fronts.  Your neighborhood school is next.  Creeping sharia intends to control your life and the lives of your children.  Will we be a Judeo-Christian nation or will we be islamic?  You decide.


Greeley Report broke the story last week that Bauder Elementary in Ft. Collins was flying the Saudi Arabian flag with the U.S. flag in a subservient position.  Poudre Schools states this has been fixed, but refuses to provide photo verification.  Furthermore, they refuse to answer questions about how the flag got into this position despite their allegations in the Greeley Gazette article with Jack Minor (link here) that the flag was placed in this position before the school was opened to the public.  Which administrator or staff member made the U.S. flag bow?

One comment to a previous story alluded to the fact that the Saudi Flag ascribes the highest honor to Allah, the Islamic God.  This is both a national and a religious issue.  Also not shown in the photo is the sword on the Saudi flag.  How are these issues being handled?  How are the children in this multicultural school being taught about the national sovereignty of the United States and the daily pledge of allegiance to it’s flag?

Other organizations are now getting wind of the photo and the lack of answers provided by Poudre Schools.  Is the flag still there?  We don’t know, because they will not provide the evidence or the answers.

CERN Confirms Danish Theory on Global Warming ~ Ezra Levant

Some posts from a debate I had via FaceBook:

Firstly, whether it is getting warmer or cooler is a different question from whether man is a cause of this “climate change”.

Secondly, why do you say Fox News? They merely report what other news sites report. You seem to encapsulate your question with a bias I reject offhand:

❖ A NASA scientist says this will be the last year of heat: The upshot is chilling: “If we are right, this could be the last solar maximum we’ll see for a few decades,” Hill states. “That would affect everything from space exploration to Earth’s climate.” (Old link dead, new one added:; Also: So Fox news is just reporting what MSNBC and CNN will not… differing views on which way the climate will go over the next decade.

(See more examples in regular media):


You also have to realize what drives these reports of record heat. How are they recorded? Have you ever asked in what way these heat and cool waves are recorded? Or do you just accept as true — without question — what people tell you? I want you to read the following two posts on the matter (one is on my old blog), and ask yourself how this new information changes your view and why satellite data is superior.


Another post:

Firstly, I isolated a small part of a video you may enjoy… the info in it correlates with the info below (

I know it’s tough to move with science as it evolves. But almost all researchers know Co2 doesn’t drive climate… and that the real debate is in the warming or cooling causing a greater effect on cloud cover, which will cause the catastrophic pictures a middle-school kid is brainwashed with via Al Gore. I cut and uploaded portions of an old interview so we can both talk to each other. The first audio has to do with the question of whether the earth is getting warmer or cooler ( You must get out of the myopic view you are used to seeing and look at a larger graph of temperature change (

The second has to do with how little C02 affects warming, and what and where the real debate is over, clouds (

As the study and understanding of what drives this mysterious global phenomenon [clouds], and new studies are showing that the sun may be driving them as well (

A final post:

✦ “What an interesting view you have on this subject Sean. I’m not sure how you have found a way to convince yourself that carbon dioxide is not related to temperature, but i would like to offer you an objective, non blog, non bias, and factual link. Are you ready for it?” (quoting Nick)

Well, just so your readers know, in that last post [above] there are links to ~ if you follow them: the second link is audio is Roy Spencer (bio already given below). The third is just a graph of temperature of 2500 years. The fourth is Roy Spencer again. The fifth references a scientific journal. The sixth is a NASA article. The seventh is a NASA filming of the sun. And in the first video link (the actual video that shows up in that last post) there are these people involved:

• Syun-Ichi Akasofu – Professor and Director, International Arctic Research Center
• Tim Ball – Head of the Natural Resources Stewardship Project (Misidentified in the film as Professor from the Department of Climatology, University of Winnipeg. Ball left his faculty position in the Department of Geography in 1996; the University of Winnipeg has never had a Department of Climatology.)
• Nigel Calder – Former Editor, New Scientist from 1962 to 1966
John Christy – Professor, Department of Atmospheric Science, University of Alabama in Huntsville and a Lead Author of Chapter 2 of the IPCC Third Assessment Report (Credited in the film as ‘Lead Author, IPCC’)
• Ian Clark – Professor, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Ottawa
• Piers Corbyn – Weather Forecaster, Weather Action
• Paul Driessen – Author: Eco-Imperialism: Green Power, Black Death
• Eigil Friis-Christensen – Director, Danish National Space Center and Adjunct Professor, University of Copenhagen (who has since criticised the programme for fabricating data and not fully explaining his position on 20th century global warming).
• Nigel Lawson – Former UK Chancellor of the Exchequer
• Richard Lindzen – Professor, Department of Meteorology, M.I.T.
• Patrick Michaels – Research Professor, Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Virginia
• Patrick Moore – Co-founder, Greenpeace
• Paul Reiter – Professor, Department of Medical Entomology, Pasteur Institute, Paris
• Nir Shaviv – Professor, Institute of Physics, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
• James Shikwati – Economist, Author, and CEO of The African Executive
• Frederick Singer – Professor Emeritus, Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Virginia (Misidentified in the film as Former Director, U.S. National Weather Service. From 1962–64 he was Director of the National Weather Satellite Service.)[citation needed]
• Roy W. Spencer is a climatologist and a Principal Research Scientist for the University of Alabama in Huntsville, as well as the U.S. Science Team Leader for the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer (AMSR-E) on NASA’s Aqua satellite. He has served as senior scientist for climate studies at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama. He is known for his satellite-based temperature monitoring work, for which he was awarded the American Meteorological Society’s Special Award. Spencer’s research suggests that global warming is mostly natural, and that the climate system is quite insensitive to humanity’s greenhouse gas emissions and aerosol pollution and suggests that natural, chaotic variations in low cloud cover may account for most observed warming. (
• Philip Stott – Professor Emeritus, Department of Biogeography, University of London
• Carl Wunsch – Professor, Department of Oceanography, M.I.T. (who has since repudiated the programme)

So I will restate more clearly: C02 follows temperature change… it doesn’t lead it. That big giant ball-o’-flame in the sky has much more to do with climate change than Exxon… who has less impact on the enviro than volcanic activity (mankind that is).

I give evidence for history being hotter in the past than it is today by substantial degrees in a post that links to my blog. Since there are links out embedded in the below [at my blog], I give the link so you can follow them out from there if you wish… because they do not appear below:

(1) Mars (Uncommon Descent h/t) has had a bout of global warming… last I checked Exxon doesn’t drill there;

(2) In the 8th century AD, the Roman Empire grew grapes used for wine on the slopes of Salisbury Plain (about 80 miles southwest of London) in the United Kingdom;

(3) The Vikings raiding and traveling the seas was made possible by the now frozen “Greenland”actually living up to its name;

(4) NASA‘s “fact” that 1998 was the warmest year (used by Al Gore) was disproved by an amateur mathematician;

(5) In 1970′s, at the first Earth Day rally, scientists, meteorologists and politicians all pushed a theory that there was Global Cooling (Time magazine for instance). While this theory wasn’t as embedded in popular thinking and scientific literature as is global warming, it was still the dominant theory of that time;

(6) There is more ice now that 29-years ago; Antarctic sea ice more than in 1979;

(7) In the 1500′s till the late 1800′s passages that are now iced over allowed for what is termed as the Northwest Passage… Exxon or cars weren’t around then?

❖ “If you are like me and bit foggy on the Northwest Passage, here is a five cent refresher. The British coined the term Northwest Passage for the potential northern oceanic pass that would allow vessels to move between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. The earliest explorations for the fabled passage were by Cortes in 1539. The late 1500′s were marked by British explorers, Martin Frobisher, Humphrey Gilbert, and John Davis. Several expeditions followed, all with little success of finding the passage but tempered by the acquisition of new lands. Some attempts lead to deaths of entire crews. Notable of these is the Sir John Franklin expedition in which all of the crew members were lost to starvation, scurvy, cannibalism, and lead poisoning from food sealed in tins. The first to transverse the Northwest Passage was Sir Robert McClure using a combination of both sledge and ship. Ironically this was done during the search for Franklin’s team in which McClure’s own ship became trapped in the ice for three winters. The passage was finally conquered entirely by sea by the Norwegian Amundsen in 1906.”

(9) Acid rain scares of the 1980′s were mostly unfounded and not man-caused;

(10) On the northern side of Mammoth (in California), there are tree-lines that were preserved by a volcanic eruption in A.D. 1350. In this preserved tree-line there were seven species of tree that grew well above the current tree-line in this mountainous range. The Earth would have to be 3.2 degrees warmer (Celsius) in order for these particular trees to grow in this higher altitude.

The above, believe it or not, actually is from one of my blogs on same-sex marriage and involved wine and beer filled discussion between friends at Halloween: “Same-Sex Matters (Race and Gender in Marriage)”:

Excerpts of Hoffa Jr. Remarks Before Obama’s Detroit Speech ~ Violent Sermon to Union Workers with Stamp of Approval by Obama

The Daily Caller notes Herman Cain’s response to this Union boss’s threats:

Presidential candidate Herman Cain struck back Monday against abrasive comments made by Teamsters union President Jimmy Hoffa, Jr. attacking the tea party and congressional Republicans at a Labor Day event in which President Obama later delivered a speech.

Appearing on Fox News Channel, Cain said the reason Hoffa and others resort to vitriolic rhetoric to bash conservatives is because “they have no plan, they have no ideas.”

“The one reason the president and his administration don’t have an idea that’s going to work is they keep forgetting the business sector is the engine that drives growth,” Cain said.

“He [Obama] is offering the same old stuff so all he and others can resort to is name calling,” Cain continued. “That’s all they have to intimidate folks. When he mentioned about working people, tea party people work, too. The fact that the president made his remarks and didn’t offer one constructive idea about how he’s going the get this economy going and the reason is simple. He doesn’t have any. Zero job growth [in August] and I’m looking Thursday for another zero in that speech that he’s going to give.”

Hoffa Jr. said during his speech that unions need to fight a “war” against tea partiers and congressional Republicans.

“President Obama, this is your army,” he declared. “We are ready to march. Let’s take these sons of bitches out and take America back to where America we belong.”

Though Obama wasn’t present when Hoffa Jr. made his incendiary remarks,….

…however, he later praised them! So much for Obama creating an air of bipartisanship and communal attitude for the betterment of our country.