Year: 2011
Slick Willy’s (President Bill Clinton) Speech for Flight 93 Memorial Dedication
Dubya`s (President George W. Bush) Speech for Flight 93 Memorial Dedication ~ I Am Proud He Was our President During This Time
Lieutenant Heather `Lucky` Penney: A Story of Just How Dedicated Our Men and Women In Uniform Are
God’s Crime Scene ~ By J. Warner Wallace (Serious Saturday)
From Please Convince Me’s Stellar Works
God’s Crime Scene 1 – Possible vs. Reasonable
God‘s Crime Scene 2 – Abductive Reasoning
God’s Crime Scene 3 – Objective vs. Subjective Truth
The BBC Interviews Tony Blair ~ In an `Unbiased,` `Middle-of-the-Road` Manner
Sarcastically said from the video description:
The former PM is interviewed in traditional unbiased BBC style with impartiality and good manners.