Pelosi Worse Speaker EVA!

Gateway Pundit brings in the idea (well, pretty much provable fact) that Pelosi is the worst speaker eva!

…During Pelosi’s first year as Speaker in 2007 the deficit was $160 billion. The national deficit last year reached a all-time record of $1.4 Trillion after the failed stimulus and record spending by the democrats. This was more than eight times larger than what it was when Pelosi and democrats took over in 2007. The deficit will come close this year to matching last year’s record.

No wonder these radicals are not running on their record!

And if that is not bad enough… The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office predicted earlier this year that Obama’s budget plans would generate deficits over the upcoming decade that would total $9.8 trillion

Little Control In Somalia

Somalia is a wreck! There have been U.S. Troops (not regular infantry) sent over to Africa for a few years now. I imagine that there are some Spec-Op missions and Recon missions going on, not only is Somalia but in other countries that are having Islamo-Nazi issues. Here is some input from Foreign Policy magazine:

Imagine if the U.S. government only controlled a few blocks on either side of the White House, or if French troops securing the Élysée Palace were afraid to march down the Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré. It’s a good bet your government is in trouble when it doesn’t even control the district where the presidential palace is located. Welcome to Somalia. In the capital city of Mogadishu, the government is literally fighting for its life.

We all know the story: Somalia is the world’s biggest no-go zone. The country’s internationally supported government wouldn’t last through the night were it not for a 7,000-strong African Union peacekeeping force that protects them, and civilian toll of the last two decades of conflict been catastrophic — a quarter of the population has been uprooted by violence. In recent months, the story has gotten even worse thanks to two main Islamist militia groups, al-Shabab and Hizbul al-Islam, which control much of the country. Al Shabab professes allegiance to al Qaeda and should not be taken lightly: The group claimed responsibility for bombing two Ugandan restaurants packed with spectators watching the World Cup this summer.

The two main insurgent groups are intent on taking the capital (and as a second priority, each other). A Ramadan offensive by al-Shabab left 31 members of parliament dead. Then, on Sept. 20, a suicide bomber tried to attack the presidential palace, though he killed only himself. Three days later, street battles in the city’s south (it’s unclear where, exactly) left two dozen dead as insurgents attempted to gain control of strategic roads. No wonder every article about Somalia these days likes to trumpet the supposed fact that government forces control no more than a few blocks of the capital city.

In fact, the government controls a bit more than a few blocks — 37.5 percent of Mogadishu, according to the United Nations. That’s six city districts, or approximately 8 square miles (for comparison, Washington, D.C., is 61.4 square miles). Insurgents control another 31.25 percent, or five districts, and a final 31.25 percent of Mogadishu is considered “disputed” territory….

…(read more)…

Jihad Watch notes ther radio raids there for use in propaganda:

…The weekend’s raids bring the number of radio stations seized by militants in Mogadishu this year to five. Less than a month ago, al-Shabaab militants seized another privately-owned Mogadishu station, Radio Holy Quran (IQK), according to NUSOJ. The group said IQK also received a letter from the militants before the raid.

Earlier this year, al-Shabaab and Hizbul al-Islam ordered radio stations in the Somali capital to stop playing music. HornAfrik was one of three stations that defied that ban….

…(Don’t touch that dial: Jihadis raid radio stations in Somalia)…

….It is, of course, in the jihadists’ interest to suppress even this basic information, or allow it only selectively. Besides, a terrified, demoralized, exhausted population is more inclined to submit.

The journalists from GBC, which was popular for its broadcasts of international football matches, said they had been ordered to refer to the government as “apostate”.

The “apostate” government is therefore, according to Islamic law and Muhammad’s own instructions, lawful for slaughter…

…(Somalia: Radio staff walk out over jihadist demands)…

Obama Drivel!

From Gateway Pundit:

In 2007- Barack Obama said that genocide was preferable to keeping US troops in Iraq to secure the peace.

In 2008- Barack Obama “hid behind the bushes” when Russian tanks plowed through Georgia.

In 2009- When freedom activists cried out for Barack Obama, he sat on his hands as Iranian democracy protesters were gunned down by regime thugs on rooftops.

…(read more)…

Who Are the Muslim Brotherhood?

Stakelback on Terror:

Segment 1: The Brotherhood’s History (top of the show)
Segment 2: The Brotherhood’s American Network (5:52 into the show)
Segment 3: The Brotherhood on Campus and Beyond (11:22 into the show)
Segment 4: The Brotherhood: An Insurgency with Nazi Ties (17:22 into the show)
Segment 5: The Brotherhood’s Leading American Front Group: CAIR  (22:20 into the show)

Video Shows Taliban Stoning Woman To Death In Pakistan (Warning: Graphic)

According to available info on this video, it was shot recently in Upper Orakzai in Northwest Pakistan by the Taliban.

I am sure feminist groups want us “imperialists” out of Afghanistan (as I exemplify in my post entitled “The Left/Islamo-Nazis/Homosexuality/Womens Rights/and Contradictions“).

CAUTION, GRAPHIC! There is an innocent human life lost here to Sharia law:


More People Watched Jon Scott On FOXNEWS Than Our President Speaking-The White House Must Be Writhing!

FoxNews continually trounce the competition. But this is just another slap in the face of the lame-stream media:

The ratings are in for Barack Obama’s televised town hall meeting on CNBC Monday, and they’re pretty dismal.

In fact, far more people watched the Fox News Channel’s “Happening Now” with Jon Scott and Jenna Lee airing at the same time than tuned in to see what the President had to say.


Chris Ariens of TVNewser reported the numbers Tuesday:

The hour drew 625,000 Total Viewers airing live at NoonET — more than 450,000 viewers behind #1 FNC (1.08M) in the hour, but ahead of CNN (436K) and MSNBC (217K). The re-air on MSNBC at 3pmET drew 369,000 viewers.

…(read more)…

If you notice the last paragraph/stat, even reruns of O’Reilly beat Maddow. Too funny! (Times are in eastern):


Morning programs (6:00AM-9:00AM) P2+ (25-54) (35-64)

  1. FOX & Friends- 892,000 viewers (284,000) (466,000)
  2. American Morning- 263,000 viewers (113,000) (157,000)
  3. Morning Joe- 394,000 viewers (121,000) (197,000)
  4. Squawk Box- 144,000 viewers (47,000) (83,000)
  5. Morning Express w/ Meade- 275,000 viewers (156,000) (182,000)

5PM – P2+ (25-54) (35-64)

  1. Glenn Beck – 2,195,000 viewers (524,000) (1,010,000)
  2. Situation Room—507,000 viewers (90,000) (163,000)
  3. Hardball w/ C. Matthews – 614,000 viewers (144,000) (287,000)
  4. Fast Money – 245,000 viewers (69,000) (127,000)
  5. Showbiz Tonight — 144,000 viewers (a scratch w/ 44,000) (56,000)

6PM – P2+ (25-54) (35-64)

  1. Special Report w/ Bret Baier – 2,086,000 viewers (370,000) (798,000)
  2. Situation Room—420,000 viewers (76,000) (146,000)
  3. Ed Show —751,000 viewers (203,000) (385,000)
  4. Mad Money — 141,000 viewers (a scratch w/ 50,000) (89,000)
  5. Prime News – 230,000 viewers (85,000) (126,000)

7PM – P2+ (25-54) (35-64)

  1. The Fox Report w/ Shep – 1,867,000 viewers (343,000) (754,000)
  2. John King USA – 338,000 viewers (102,000) (153,000)
  3. Hardball w/ C. Matthews – 710,000 viewers (228,000) (395,000)
  4. Kudlow Report– 201,000 viewers (a scratch w/42,000) (110,000)
  5. Issues – 325,000 viewers (125,000) (193,000)

8PM – P2+ (25-54) (35-64)

  1. The O’Reilly Factor– 2,856,000 viewers (660,000) (1,311,000)
  2. Rick’s List –365,000 viewers (140,000) (174,000)
  3. Countdown w/ K. Olbermann – 1,071,000 viewers (277,000) (559,000)
  4. Investing In America– 278,000 viewers (107,000) (157,000)
  5. Nancy Grace – 382,000 viewers (127,000) (187,000)

9 PM – P2+ (25-54) (35-64)

  1. Hannity– 1,860,000 viewers (457,000) (896,000)
  2. Larry King Live —564,000 viewers (173,000) (207,000)
  3. Rachel Maddow Show —914,000 viewers (278,000) (464,000)
  4. Bio: Rachel Ray –188,000 viewers (72,000) (110,000)
  5. Joy Behar – 289,000 viewers (56,000) (137,000)

10 PM P2+ (25-54) (35-64)

  1. On the Record w/ Greta—1,341,000 viewers (327,000) (611,000)
  2. Anderson Cooper 360 — 610,000 viewers (196,000) (260,000)
  3. Countdown w/ K. Olbermann – 689,000 viewers (231,000) (323,000)
  4. American Greed – 191,000 viewers (119,000) (136,000)
  5. Nancy Grace –280,000 viewers (117,000) (156,000)

11 PM P2+ (25-54) (35-64)

  1. The O’Reilly Factor– 1,114,000 viewers (342,000) (636,000)
  2. Anderson Cooper 360 – 390,000 viewers (146,000) (178,000)
  3. Rachel Maddow Show —439,000 viewers (158,000) (244,000)
  4. Mad Money – a scratch w/82,000 viewers (a scratch w/24,000) (a scratch w/45,000)
  5. Showbiz Tonight– 268,000 viewers (127,000) (170,000)

WHY the mass appeal of FOXNEWS? Here is one example, the 2008 elections: