Here is a story sure to make parents… most parents… mad. But mad enough to stop voting Democrat? I doubt it. You are digging your own graves. Here is the continuation of the above video via The Blaze (this story is related to intersectional feminism):
The mother of a Tampa, Florida, seventh-grader is speaking out after finding an assignment given to her 12-year-old daughter and other students in Spanish class at Monroe Junior High.
The form asked, “How much privilege do you have? Circle the boxes that apply to you.”
The categories on the form listed “Race,” “Skin Color,” “Religion,” “Sex,” “Gender,” “Sexual Orientation” and “Disability.”
The options under gender included, “cisgendered,” “transgendered” or “genderqueer.”
Moonbattery has this story of a 4-year old being kicked out of preschool because the parents were questioning the pro-gay/transgender materials:
To construct utopia, thought criminals associated with resistance to the LGBT agenda must be dealt with severely — even if they are only 4 years old:
A Colorado preschool has booted a 4-year-old after her parent’s questioned the administration about its curriculum promoting homosexuality and transgenderism.
R.B Sinclair told the Denver Post that she wanted her daughter excused from classroom discussions on sex and gender, because she sees it as sex education.
She feels her daughter is too young for the discussions offered at the Montview Community Preschool & Kindergarten in Denver. …
Sinclair says one day her daughter came home worried that her dad might no longer like girls.
She met with the principal over concerns about the books being read in class, including ones that told the stories about same-sex couples and worms unsure about their gender.
School officials from the privately run parent cooperative explained the stories were part of the school’s anti-bias curriculum, and because the discussions are sprinkled through the day’s activities, they told her that opting out was not possible.
No doubt. Even math class probably features full-throated endorsements of the homosexual lifestyle — always assuming that schools still have math class….

The Resurgent ends their excellent article on this thus:
And for all those parents whose children are in the Colorado public schools, you have been warned. Your teachers have been trained to advance the same agenda in a classroom near you.
I suppose that is not surprising since we know have satanist coloring books available for students in Colorado, thanks to spineless school officials who don’t know the difference between the most influential book in the history of the world and a coloring book that denies the existence of God while encouraging kids to color inside the lines.
Where, oh where, have all the adults gone?