The case for school choice is compelling. Parents want it. Children want it. So what is standing in the way? Thomas Sowell, Walter E Williams, Steve Perry, Carol Swain, Star Parker, Larry Elder, Jason Riley and Leo Terrell.
Steve Perry

Dr. Steve Perry Shakes It Up Over At MSNBC (Melissa Harris-Perry Beside Herself)
School Reformer, Author, and Principle-Dr. Steve Perry, Is Interviewed In Regards to the Chicago Teachers Strike
From video description:
Michael Medved interviews principle and author of, Push Has Come to Shove: Getting Our Kids the Education They Deserve–Even If It Means Picking a Fight, Dr. Steve Perry. (Posted by: Religio-Political Talk) Topics discussed are, what exactly the strike is over, some of the particulars in the matter, what true reform is, with of course the ineffable commentary by Medved. Jay Carney, White House Spokes-Person, even makes a cameo appearance.
For more clear thinking like this from Michael Medved… I invite you to visit: