INSIDE SOURCES has a great article regarding the possible bounce in the black community towards their home team, the GOP:
…The new Emerson poll puts Trump at 35 percent with black voters and 38 percent with Hispanics. “If you add in Asian voters at 28 percent approval,” notes Emerson’s director of polling Spencer Kimball, “our number is very close to the new Marist poll,” which finds Trump’s approval at 33 percent among non-white voters. A recent RasmussenReports poll has Trump support among black voters at 34 percent, and even the new CNN poll has Trump’s approval among non-white voters at 26 percent.
- New Emerson poll: 35% (Black) Hispanic (38%) Asian (28%)
- Marist poll: 33% (non-white voters)
- Rasmussen Reports: 34% (Black)
- CNN poll: 26% (non-white voters)
…There was a considerable buzz when the Rasmussen poll showed 34 percent support for President Trump amid black ‘likely voters’…. but the political media dismissed it. Then came a more recent Emerson University poll showing 34.5% support from black voters. With two polls showing a very similar result it was less likely to be an outlier…. But again, the political media dismissed them both.
However, a third poll, this time from NPR/PBS and Marist, confirms the prior two almost identically. The latest Marist Poll shows 33% non-white support for President Trump…
“Trump clearly thinks he should be improving on the 8 percent vote among blacks he received three years ago,” writes Gallup’s senior scientist Frank Newport. “Based on what we see so far in terms of black ratings of the job Trump is doing as president, currently at 10 percent, I don’t see a high probability of that happening.”
And it may not. But the non-traditional nature of the Trump presidency combined with his overt efforts to engage black voters means Democrats may have to change their math. From Kanye West’s Oval Office photo op to the campaign’s “Black Voices for Trump” coalition to a focus on historically black colleges and universities, Donald Trump is reaching out to African-American voters more aggressively than any Republican president in recent years.
Meanwhile, some black activists are stepping up, too. African-American conservatives Autry Pruitt and James Golden — better known as Rush Limbaugh’s senior producer ‘Bo Snerdly’ — just launched a new website, MAGA.BLACK, with the self-declared mission to “Make Black Americans Republican Again.”
Golden, aka ‘Snerdley,’ told InsideSources that Democrats aren’t having a conversation that’s connecting with black voters. “My mother is a die-hard Democrat, and even she is sick of the Democrats’ impeachment efforts. She’s not paying any attention to it. She recently told me her party should stop picking on Trump and let the man do his job.”
Democrats may be right about talk of 30 percent of black voters backing Trump being unrealistic. But if Trump gets half that support, his re-election would be all but assured. According to research reported by the Washington Post, Trump’s 2016 win was aided in part by a national drop in black turnout of just 4.7 points from 2012. In the swing states, black turnout fell a modest 5.3 percent.
Are black voters who stayed home rather than back Hillary Clinton really going to turn out for a Pete Buttigieg or Liz Warren? If low unemployment and investment in education convince just 5 percent of black voters to cast their first GOP ballot, or (more likely) stay home, how do Democrats make up for those lost votes in Detroit, Philadelphia, Charlotte and Jacksonville?
Critics at CNN can mock Trump’s high-profile black supporters like Kanye, but Golden believes that’s a mistake. “Kanye isn’t alone. There are more African Americans speaking out now than at any other time I remember.”
Maybe just enough to re-elect Donald Trump….

DIAMOND and SILK do discuss the ZOGBY “cold water” on the above when they quote the following:
In all cases, while black support for Trump dropped when an alternative was offered, it was higher than the 8% he received in 2016 and maybe enough to push him across the finish line first in 2020.
Against Joe Biden, Trump receives 12% of the black vote. Against Sen. Bernie Sanders, it was 14%. And against Sen. Elizabeth Warren, it was 17%.
Those levels are the best for a GOP president or presidential candidate since 1968.
While he had a 5% margin of error, Zogby said the trend is clear. “If Trump is able to up his numbers over 10% or near 15%, and with a lower turnout among African Americans because they are not excited by the field of candidates or turned off by D.C., Trump could really benefit from this scenario in the 2020 general election,” he told us.
Them: take off your MAGA hat!
Me: okay
— Bryson Gray (@SuriusVsVodka) December 22, 2019
What this brings to mind however, if the total lack of business sense the Democrats exhibit. To wit, “The Sage” is still on the money!
- I add video to what Larry can only sample audio of (obviously because of the medium). I also add a long interview at the end with BET Founder Bob Johnson, who praised President Trump at a White House for his 401(k) Auto Portability Program. Also added is video of Democrat Bill Lockyer scolding fellow Democrats about their JUNK SPENDING. Great “Sage” commentary. ENJOY!
Here is some more COMMON SENSE news regarding the black community and their bottom line:
According to the website Black Enterprise which has a readership of African-American business people and entrepreneurs:
The Black Voices for Trump coalition launch is kicking off Nov. 8 with a 3 p.m. rally at the Georgia World Congress Center. During the rally, Trump is expected to address the black unemployment rate and highlight a program in the Republicans’ 2017 tax-cut legislation that encourages investors to put money into underserved communities.
“Black Americans have never had a better champion than President Trump,” Katrina Pierson, senior advisor at Donald J. Trump for President Inc., wrote in a statement emailed to Newsweek. “The Black Voices for Trump coalition will be a national effort to mobilize and empower Black Americans who support President Trump to help get the message of ‘Promises Made, Promises Kept’ into communities across America.”
She added, “Under President Trump, unemployment for African Americans has reached historic lows and nearly 1.4 million new jobs have been added for African Americans. Black Americans’ strong support for President Trump will ensure a second term for the President.”