Kevin & Bean

Arnold Swartzenegger’s 79,000 Calorie Sandwich (Kevin & Bean)
Kevin & Bean talk to Harley Morenstein from Epic Meal Time about cooking with Arnold Swartzenegger. Funny interview, small portion of video included.
(LA Times) An almost 80,000-calorie sandwich made by Arnold Schwarzenegger? We must be talking about Epic Meal Time, the popular YouTube show with the sole mission of making the most epic meals ever.
The Governator teamed up with the show’s Harley Morenstein to create what they’re calling the steak and egger sandwich. And the best part? They cook parts of the sandwich on Schwarzenegger’s M47 Patton tank.
Yes, it’s an actual tank, with Schwarzenegger’s name written across the side.
“What more do you want, Internet?” asks Morenstein in the video.
The two men layer slices of cheese, a loaf of baked ground meat, bacon and ostrich eggs on two giant buns.
“This section alone will build huge biceps,” says Schwarzenegger, pointing out different areas of the sandwich. “This section here, the calves.”
Before putting on the top bun, Schwarzenegger does some push-ups on top of the sandwich. So we can now add “The Terminator” star’s sweat to the list of growing ingredients.
According to an Epic Meal Time calorie counter in the video, the sandwich contains 78,583 calories and 4,172 grams of fat.
And would you believe us if we told you this monster sandwich is really for the kids? Schwarzenegger and Morenstein are using the sandwich video to promote the charity After-School All-Stars that creates after-school programs for kids. You can donate $10 for a chance to make a meal and video with Schwarzenegger and Morenstein, then ride with the two in his tank.
Kevin & Bean Highlite Two Stories of People `Coming Out`
I wanted to share something I heard on KROQ — Kevin & Bean — yesterday that made me want to post it here. I include the intro to the segment where Kevin, Bean, and Lisa May talk about one woman “coming out” to her parents (cute), and another story of a man telling how he broke the news to his mom (funny!). While I do not support the normalization of the gay lifestyle — balance is required because these are real people we are speaking about and they need grace just like we do.