Yes, The Left Thinks Lawns Are Racist

To “get this post” and to understand the comment by THE PEOPLE’S CUBE (PC), one has to do some reading.

Here is the idea behind PC’s quip ~ New York Times: Lawns Are Symbols of Racism and Bad for Global Warming (Breitbart):

While most Americans are spending time this summer enjoying the sun in the comfort of their houses’ yards, the New York Times is out with a new exposé on how lawn care is problematic, once viewed through the lens of social justice.

Lawns are contributing to pollution and climate change, asserts narrator David Botti, and their origins are far from woke, in a seven-minute video on the history of American lawns.

Botti says lawns are part of the “colonizing of America,” which transformed the landscape from “pristine wilderness” to “identical rows of manicured nature.”

“These lawns come on the backs of slaves,” he continues, zooming in on a painting of George Washington in a field to highlight men cutting the grass with scythes. “It’s grueling, endless work.”

“By the 1870s we also see American culture slowly start to embrace lawns for the privileged masses,” he states. …

The Times also refers to the work of historian Ted Steinberg, who calls lawns the “outdoor expression of ’50s conformism.”

Jerry Thornton over at BARSTOOL SPORTS takes the above to an awesome conclusion:

  • I used to just blame the white supremacists, the neo-Nazis and the garden variety ignorant rednecks for creating division in our country. There was a time I believed the true polluters were the ones flying private jets, dumping plastics into the oceans and clear cutting rainforests. I no longer have that luxury thanks to the NY Times. They woke me to the fact it’s my fault. Me, George Washington, 1950s conformism, a couple of anonymous dead ladies who wanted to live near white people, the golf industry and Big Garden. We are to blame. Me and my Sears Craftsman push model with the autodrive feature are creating racial intolerance and melting the Antarctica permafrost, one blade of grass at a time. And I am sorry.

Jerry makes sure to post the Brothers [movie] scene… hilarious!

Now the the main event… a KAMALA WORD SALAD:

Here is my response to PC

In other words, in the current #WOKE or CRT (Critical Race Theory) understanding — Kamala is essentially calling those middle-class Americans “systemically racist.”


Also note that radical Islam got its philosophical start by Sayyid Qutb in part to hating the bourgeoisie “lawn status” of Americans:

See more here:

Why “Ron Paul Types” are Wrong About Foreign Policy and Islam