My Honest Opinion About “2,000 Mules.” – We’re Screwed!
Jason Siler

Self-Incoherent Border Positions (Blue Collar Logic)
(MOONBATTERY h-t) The Democrat talking points that the urgently needed wall would be ineffective, immoral, unnecessary, and excessively expensive do not pass the laugh test.
(Ann Coulter) …The Democrats’ latest idea is to call a wall “immoral, ineffective and expensive.”
If they think a wall is “immoral,” then they’re admitting it’s effective. An ineffective wall would merely be a place for illegals to stop and get a little shade before continuing their march into the United States….
- MSNBC 2019: There’s No Border Crisis
- MSNBC 2017: One of Most Serious Crisis in America Is Drugs Smuggled over Border
President Obama, thank you for your great support – I have been saying this all along!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 10, 2019
BTW, just so Jim Acosta knows… an hour away from the video Acosta made, in an unwalled border town in the rio grande valley, a pile of dead bodies was found (BIG LEAGUE POLITICS)