New Tsunami and aftershock Footage with a Connection Of Sorts

I posted the second video (below this first one) yesterday. As this new footage of this Tsunami filter out I noticed something. The second video is take from atop a large building and it films a second building next to it that also survives the water. At one point a grain silo or water tower is videos floating in the water. In this first video you can see these two buildings across the bay and the silo thingy floating by in the distance. I know this is dumb, but it connects the views for the watchers. There is a couple new videos added as well.

More News Points To Failure

From Gateway Pundit

And… A third nuclear reactor lost its ability to cool today at the Fukushima Daiichi plant.
ABC reported:

A series of nuclear reactors continue to deteriorate in the wake of Japan’s devastating earthquake and tsunami, raising worries of a nuclear meltdown.

After two hydrogen explosions in three days at the Fukushima Daiichi plant, a third reactor has lost its ability to cool. Officials are increasingly concerned about unit 2 at the plant.

The fuel rods on unit 2 were fully exposed for a period of time, a dangerous development in the effort to stop the reactor from melting down. Workers are frantically pouring sea water over the rods, officials from the Tokyo Electric Power Company said.

“They continue to work hard to raise the water level to cover the fuel. Let’s pray again,” Tatsujiro Suzuki, Vice Chairman of Japan’s Atomic Energy Commission, posted on Facebook today.

UPDATE: Japanese officials said the rods are most likely melting inside the reactors.
Breitbart reported:

Japanese officials say the nuclear fuel rods appear to be melting inside all three of the most troubled nuclear reactors.

Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano said Monday: “Although we cannot directly check it, it’s highly likely happening.”