The French patriot group Generation Identitaire have produced this video of their recent “occupy” of the French Socialist Headquarters in Paris. GI unfurled a huge banner protesting Socialism. It took more than 20 minutes for the French cops to finally evict them from the top of the building. Most were arrested and detained, eventually released.
(Mali) French Army Finds SA-7 Surface-to-air Missile and Manual
In this March 29, 2013 photo provided by the French Army’s images division, ECPAD, a French soldier holds the launch tube of an SA-7 surface-to-air missile before its destruction in Timbuktu, northern Mali. The knowledge that the terrorists have the weapon has already changed the way the French are carrying out their five-month-old offensive in Mali. (AP Photo/ECPAD, Olivier Debes)
AP via The Blaze
TIMBUKTU, Mali (AP) — The photocopies of the manual lay in heaps on the floor, in stacks that scaled one wall, like Xeroxed, stapled handouts for a class.
Except that the students in this case were al-Qaida fighters in Mali. And the manual was a detailed guide, with diagrams and photographs, on how to use a weapon that particularly concerns the United States: A surface-to-air missile capable of taking down a commercial airplane.
The 26-page document in Arabic, recovered by The Associated Press in a building that had been occupied by al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb in Timbuktu, strongly suggests the group now possesses the SA-7 surface-to-air missile, known to the Pentagon as the Grail, according to terrorism specialists. And it confirms that the al-Qaida cell is actively training its fighters to use these weapons, also called man-portable air-defense systems, or MANPADS, which likely came from the arms depots of ex-Libyan strongman Col. Moammar Gadhafi.
“The existence of what apparently constitutes a ‘Dummies Guide to MANPADS’ is strong circumstantial evidence of al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb having the missiles,” said Atlantic Council analyst Peter Pham, a former adviser to the United States’ military command in Africa and an instructor to U.S. Special Forces. “Why else bother to write the guide if you don’t have the weapons? … If AQIM not only has the MANPADS, but also fighters who know how to use them effectively,” he added, “then the impact is significant, not only on the current conflict, but on security throughout North and West Africa, and possibly beyond.”
The United States was so worried about this particular weapon ending up in the hands of terrorists that the State Department set up a task force to track and destroy it as far back as 2006. In the spring of 2011, before the fighting in Tripoli had even stopped, a U.S. team flew to Libya to secure Gadhafi’s stockpile of thousands of heat-seeking, shoulder-fired missiles.
By the time they got there, many had already been looted.
`Let Them Eat Cake!` ~ France`s Unions and Competition
h/t, Every Day Reggie (via Ann Coulter)
From the New York Times:
PARIS — “How stupid do you think we are?”
With those choice words, and several more similar in tone, the chief executive of an American tire company touched off a furor in France on Wednesday as he responded to a government plea to take over a Goodyear factory slated for closing in northern France.
“I have visited the factory a couple of times,” Maurice Taylor Jr., the head of Titan International, wrote to the country’s industry minister, Arnaud Montebourg, in a letter published in French newspapers on Wednesday.
“The French work force gets paid high wages but works only three hours. They have one hour for their breaks and lunch, talk for three and work for three.”
“I told this to the French unions to their faces and they told me, ‘That’s the French way!’ ” added Mr. Taylor, a swaggering businessman who is nicknamed “the Grizz” by Wall Street analysts for his abrasive negotiating style.
His decidedly undiplomatic assessment quickly struck a nerve in France, where concerns about declining competitiveness and the divisive tax policies of President François Hollande’s government have led some economists to ask whether the nation is at risk of becoming the next sick man of Europe.
Mr. Montebourg, who is known for lashing out at French corporate bosses without hesitation, initially seemed at a loss for words on how to respond to the American charge.
“I do not want to harm French interests,” he said when asked about Mr. Taylor’s letter. Later, Mr. Montebourg released a letter to Mr. Taylor, calling the executive’s comments “extreme” and “insulting,” adding that they pointed to a “perfect ignorance” about France and its strengths, which continue to attract international investors.
French media outlets minced no words. “Incendiary!” “Insulting!” and “Scathing!” were just a few of the terms replayed on French newspaper Web sites and on the airwaves throughout the day. The French blogosphere lit up with hundreds of remarks condemning the “predatory” American corporate culture that Mr. Taylor seemed to represent; other commentators who ventured to admit that there might be something to Mr. Taylor’s observations were promptly bashed.
And from the Sydney Morning Herald:
….The communist-backed CGT union, France’s largest, strongly opposed a Titan takeover last year. Mr Montebourg had hoped to rekindle the company’s interest but admitted defeat this month.
”Sir, your letter says you want Titan to start a discussion,” Mr Taylor said. ”How stupid do you think we are? Titan is the one with the money and the talent to produce tyres. What does the crazy union have? It has the French government. The French farmer wants cheap tyres. He doesn’t care if those tyres come from China or India or if those tyres are subsidised.
”Titan is going to buy Chinese or Indian tyres, pay less than €1 ($1.30) an hour to workers and export all the tyres that France needs,” he said. ”In five years, Michelin won’t be producing tyres in France. You can keep your so-called workers.”
A 9/11 Truther Defaced One of Frances most famous paintings, Delaxroix`s `Liberty Leading the People`
93% of Muslims Voted for French Socialist President
Confirmed! 93% of Muslim voters, voted for Socialist Hollande
(Translation [by Eric Dondero]):
93% of Muslims have voted for Francois Holland A study released by the Institute for Surveys OpinionWay for the second round of elections finds a massive coalition of Muslims for the Socialist Party. It shows a rejection of Sarkozy-ism, but not all the parts of the values of the right, notably on the societal questions on homosexuality. The Muslims called for change, and they received it. According to a study of the electoral body by OpinionWay and Fidicuial for May 6 by Le Figaro, from 10,000 voters, 93% of the believers had slipped a Francois Hollande ballot in their envelopes. Only 7% of them voted for Nicolas Sarkozy.
We have been shouting at the top of our lungs for years here at Libertarian Republican about the growing alliance of socialists and Islamists. And now we have solid data from this French election. Islam does not, nor has it ever, been favorable to capitalism.
(Islamic flags were out in full display)
Walid Shoebat asks some pertenant questions:
✌ Wasn’t Hitler a socialist? After all, “Nazi” = National Socialist Party.
✌ Didn’t Hitler control France for a time?
✌ Didn’t the Muslims align with Hitler during WWII?
Religion of Peace Attacks Christians in France
The French Reject Same-Sex Marriage
(This is with thanks to Freepers) Weekend Libertarian notes some under reported news coming out of France:
Same-sex marriage (for now) is coming to the liberal-leaning state of New York. But in Europe, last month, traditional marriage received an even bigger victory, when France’s lower house of parliament rejected a bill that would have allowed homosexuals to marry. Or as the UMP lawmaker Michel Diefenbacher explained, “We are against homophobia but we do not want to alter the image and function of marriage in the collective subconscious.” And, so it was. Tradition prevailed.
But thanks to herd politics, a media silence ruled for one result, and a celebration was arranged for another. In all truth, unprofessional campaigning journalists were too emotional, siding with “marriage equality” activists over balance.*
My critical-thinking concerns run deeper than report stacking though, because as the social psychologist and sociologist, Gustave Le Bon, also known as the father of groupthink, understood, in-crowd psychology is a schizophrenic creature.
The group psychology is interesting here. And it reinforces my concerns: Good news for traditionalists is often no news. Good news for media-approved activists is the news. There are numerous examples. In an ideal world, journalists would step away from activists. Often they’re running with them.
As a critical-thinking European-Australian, I’m happy to provide reasons for my same-sex marriage opposition: psychological, sociological, political, secular, interfaith, historical, biological, and archaeological. But, one just needs to observe how the friends of the bourgeois “equality” movement treat critical-thinking groups.
There’s a reason why the French are fond of saying, “Ill-gotten gains seldom prosper.” While I feel gay marriage will destroy itself over the long-term, we have an obligation to demand professional journalism now for democracy, and for society’s collective subconscious.
Michael Medved Takes calls on the French Ban of Burqas (9-2010)
Some Discussion by Sociologist/Historin Alvin Schmidt on the Banning of Burqas in France (from 9-2010)
The French Ban On Burqas Went Into Affect on Monday (Disturbing Video-Caution)
PARIS, April 11 (Reuters) – France’s ban on full face veils, a first in Europe, went into force on Monday, exposing anyone who wears the Muslim niqab or burqa in public to fines of 150 euros ($216).
A Muslim property dealer, who is urging women to keep wearing the veil if they want to, has urged supporters to go to Notre Dame cathedral in central Paris for a silent prayer during the day, and is also offering to help people pay the fines.
France’s five-million-strong Muslim minority is Western Europe’s largest, but fewer than 2,000 women are believed actually to wear a full face veil.
Many Muslim leaders have said they support neither the veil nor the law banning it.
The timing is all the more sensitive after France’s ruling political party, President Nicolas Sarkozy’s UMP, called a debate on the place of Islam in France, a move that some say risked stigmatising a portion of the population.
Police received a guide last week to help implement the ban. It tells them not to remove veils by force. It also notes that the ban does not apply inside private cars but reminds policemen such cases can be dealt with under road safety rules.
Rachid Nekkaz, the man who called for the Notre Dame prayer, said in a webcast that he was putting a property worth around two million euros up for sale to help fund his campaign.
“I am calling on all free women who so wish, to wear the veil in the street and engage in civil disobedience,” he said.
French police arrested 59 people on Saturday who turned up for a banned protest over the veil ban, one of them on arrival in France from Britain, according to a police spokesman. (Writing by Brian Love; Editing by Jon Boyle)
Remember, often times the wearing of these Burqas is forced:
Muslims Threaten Police In France (plus: Pastor arrested for witnessing to Muslims updated)
One should see this same pattern in Germany… which caused German Chancellor Angela Merkel to say multiculturalism failed in Germany. Also from Creeping Sharia:
An update on this post, as sharia creeps in Kansas.
A pastor in Wichita, Kansas, heads to court today to defend himself against charges involving his efforts to witness for Christ outside a mosque.
Pastor Mark Holick says the incident in late August occurred as members of the Islamic Society of Wichita were marking the holy month of Ramadan. Police were called when Islamists witnessed Holick and 13 others handing out packets that included the Gospel of John, the Book of Romans in English and Arabic, and a DVD with testimonies of former Muslims who have converted to Christianity.
Holick claims he was basically ignored by the arresting officer. “I asked him, ‘What am I being charged with?’ — and he wouldn’t answer me,” the pastor tells OneNewsNow. “And I asked him a second time and I asked him a third time…and neither time would he even respond to me.”
Mark Holick (pastor, Spirit One Christian Ctr, Wichita)The Kansas pastor, who was ultimately charged with loitering and failure to disburse, is no stranger to controversy. In 2009 he won a $10,000 judgment after the City of Wichita admitted it had violated his civil rights when he was arrested for witnessing on a public city sidewalk during a homosexual event at a nearby park.
“It’s really good for Christians to see what has really happened to our court system,” he shares, “because if you haven’t gone through it before, you really have no idea what it has become. But I think it’s going to be good at trial, regardless of the verdict.”
Holick, pastor at Spirit One Christian Center, will defend himself today before the Sedgwick County Municipal Court.
This was a few days ago, we searched, but if anyone finds the verdict, let us know. via Pastor on trial for witnessing to Muslims (
Islamitization of France
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