Dennis Prager Interviews Proud Boys Leader, Enrique Tarrio

Dennis Prager interviews Enrique Tarrio, the co-founder of the Proud Boys. (BLUE COLLAR LOGIC has a good “origins” story of the Proud Boys):

It’s a lie they are white supremacists — one of the media’s ???? lies. THE WASHINGTON TIMES has a good article: “Black Professor Insists ‘Proud Boys Aren’t White Supremacists’ As Trump Takes Flak”.

  • “We’ve been called many names, but probably the most inaccurate name you can call us is white supremacists,” Tarrio said. (WESTERN JOURNAL)
  • 10% to 20% of Proud Boys activists are people of color…. “I’m a person of color, I’m a brown person, I’m chairman of the organization.” (WASHINGTON TIMES)
  • “Many people use us as political cannon fodder,” Tarrio said. “It’s right before the election. The country has been rioting for four-plus months, and it is left-wing anarchists that are going out and burning down cities, and liberal politicians, Democratic politicians, need a boogeyman.” (CHRISTIAN POST)