To read much more, see Jihad Watch’s article on this. Also, the Boston mosque is a terror bee-hive.
Boston Mosque

Expose: The Islamic Society of Boston Mosques
Via Creeping Sharia
The Islamic Society of Boston mosques have been home to 11 members, including the Tsarnayev brothers, who are either dead, in jail, or on the run due to terrorist activity. Extreme Muslim leaders in Boston have established a blueprint to radicalize and brainwash America’s kids to become fighters…and this pattern is being replicated in communities all across the country.

Islamic Society Of Boston Linked To ISIS & Muslim Brotherhood
This story — which isn’t too surprising for those that follow the “terror ties,” but R E A L L Y important for those that do not have the time or drive to follow such stuff. It comes from Gateway Pundit and deals with the Boston mosque:
So, one crackpot in a congregation. Who can blame the mosque?
But what about eight — including a prominent member of ISIS?
As it turns out, worshippers at the Islamic Society have included:
- Abdurahman Alamoudi, the mosque’s founder and first president who in 2004 was sentenced to 23 years in prison for plotting terrorism. In 2005, the Treasury Department issued a statement saying Alamoudi raised money for al Qaeda in the US.
- Aafia Siddiqui, an MIT scientist-turned-al Qaeda agent, who in 2010 was sentenced to 86 years in prison for planning a New York chemical attack. Known as “Lady al Qaeda,” she is related to 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheik Mohammed. ISIS has tried to trade her release for journalist hostages.
- Tarek Mehanna, who in 2012 got 17 years in prison for conspiring to use automatic weapons to murder shoppers in a suburban Boston mall.
- Yusuf al-Qaradawi, a mosque trustee and Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood leader banned from the US after issuing a fatwa that called for the killing of US soldiers.
- Jamal Badawi, another former trustee who in 2007 was named an unindicted co-conspirator in a plan to funnel more than $12 million to Palestinian suicide bombers.
- Now it can be revealed that another regular worshipper at the Islamic Society mosque was Ahmad Abousamra, who is now the top propagandist for ISIS.
The Islamic Society appears to be a “front Mosque” operation of the Muslim Brotherhood. They were also found to be funders of the Holy Land Foundation, a Hamas money laundering operation funneling cash to terrorists. (via Clarion Project)